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22.22% Terra Wolf

rescuing runaways

The next day

The Shannon's after waking up go to their designated jobs. Jim heads to the agriculture department, Elisabeth heads to her new job as a doctor and their children head to the orientation but along the way Josh ditches on partaking in the orientation.

When Jim arrives at the agriculture department they send him to do some weeding on the fence, which means hacking through arm thick vines growing through the 7 meter tall fence. He gets right on it, not wanting to cause trouble and get kicked out by the commander and finishes the work relatively quick. As he's doing this commander Taylor keeps tabs on him and is impressed by his endurance.

"So why'd you send him to the gardening club?" Scott asks Taylor, sitting on his couch while Taylor looks through binoculars on his podium.

"It's called agriculture department for gods sake and if you keep getting on my nerves you'll be joining them sooner than you think." He replies mildly annoyed, having formed a back and forth like bond with the teen.

"Haha, you know your precious fence would get a hell of an workout if I didn't do what I do. I'm the apex around here but how long do you think that'd last if I don't keep showing my presence." Scott tells him off handedly.

"Sir." His lieutenant says, knowing that the younger man is correct.

"Ah shut up and follow me." Taylor commands and leads him and the teen outside his hut.

Meanwhile Josh got himself a fruit to eat and meets Skye, a girl around his age who shows him around the camp a bit, mainly her home and introduces him to her friends.

When he follows Skye to her house Jim stumbles upon him and berates him for not being in orientation, but Josh blows him off, still hurt by Jim having gone to prison all that time.

When the two of them reach Skye's place she introduces them to the two teens already there.

"Hey guys, this is Josh he's new." Skye tells her companions.

"Welcome to Terra Nova I'm Tasha and that's Hunter." A tan girl replies while carrying some fruits outside.

"How's it going fresh." Hunter greets him, throwing Josh an orange.

"So far so good. Is this all your guys' place?" Josh replies catching the fruit.

"Yeah, us and one other. Max." Skye replies.

"And your parents?" Josh questions.

"Mine live a couple houses up that way." Hunter replies pointing in a direction.

"I mean you look like you're only sixteen how'd you get your own place?" Josh asks surprised.

"Yeah we are, but we have jobs." Tasha replies.

"Hey how was the office sweetheart?" Hunter jokes when another teen arrives, putting his bag away.

"We finished another hydro turbine. Who's the fresh?" He asks.

"I'm Josh." Josh introduces himself.

"I'm Max nice to meet you." Max replies before turning to his roommates.

"Man it's so hot, who's up for a little otg?" Max suggests.

"Yes." Skye agrees happily.

"On foot? No way." Tasha says.

"I still have the rover for repair duty this week." Hunter tells them.

"Alright, meet you in the usual spot?" Skye asks them, getting nods in return while she takes Josh with her.

While Josh is following Skye around camp and even follows her outside of the fence Jim meets up with his wife to check in how her day's going and catches her up on what happened with Josh.

The two of them quickly meet up with Skye's roommates again, who are waiting in a vehicle.

After driving through the jungle a while they reach a river and split up again with Skye and Josh jumping down a waterfall, which is a shortcut to their location. After Josh followed her she shows him the drawings decorating the rocks around this area and tell him that this area is off limits and he can't tell anyone that they've been there. She then leads him to their small camp where the four of them brew their own moonshine.

Meanwhile back at camp a sixer takes Elisabeth hostage, to get his guard to give him his gun after which he flees the hospital, looking for Taylor.

Jim sees him behaving suspiciously and follows his instinct, going after him.

Once the sixer sees Taylor, who's getting in a car with his men he walks faster and takes out his gun.

When Jim sees the weapons he takes off in a sprint, running towards the man and tackles him to the floor while Scott holds Taylor back, making the shot hit the wall behind him.

Taylor's men take the sixer into custody and Jim confronts Taylor about what's going on. Taylor takes Jim with him on a trip along with Scott, who has already gotten in the vehicle, checking something in the back.

