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63.15% A World Full of Yanderes / Chapter 12: 11 Years

Chapter 12: 11 Years

The years went by in a flash, maybe it was the regular schedule or the constant training, maybe it was because I'm a child, or maybe it was simply because almost every single day was hell.

Though I hear that if you experience pain time seems to slow down, but maybe for me, it's the opposite. Every day I would endure some type of rigorous training, from lifting several thousand pounds with Master Brock, or attempting to expand a mana pool while keeping such a high level of concentration that a gust of wind could ruin the entire process and several months of efforts with Guru Pathik.

I spent so many hours practicing my sword strokes with Master Michael, that at this point if I don't have a sword with me at all times it feels uncomfortable. Also, my mastery of the weapon has reached extremely impressive levels for a 12-year-old. According to Master Michael, I could even become a magic knight right now if I desired it.

With my wind magic, I have mastered almost all beginner, intermediate and advanced spells, this includes one of my favourites, flight. I have also started creating my own spells, which is by far the most amazing part of magic.

Over the years I have grown closer with all my instructors and the royal family, however besides them, I have had virtually zero contact with the outside world, in part due to Adrianna's contract, and the other just simply due to the Ashton families ladies being extremely overprotective.

In a few days, however, I plan to head to Nermia Academy. It is the best school across the entire continent of Ebath, all talented individuals go there, poor and rich, though it's primarily filled with the rich because it's often hard to find talented individuals across the continent who are able to advocate for themselves.

What has surprised me though, is over the years, all three princes have mainly left me to my own devices. I thought they would at one point attempt to get in my way, and that there would be large amounts of discrimination against me, but instead, Oliver the IV has only been kind, whereas Bruno the 2nd Prince simply ignores me and gives the odd scoff or glare. Edward seems to have ignored me and everyone else around him over the years, he has quite the bookworm personality and interacts with people as little as possible.

And of course the King, Oliver the III has been extremely busy being king, though he glares at me quite often, especially when his wife is around us and only pays attention to me.

Speaking of Nura, she has put in quite the effort over the years. I can't count how many times she has kidnapped me, only to snuggle with me, and then we play chess or talk. It becomes something that happens at least once every 3 days. Of course, Adrianna is adamantly against it, and she constantly tries to come up with ways to stop me from disappearing.

At one point Adrianna even locked me in a small room with just me and herself stacked with food and water, as well as a toilet and a small curtain for privacy. We sat there for over 2 days, mainly reading until someone let in sleeping gas from one of the small air holes connecting to the room.

I didn't even know that there was sleeping gas in this world.

Also, Layla has become very quiet over the years. I have barely seen her once besides at events such as family dinners which for some reason I must always attend according to the queen.

I have noticed though, that she always seems to be close by through my occasional checks of mana scan. It is a special skill that lets you do a scan of your surroundings, the size of the scan is based on how much mana you use and how large your mana capacity is. Currently, mine has reached 84% which I think is impressive for a 12-year-old, though I still have 8% left until I can say I have hit my max level.

I rarely ever do a mana scan, because not only is the palace likely one of the safest places on this planet for me with Adrianna's protection. But it's also a bit awkward as I am able to see a rough image of people taking baths or even having sex, at first it amazed me how at often they do it. It seems many nobles simply buy slaves to use as disposable sex toys.

If there is anything I have learned over the last few years, it is that this world is unbelievably cruel. I was truly lucky to have a kind slave master such as Adrianna, who I should mention released me from slavery one year ago when our contract ended.

The castle, has been so busy over the years it has baffled me, no major events happened but every day would be exciting. I train from the crack of dawn until dinner time, over the years I have increased my stamina to insane amounts. At this point in time, I can stay awake for several hours after training, this includes body magic training. This is by far one of my most impressive feats of this life, if not over both my lives.

There were of course quite a few quiet times over the years though, for example whenever Bruno, Layla, Edward, and eventually Adrianna attended school. The whole castle seemed empty to me, I would train every day, then sleep, the dinners became extremely awkward when it was just me, the king and the queen. But I lived through them.

At first, Adrianna was so adamantly against leaving me to go to school for her first semester, that she almost revolted, that was when I found out she basically had a secret army at her beck and call. Of course, I realized that things were getting bad and talked her into going to school, my excuse was that it would let her scope out where I would eventually attend.

