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Chapter 26: The USJ In Full Swing

"Miss me, Kacchan?"

Katsuki froze. All of his joints seemed to lock in place, his bones like led. For the life of him, he could not get himself to move as his childhood friend, aquaitance, turned villain, strode up to him.

"Oh well don't say it all at once," Izuku, can I call him that, Deku scoffed sarcastically. Katsuki had oh so many things he had wanted to say if he ever saw Deku again but it was as though his jaw had been bolted shut, mouth as dry as a desert. Deku didn't seem to like this. Katsuki observed as the blank lenses of the sunglasses switched to those with red, angry dots.

The greenette dashed forward with incredible speed and punched Katsuki in the gut, hard. The blonde toppled over, clutching his stomach.

"Say something!" yelled Deku.

I'm sorry...

Deku spun on his heel and his left foot collided with Katsuki's jaw, metal to bone, forcing him to the ground.


I'm so sorry...

The red eyed teens jaw hurt something aweful. He see's Deku's feet move to attack again but instinct finally kicked in and Katsuki rolled out of the way, a metal plates foot landing where is head had been just seconds before.

"Oh? So you can move," Deku commented. Katsuki pushed himself to his feet but said nothing. Deku stared for a second before,

"Ha. Ha! HA HA HA!" The blonde watched in confusion as Deku laughed hysterically, a laugh that was so different from the weakling's he knew before.

"I- it's you!? You're the one Aizawa said was mute!?" How the hell do you know Aizawa-sensei?

"Why'd you go mute huh? You used to have so much to say back then, didn't you Kacchan." Not a question, a verbal jab. It hit the mark.

"I know why... You're scared."

Katsuki snapped his head up and scowled. Excuse me?

"That's right," Deku took a step forwards. "You are scared that if you open that mouth of yours that it'll all come out." Another step. "How you beat me, bruised me, mocked me, burned me." Another step. He stopped inches away from Katsuki's face.

"How you suicide baited me."

Katsuki's breath caught in his throat. I'm scared?

"You're running away Kacchan. Like a coward." Katsuki felt his blood boil. I'm no coward and

"I don't run away from anyone!" Katsuki's eyes widened as his thoughts were verbalized from Deku's mouth. "That's what you were thinking right?"

The greenette stepped backwards and held his hands and arms out.

"Then fight me! Fight me Bakugou!"

Katsuki lunged. You... you of all people can't call me that! He thrusted his right arm forwards only for it to be caught by Deku and for himself to be swung over the shorter boys shoulder, landing harshly on his back.

"Tsk tsk, always with the right hook, Bakugou."

Katsuki growled and got up. He immediately sent an explosion in Deku's direction causing the greenette to dodge. When he did, Katsuki's hand was right in his face already setting off an explosion.

Deku jumped backwards. "What's got you so angry, Bakugou?" He was charred but not out of fighting energy. Shut up!

He lunged again but Deku spun out of the way and kicked him in the side, metal connecting with Katsuki's ribcage.

Kick, explosion, mock, punch, kick, explosion, jeer, punch. The two stopped multiple feet away, both panting.

"What's wrong? You tired Baku-"

"SHUT UP!" Both boys were taken back by Katsuki's sudden outburst. "Y-you can't c-call me that." Katsuki felt his voice crack from disuse over many months but he carried on.

"Y- you, you're Deku. You lo-ve heros and quirks. Y- you talk to yourself a-at a mile a min-ute. You're weak and q- quiet a-nd... and you don't call me by my na-me!" He screeched.

"I'm K- Kacchan remember!? That gosh aweful name y-you called me since we were k-kids! Where...


Katsuki was panting, his throat and voice raw from being used so suddenly with such force. His face hurt from the initial kick, everywhere else hurt as well. None of it, however, hurt nearly as much as his heart.

"Oh, didn't know know?" Deku started.

Katsuki looked up at him, eyes widening as the greenette pulled a golden pistol from his holster.

Suck! From this range...!

"That boy you claim to know so well,"

The charred sunglasses and mask fell from Dekus face. Two childhood friends met face to face for the first time in months. Red eyes to green. Deku's face distorted into that of a crazed man as he pointed the pistol at Katsuki. The blonde started to back up.

"You killed him, Bakugo."

Katsuki slipped.



Oh. That's right. I did.


Shouta lay on the ground pinned by what the villains called "Nomu." His head throbbed with an unimaginable pain and he could no longer feel the arm that the beast had crushed.

"Shigaraki," Shouta looked up, as much as he could, at the sound of a new but also very familiar voice. If his throat wasn't clogged with bile, the hero would of choked when he saw Deku, the leader of the Quirkless Rejects, walk up to the hand villain with Bokugou slug over his shoulder. He winced when the greenette dropped the blonde on the ground uncaringly.