"Hey Taylor, someone screwed up again. It's not here." Scott tells him.

"So? We can manage without it." Taylor replies.

"I wouldn't risk it, let's just hope it's in one of the others." Scott tells him and hops back out of the car, jumping onto the other military vehicles and looking through them for something.

"Heh, found it." Scott says grabbing a huge sword out of the car and carrying it over to theirs, securing it in the back.

"Why'd you need that thing? You have guns for gods sake." Jim asks shocked.

"You'll know once you see him in action." Taylor replies pointing at the teen who's basically replaced his son, who betrayed him and humanity.

The commander then drives the three of them outside to a vantage point and takes Jim on a hike, up a mountain while Scott only tells him "Been there done that, I'm going to take a nap."

"You can't build civilization in a day Shannon. And god knows we've had our fair share of setbacks." Taylor tells him.

"Like what?" Jim asks.

"That fella that tried to put a bullet in me? He's part of another settlement that split of from Terra Nova. Around here people call them sixers. They call them that because they all came through on the sixth pilgrimage." Taylor explains he then tells him a few more details on what happened before continuing to lead them to a vantage point overlooking Terra Nova. Once he shows Jim what Terra Nova looks like from their point he offers Jim a job in his security Team. After that the two of them see two armored vehicles drive towards Terra Nova. Taylor alerts his men at the basecamp and they hurry back to their vehicle, which which they hurry towards Terra Nova as well.

Jim, Taylor and Scott soon catch up to the enemy vehicles and drive alongside them while they shoot at something behind them.

"What are they shooting at?" Jim asks confused.

"Looks like I'm up." Scott says, patting Taylor's shoulder and hops into the back of their car while a huge Dinosaur appears through the foliage.

"What the hell is that?" Jim shouts at Taylor.

"Carnosaurs. I hate Carnosaurs." Taylor replies.

"Situation's changed. We've got Carno's out here. Get everyone inside now. We'll deal with the sixers later." Taylor orders over his radio.

"We're almost there but you've got to buy us some more time." One of his men informs him.

"That's my que." Scott says, releasing the constraints around the sword (AN: Think something along the line of Guts sword from Berserk)

Scott hops out of the car, landing on the ground in a crouch and shifts into his werewolf form, howling at the carnosaur, which was still chasing the cars which are already going through the still open gate.

"What the fuck?" Jim asks looking back and seeing Scott's transformed state with fangs, sideburns, enlongated ears and claws as well as red glowing eyes.

"You didn't know? He usually isn't shy about gloating about his condition." Taylor says.

"I just didn't think it was true I thought he was a nutjob." Jim replies.

"Well now you know. He isn't in fact. Aside from Washington there is no one I trust more than I do him." Taylor explains while they reach the other side of the gat which is now closing.

"Are you leaving him out there alone?" Jim shouts shocked.

"Believe me, the one in trouble right now is that thing." Taylor tells him, pointing at the huge dinosaur before focusing on the sixers which are now in their camp.

Meanwhile with Scott, after jumping out of the car and getting the carno's attention he eyes it hungrily, seizing it up to see if it's going to be a challenge."

"Heh, looks like this'll be another quick job as usual. Man and I really wanted to try out my new toy." Scott says with a huff, taking off a dufflebag he had with him and putting it aside.

"Scott then howls at the carnosaur, getting his enormous cleaver ready to fight and gets in a low stance, ready to jump up at the animal when it gets close but the carno is intimidated by his presence and instead tries to head for the camp only to get shot by the soundwave cannons ontop of the two towers.

The Carno screeches out in pain and tries to run away, past Scott and back into the jungle but Scott sees this and is hot on his heels, running after it at nearly inhuman speed, which are seemingly impossible while carrying such a huge blade.

In a matter of seconds Scott reaches the carno and jumps up, swinging at it's unsuspecting legs, taking one of the appendages right off at the joint making the carno come down with a loud bang and scream.