She still somehow convinced the king, possibly with force, to lower her school hours to a virtually non-exitsent amount.

The average student at Nermia Academy will begin going to school when they're 12 years old, and continue attending school until they become 25 or 26, some older. Of course, there are exceptions to these averages, such as students whose talent isn't discovered until they're older, and other exceptions such as Adrianna.

Adrianna ended up only having to attend school for test days as long as her grades were excellent, which she seemed to accomplish with ease.

Currently, I was packing my bags in preparation for leaving tomorrow. I would take a carriage with Adrianna and Layla. It would be my first time at the academy, but my last time in the castle for a while. Though there were several breaks through the year for students, I wouldn't want to impose on the Royal family anymore, so I had decided to live in the dorms at the academy.

Once I had finished packing the essentials, such as a large supply of paper and a magic quill which never runs out of ink, my sword, a few books to simply read for enjoyment and the few clothes I possessed. I began to walk around the palace, remembering all the halls and places I had memories of, ingraining the last 11 years of these memories into my head, to remember and cherish forever.

"I would miss you"

I suddenly heard this voice a few feet away from me, when I turn around and saw who I thought the voice belonged to I smiled.

"I'll miss you to Nura" Of course, I thought it awkward to call her Nura, she was a queen. But whenever I tried to oppose calling her by name instead of her royal status, problems would just begin to stack, so I gave in.

"wait... what do you mean would?" I once again spoke, thinking about her use of the word "would" instead of "will".

"I would have missed you, but that would only happen if you were to go to that academy. I won't let that happen. I will simply keep you with me forever! It will be great! hehehehe, hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I have been planning for this moment for 11 years, ever since the day I met you. It wasn't easy because of that stupid child Adrianna, and of course, Layla got in the way, but Layla was fine watching from the distance, we could have worked out an agreement.

Adrianna however, Adrianna just had to be a selfish girl, I could never have done it if she didn't have to leave her forces and go to school every once in a while, but I eventually infiltrated them, and currently there having a breakdown from the inside, it will cause enough of a delay for me to take you. She is quite resourceful, a truly worthy adversary, but still nothing in the face of our love. But all of that's beside the point, I love you Luke, and now you will accept my love, it isn't an option. We will live happily ever after!

In fact, you currently have nowhere to go, my troops are taking over at this very moment, it would have been hard with a smart King such as Oliver. But he had one flaw, and that was me, too bad I was in love with another man. He could never compare to you, he doesn't even deserve to LOOK at you, let alone say all the things he has said...

But don't worry, I'll punish him dearly, it truly is a shame you were born so late though, if not maybe you could have taken my first time instead of that detestable king. I will of course let you fuck all the virgin girls you could ever ask for to make up for this mistake once I have full control of the country that is.

I will comply with your every wish, as long as you promise to love and stay with me for the rest of eternity."

She continues to explain her plan, past actions and how much she loves me, but it all just filtered out of my mind, my head was blank. I knew this entire family was crazy, but not this crazy, I don't know what to do, do I run? Is that the only option? but what will happen to Adrianna and Layla.

I know the academy would shelter me, they have a famous policy to protect all students and based on the power of their staff alone they could take on a country, don't even get me started on the alumni.

Fuck it! I have to run, Adrianna and Layla are her daughters, no matter how batshit crazy Nura is, she wouldn't harm them, would she? Maybe I'll add something just before my escape, just in case.

"Nura" She instantly stopped talking and looked at me with hungry and desperate eyes, but she also seemed fearful. After receiving her full attention I continued.

"Don't harm Adrianna or Layla, or I will hate you forever, I'm sorry, but I have to go, goodbye"

Instead of the anger, fear or desperate actions I suspected after my declaration, she seemed ecstatic, a huge grin covered her face, but it's not my problem anymore. I activated my flight spell in preparation to break through the window closest to me. But before I could move, I felt a needle enter my neck and knew I had fucked up, as I began to lose conscience, I just say Nuras smile get wider and wider as she began to walk towards me licking her lips.

desdodo desdodo

Looks like our MC has been kidnapped once again, what are the odds, by the same person no less. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the direction of the story. As per usual, if I made any grammar mistakes I hope everyone can pull an assist.

Have a wonderful day.

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