Is he even breathing?

"Can I have a moment with Eraserhead before you warp us out?" What does he want with me. Shigaraki was it? He grumbled something that Shouta could only assume was an agreement because the blue haired man snapped his fingers and the weight of the beast disappeared.

Still, Shouta was in no condition to move as Deku waltzed up to him.

He tried his darnest to glare but could only stare in shock as the teen crouched down and Shouta was met with the face of Mikumo.

Sure the kid had green eyes and freckles now, but without the mask and sunglasses, and at this range, there was not denying it. Mikumo was Deku from the Quirkless Rejects.

"Miku-" he was cut short as his mouth was covered by Deku's hand which stiffled his breathing that was already hard to do. Luckily, Deku soon removed his palm.

"Shhhh," hushed the greenette as he tapped the back of his head. "Mikumo's back here right now."

The heck is that supposed to mean?

"You know, Mikumo is always to talk to you, I've been waiting a while to get a chance to myself."

A personality disorder?

"I *cough cough* don't remember anything in Midoriya's file stating *cough* that he had a- a personality disorder," choked out Shouta. Deku tapped his chin.

"Well when your life sucks enough that you have to escape it and go on living three different lives I guess it just does that to a man, you know?" replied Deku.

Shouta coughed harshly. "W-what do you want with me, Deku?"

A glare, one that was definitely not Mikumo's, spread across the greenette's face. "Don't think so highly of yourself when you and your students lives are at stake, Eraserhead. Quite frankly, I don't like you hero. In fact, I very much hate you. Like, a lot. If it weren't for the fact that Mikumo likes you so much I'd kill you here and now."

Shouta had to suppress a flinch.

*BOOM* The door of the USJ blew clear off followed by a "DO NOT WORRY FOR I AM HERE!"


Deku was far less happy about the arrival of All Might, obviously.

"Well, it would seem our time here is up, but, before I go, I'll warn you of this now, Eraserhead. Talk things out with Mikumo before you do anything dirastic. If you hurt him I sware that yours and your students necks will each be individually snapped by my own hands."

Shouta glared as Deku turned to Shigaraki. "Shig! Warp us!" A warp gate opened infront of Deku.

A memory of Mikumo flashed in Shouta's mind. The kid was in his uniform, smiling happy, flour smeered across his face. 'See you tomorrow Aizawa!'

"MIKUMO!" Shouta called out. Deku turned back with a face much softer, much more like Mikumo's.

"Mikumo..." he whispered.

"I'm sorry, Aizawa..." Shouta felt his heart break as the warp gate closed. As soon as it did, the Nomu was back and it smashed the hero's face into the ground.


Yagi burst through the doors of the USJ. "DO NOT WORRY FOR I AM HERE!" he announced. He took a second to survey the scene. It was bad, to say the least. Young Bokugou lay in the ground bleeding, Aizawa was wounded badly.

Then Yagi saw him, Deku, the leader of the new-ish Quirkless Rejects, talking to a beaten Aizawa next to a floating purple mist.

When Yagi had seen the kid on the news he couldn't quite figure out why the name 'Deku' had sounded so familiar to him. Now, seeing him, even from far away, without his cover up, Yagi finally remembered.


"Can I be a hero even without a quirk?"


"Screw quirks. Screw you. And screw this world."


"Deku. Remember that name, jerk."


This is the same kid!? Does this make this my fault for crushing his dreams?

Yagi flinched as the kid disappeared and Aizawa's face was smashed into the ground.

No, I can't think about that now. They need me!

Yagi, as All Might, bolted forward. He quickly but carefully lifted both Aizawa and Young Bokugou and brought them to safety.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he gently laid them down. "You shouldn't have to suffer through this because of my mistakes."

Yagi dashed off to fight the villains.


Ochako watched in horror from the waters edge as a man, Deku of the Quirkless Rejects, that looked a lot like her boyfriend, dropped the limp body of her classmate onto the hard cement.

No... That's not him.

Ochako held tightly onto the unconscious form of Tsuyu. He had talked so casually to the villains...

Is Mikumo really...

NO! He's not! Ochako slapped her cheek. I'll ask him later, he'll tell me the truth!

*BOOM* Ochako whipped her head to the front of the USJ. "DO NOT WORRY FOR I AM HERE!"

All Might! We have a chance!


The Quirkless Rejects were dropped from several different warps in the underground bunker.

"All right!" chirped Bubblegum, punching a fist into the air.

"That was so much fun!" cheered Jester.

Doom smirked as they all celebrated what wasn't necessarily a victory, but a huge step forward.

All eyes and heads turned as Deku suddenly collapse to the floor, hand over his ears, mask nowhere to be seen, shaking violently. His eyes were wide, staring off into space as he mumbled something at an unintelligible speed.

The mood dropped like a rock.



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