"Shut up would ya? My ears are sensitive." Scott yells angrily and runs around the on the floor lying carno, plunging his sword hilt deep into its neck, just behind it's skull killing it.

"Man, for such a huge guy you really are a disappointment, welp at least there'll be meat on today's menu." Scott scoffs, holding his blade at his side while it's dripping with blood. Looking back to the camp he sees the sixers in a standoff against Taylor and his men.

"Those fuckers." Scott curses and punches into the carno's open wound, getting his hand bloody and smears it over his face.

"Time to scare some sixers." Scott says to himself, grinning devilishly and runs towards camp, keeping up his transformation for extra incentive.

Meanwhile Taylor and Mira, the sixer leader negotiate a trade, which is the prisoner and medicine for a case full of meteoric iron, a precious metal.

"Heyy, Taylor what's the sitch? Got this handled or are there some heads in need of removing?" Scott shouts, now sitting atop of the gate.

"You still keep this freak around?" Mira asks him surprised.

"What can I say he grows on ya." Taylor replies.

"Stand down Scott." Taylor shouts and Scott hops off the gate, losing his transformation and goes over to a can of water, gathering some in his hands and cleaning his face of the blood.

"Too bad, and even after I made myself look pretty for our guests." Scott tells him with a dangerous smirk as he goes over to Taylor, patting his shoulder while staring down Mira.

After a second or two of them staring at each other while Taylor's men get some meds and the prisoner Scott breaks eye contact and shouts to the crew guarding the gate "Mind opening it up I forgot my luggage out there."

The soldiers look over to Taylor, who gives them a nod and Scott runs outside to get his dufflebag, checking if it's content is still intact.

"Ohh, you're alright. Wonderful." Scott says with an excited glint as he looks into his bag, examining the two blades in it. After getting his bag he runs back to camp and waits for the sixers to leave, telling Mira "Just so you know he's mine. Steal from me and you'll regret it." Taking out a crude looking knife and twirling it in between his fingers.

"Hey on another notice, seeing as you have this much iron I'm sure there is more where that came from, so I want to offer you my services in taking out certain pests for a generous amount of iron, just send an unarmed messenger or he'll lose his head when he gets in a mile radius of Terra Nova." Scott tells her.

After his talk with Mira Scott sees Jim bring his daughters back to their home while Taylor asked for Elisabeth's help in the infirmary.

"Hey Shannon, you got through it alright?" Scott asks the older man, jogging up to him while stabbing his sword in the ground near the entrance.

"I guess so, still I am impressed an concerned by your display out there." Jim replies.

"Aw shucks, you'll make me blush." Scott jokes.

"That wasn't a very nice dinosaur." Zoe says, walking hand in hand with her sister.

"That's true, but the upside is, because of him we can feed the whole camp for at least a few days." Scott tells her, easing up on his demeanor.

"Really?" Zoe asks excited about this.

"Yeah, piece of advice though, when you eat the meat cut it into small pieces, it's really hard to chew." Scott tells the girl.

"Anyways, thanks for the help." Jim thanks Scott, shaking his hand.

"Yeah well, just doing my job." Scott replies.

"Uhm Scott, why'd you look different when you were fighting the carno?" Maddy asks him shyly.

"You mean like this?" Scott asks shifting.

"Yeah." Maddy replies, looking at him astonished while Zoe looks at his ears interested.

"I told you I'm basically a werewolf." Scott replies while kneeling down so Zoe can touch his ear.

"Not so hard, not so hard." Scott says when Zoe pulls at it, thinking it might be a costume.

"Sorry." She apologizes while going over to her father who hefts her up and continues on his way home.

"No worries." Scott tells Zoe with a grin, making his fangs stick out.

"Hmm." Maddy mumbles to herself, kneeling down in front of Scott so she can see his changes up close.

"Maddy you coming?" Jim asks, somewhat concerned about his daughter's safety.

"Yeah, yeah. Give me a second." Maddy tells him while still looking into Scotts deep red eyes.

"Does it hurt?" She asks him when Jim continues on his way.

"Does what hurt?" Scott inquires.

"Changing." She says, gently stroking his sideburn with one hand.

"Hmm I guess, though I don't really register much pain anymore." Scott replies standing back up and losing his transformation.

"How come?" She asks.

"Well after 10 years of this plus nearly a decade of hunting dinos you've had your fair share of pain and learn to deal with it like a second nature." Scott tells her honestly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." She apologizes.

"No worries, I think you should head home now though, your dad looks like he's getting impatient plus I still need to help Taylors men get my dino inside otherwise other predators might snatch him up." Scott tells her and waves goodbye, running off towards the main gate.

After the sixers traded the metal for their man they drive back through the jungle and come upon the vehicle Josh, Skye and her friends used and steal the batteries. The two sixers don't get the chance to get back to their car however when a dino attacks them, killing one of them on the spot.

The teens who've been drinking and gathering stuff for their moonshine hear the dino's growl and decide to pack it up and head back.

Back at camp Jim gets called to the command center where he gets shown footage of Josh and Skye sneaking outside of the fence and taking off in a rover. Taylor informs him that they've tried to check in but to no avail and that they're going to go look for them before something else gets to them first.

Jim goes home to get his equipment and informs Elisabeth of the situation and she insists that she has to go out there with him to get their son.

In the meantime, the teens have reached their vehicle and see that the battery is missing so they decide to check out the sixer car, still standing across the river from them. When they reach the car however they get chased by the slasher, which was laying in wait for more people to arrive so they hurry into the armored vehicle where a wounded sixer is still sitting.

When the sun is setting Taylor has gathered his men and is ready to head out to look for the missing teens.

While they are leaving Scott is also getting ready but gets an idea and decides to check in with the Shannon girls before he leaves so he goes over to the Shannon's house, knocking on their door.

"Yes? Have you heard from my brother?" Maddy asks while rushing to the door.

"Sorry, not yet." Scott tells her.

"Scott, what are you doing here? I'd have thought you went out with the others to look for Josh and the other kids." Maddy asks confused.

"I'm about to head out but before I go there is something, I need your help with." He tells her.

"What is it?" She asks confused.

"Does Josh have something He wore a lot that might smell of him?" Scott asks her.

"Hmmm, yeah. Come on." She says and leads him to Josh's room, rummaging through his stuff and shows him a shirt which Josh got from his girlfriend back in 2049.

"Thanks." Scott says and takes the item, concentrating for a second and shifts into his werewolf form to smell the item.

"What are you doing?" Maddy asks weirded out.

"I'm trying to use this to pick up his scent." Scott explains.

"Ohh I see, that's smart." Maddy says understanding his intentions.

"Thanks, I got his scent." Scott thanks her, giving her Josh's' shirt back.

"Please bring him home safe." Maddy pleads him.

"I'll do what I can." Scott tells her confidently and takes off in a sprint, headed for his Quad, where he already secured his weapons and other equipment.

"Time to catch some runaway teens." Scott says and heads out, going to the spot where Skye most likely met with her friends, knowing her habits from when they were friends for a year or two when she first arrived.

While the teens are trapped in the sixer car they are freaking out and the slasher are calling for the rest of their pack, increasing their number over time. After giving off a call for help to Taylor the group of teens get attacked by the slashers already gathered at the car and they try to hold them off with the guns which were in the sixer car.

After making the slashers retreat Tasha freaks out and runs out of the car, hoping she can get to Terra Nova, despite everyone else trying to stop her. She manages to clear a fair amount of distance before a slasher catches up to her and mauls her. She manages to escape but is heavily wounded in the process.

Tasha continues to stumble towards Terra Nova when she comes across the search party. From Tasha's clothes Jim figures out that she went through a river and Taylor knows that there is a river running through that part of the forest not far from them. Taylor lets some of his men stay behind with Elisabeth, who's treating Tasha while he and the others continue ahead to get to the other teens.

In the meantime Scott has arrived at the other's location and gets off his quad, looking around still shifted and smells the air, figuring out that there are at least four slashers there, more likely six of them. He looks around the area and sees that it's riddled with trees.

"Hmm, looks like you'll get some action today after all babies." Scott says looking at his newest weapons with excitement and gets his two smaller blades, which are basically a flat half circle with a sharp edge and on the lower end of each weapon is a grip. (AN: Wingblades from Dynasty Warriors)

"Scott gets out a flash from the bag as well and coats the cutting edges with the fluid inside before approaching the sixer car calmly.

"Guys, you in there?" Scott asks loudly.

"Scott!" Hunter shouts back excited with Max joining in while Skye calls his name out quietly, having history with the brunette teen.

"You doing OK in there?" Scott asks them, having his blades resting on his shoulders as we walks over to them.

"We are but there is a sixer in here, who bled out and Tasha ran off." Max informs him hurriedly.

"OK, OK Taylor and the others are on their way. She'll have to cross paths with them if they're headed here." Scott tells them.

"What about the slashers?" Hunter yells.

"I'm on it just do me a favor and keep your mouths shut. It's getting annoying. I have sensitive ears you know." Scott tells them, coming to a stop close to their car and sits down, laying his weapons down on the ground.

"What are you doing?!" Hunter shouts out worried.

"Shut the fuck up!" Scott growls back and concentrates on taking in his surroundings.

He doesn't have to wait long before one of the slashers charges at him, thinking he's vulnerable and tries to attack him.

When the slasher is on him however Scott leans back, dodging the razor-sharp tail and scoots back a foot before leaping upwards, jumping over the slasher while ripping out it's throat with his claws.

"And it's begun." Scott says dropping the chunk of flesh he ripped out of the now dead raptor.

Scott jumps over to his blades and picks them up while rolling over his shoulder, landing with a crouching position and his blades crossed over each other.

The remaining slashers charge at him after seeing their pack member get defeated and run at him as one while screeching angrily.

"Come at me." Scott says with a grin and runs his blades over another, creating sparks which set aflame the blades due to the fluid he put on them, which is something similar to petroleum jelly.

When the blades ignite the slashers stop in their advance and try to get back to their hiding spots but Scott using is superhuman speed is on them in the blink of an eye, plunging his burning blade through the first slashers throat before using the falling dino as a jump off point, flying past another slasher, beheading him with ease due to the searing hot edge of the blade and lands in front of the three remaining slashers who split up in different directions.

Scott throws one of his blades after the closest dino, killing it and pinning it to a tree with the blade going through its head.

He throws his other blade towards the sixer car, making it stick upright in front of the vehicle and runs after the remaining two slashers, taking out a throwing knife and hitting the first one in the leg, making it fall. Scott is on it in a matter of seconds and slashes at its head, ripping it right off.

He hears something right behind him and picks up the freshly killed raptor and swings it in a circle, making use of its razor sharp tail and cuts the remaining slasher right in half.

"All in a days work." Scott sighs, going through his now blood covered hair and rips out the slashers tails since their sharp blade like horns spikes are useful and goes around repeating the process, except for the one he killed first. After gathering the five tails he retrieves his wingblades and sees lights coming towards them. Not knowing if it's Taylor or the sixers he says "stay quiet." And gets under the car.

Taylor and his men arrive at the river and come to a halt, seeing the sixer car and the rover across from the river. Some of his men want to go ahead and secure the perimeter but Taylor stops them, smelling the air and says "Scott, it's us." loudly.

"About time you showed up." Scott replies, getting out from under the car and opens the door for the teens to get out and join the rescue squad.

"Any of them left?" Taylor asks, going over to Scott, who's leaning against the sixer car with Syke still inside.

"What, you think I'm getting shabby? You know if I didn't like you I'd knock your old ass out and leave you buck naked in carno territory for that question." Scott scoffs and leaves the vehicle, picking up the last slasher, throwing it across the back of his quad and washes the blood of his blades and clothes in the river.

"You know you guys shouldn't stick around too long. I left the other five as little snacks for some of the bigger population." Scott tells them.

"Yeah yeah, we're heading back. See you in Nova." Taylor tells him, while helping Skye out of the car.

"You OK?" He asks his daughter figure.

"Thanks, yeah. How's Tasha?" She replies.

"The doc's with her, she can still make it." Taylor tells her, making her hug him.

"You know you'll have to face him sooner or later." Taylor tells her, looking at Scott who's washing his shirt in the river, his upper body naked and multiple scars visible on his arms and a couple on his chest, one of which is a knife wound near his heart.

Scott looks up and sees Taylor look at the wound concerned while Hugging Skye and scowls at the sight.

Throwing his shirt on the back of his quad, putting on a coat instead and starts up his ride, making his way back to Terra Nova.

"He hates me, doesn't he?" Skye asks Taylor saddened.

"I don't know. He did love you not that long ago." Taylor replies.

"That was before… I don't think anyone could still look at me the same way after what I did." She says.

"He knows why you did it. I can't tell though if that made any difference in his opinion on you." Taylor replies.

"Sir, we're ready to head back." One of his men informs him.

"Alright, lets head back everyone." Taylor says, getting in his car with Skye and they head back to Terra Nova, picking up Elisabeth and the men who guarded her and Tasha.

Later that night Scott is waiting for Taylor in the commander's hut.

"I hope you didn't sit your ass down on my couch with your dirty clothes." Taylor tells him, leaning against the railing in front of his door.

"Heh, couch. You should see my setup. Your eyes will water with envy." Scott replies, joining him at the railing.

"I know it's not my place to talk about her, but Skye asked about you. We all know you've avoided her, since that happened." Taylor tells him.

"So? What'd you have me do? Make nice with the girl who betrayed my trust and almost killed me?" Scott asks, getting angry at the topic.

"Like I said it's not my place, I just wanted you to know she asked." Taylor replies.

"Thanks, I know you mean well but it's all a bit too late don't you think." Scott replies, hopping down the walkway and goes over to the fireplace in the middle of the camp, where Scott has pieces of the slasher he killed roasting on a few sticks.

"Here, don't want you to get hungry and get sentimental on me again, now do we?" Scott tells him, throwing one stick with a piece about the size of a basketball up to him. After that Scott collects the rest of the sticks, which are now four in total and wanders around before ending up at the Shannon's place again, getting lead there by instinct. His recurring thoughts about the beautiful girl now living there having played part in this.

When he arrives at the house while finishing off the first of the sticks with meat, he sees the family standing in front of their home, looking up at the moon.

"Yo Shannon's, anyone up for a midnight snack?" Scott asks them holding up the meat.

"Scott. I didn't get the chance to thank you for saving my son and the other kids out there." Jim thanks him, patting the teen's shoulder.

"You're welcome." Scott replies.

"And you, piece of advice, be careful around Skye she's not what she seems to be." Scott tells him sourly.

"Huh?" Josh asks confused.

"Oh never mind just don't come crying to me." Scott replies with a groan.

"So meat anyone?" Scott repeats his offer.

"I'll get some dishes." Elisabeth says, fetching six plates and cutlery.

"Meh, dishes are over-rated." Scott says sitting down on their porch, waiting for the woman to come back.

Maddy sits down next to him and gives him a quick hug.

"Thank you for bringing my brother home."

"No problem." Scott replies with a grin.

"So Scott, how'd you get to be on Terra Nova?" Jim asks him, hoping to make some light conversation.

"I think that's something for another day. Don't want to spoil the mood do we?" Scott replies ominously.

"If you say so." Jim agrees surprised.

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