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The Old Lady

Madeline POV

"In the garden of memory in the palace of dreams... That is where you and I shall meet"

Am I dreaming?? I saw a guy standing at the garden wearing a crown and he looks elegant. Is he a king?? or prince?

He turned around and suddenly looked at me. I can't see his face clearly but he smiled while looking at me. I see a big frame inside and look closely to it then I can see it's the queen and I think that's him. Why I can't see the face of the queen clearly? But their both look happy and smiling. It looks like they're happily married. He is married already but why he is smiling with me as if he knows me. I can't really see him clearly and it made me curious who he is

"The best things in life are the people we love, the places we've been and the memories we've made all the way" he said which he keep looking at me with a smile

"Behind you, all your memories" we talk together and saying the same thing

"Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you. Within you, all you need."

I walk closely to him but I feel like we're in a distance. It felt close yet so far

"Is this a dream? If it is, I hope I could stay a longer" I said but he look far away and it looks like he is waiting for someone

"Sometimes, I just sit and think of all the memories I've made and smile. Then I smile even more at the thought of memories yet to be made" do we know each other? Because I feel his sincere heart and trying to call out on me. The connection felt so real

"I've been waiting for you, My queen Ma...." he was about to call out a name but then I suddenly woke up because of that ringtone.

"My queen Ma" it left out of curiosity. He look sad and his eyes telling all his sincere feelings for someone and it's the queen the one he love

"Jasmine" I really hate hearing the sound of the alarm clock because it rings many times and it's kind of irritating. She left her phone ringing

"Jasmine, please turn off your alarm clock"

She didn't answered

"Jasmine, please turn off your alarm clock or else I'll break it into pieces" I said. I can still hear that alarm clock then I just covered my ears with two pillow

Oh I think the alarm clock stop then I removed the pillow

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" jasmine is infront of me smiling which it creeps me out because she is too close and suddenly pushed her. But thankfully, I grab her hand then she went back to her position on how she looked at me

"Almost killed me, but hey! Rise and shine sleepy head. Breakfast is ready" she said and left my room. That is weird

She seems to be happy while me still in a sleep mode. I really got the feeling, she is into something today

I went off on my bed even I'm still lazy and the bed is calling me back to sleep again

I fixed my hair then my bed, straight to the bathroom and took a shower. After that brush my teeth and change clothes. As always, my daily routine is ruined since I woke up a late today

I went downstairs because I suddenly hear the sound of my stomach that made me laugh

"Sit here" I know what she is going to ask on me

"Why did you left your phone on my room? It almost gave me an heart attack" I complained because the sounds that rings many time can be annoying

"Because I don't want to wake you up by myself so I let my alarm clock do the part" she said

My queen Ma... I still can't get over that one

"Madeline, are you even listening to me?"

That is where you and I shall meet.. It felt like we've known each other for a long time

But his eyes tell everything


He keep smiling but those smile is hiding a lot of thousand feelings

"Madeline, you're zoning out again"

"Ha" is she talking to me?

"Madeline, you seem to be quiet" she said and waiting for me to answer

"What is your question again?" I asked

"How's the blind date? Is he handsome?" I knew it she is going to ask these questions. I just laugh and smile because the guy is very interesting since we have some common traits

"Uhm, should I answer that?" gave her a confused look but she just shaked me hard then I suddenly feel dizzy

"Could you please stop it?" I said because I'm not feeling good with this. She let go then laugh because she just realized now what she did

"So how wa..." when my phone suddenly ring and its Mr. Haver

"Give me a sec" I said and answer the call

"Hello Mr. Haver. What can I do for you?"

"We will be having a meeting today at 10am in San Ramon Marriot and please set up a lunch" - Mr. Haver

"Okay sure Mr. Haver. You have two meetings on the big entertainment company at 8am. The CEO of Bright Entertainment and Smile Joy Entertainment. They want to collaborate with our company and ask for partnership. Let me explain it to them everything" I said

"No it's fine, I'll do it. Anything else?" he asked and his schedule is busy and full today

"While you have a meeting for the curator in our Museum Exhibit at 1pm then the CEO of Lucena Clothes Company at 4pm. Also, a meeting for the ambassador in Diamond Hotel with Ms. Parker" I hear people talking and I think he is in a conference right now while talking to me

"And lastly, you have dinner meeting with the delegates and elite family" I said and he didn't say anything

"Okay thank you for letting me know. Have you eaten your breakfast?" he asked which make me smile. He always concern about me

"Ah yes Mr. Haver. Is there anything else?" he put on hold

"I think its a busy day for us"

"Can you tell all the employee that there is a meeting today at 10pm in San Ramon Marriot? and also set up a lunch" I told her so that she can do it quickly. She book a reservation right away and use her laptop. I went to the dining room to eat since the food get cold already

"Oh wait let me reheat it. I know you hate cold food" she said. Did I say that? But anyway, thank you. She's the most special and precious person in my life that is why we're close to each other

"He is handsome and the blind went well" I said

"Who..Like OMG!! Is that true? You didn't collapsed or bad something happened?" I just smile and nod then she hugged me tightly because she is very happy to hear it

"That's great, you should know him more than only once" I'll think about it since I still need to be comfortable when I'm talking to someone

"We need to go now, it's already 8am and it will take us about an hour and half" jasmine fixed her things while me when to my room to change into formal clothes

"Someone else will be driving today because I let Mr. Tucker to take the day off" I said and prepare to go

"Are we ready to Ms. Thompson and Ms. Limpin?" Mr. Go asked and I nod since jasmine is busy on her phone because of the reservation on the hotel and meeting conference

"We're leaving and please kindly put your seatbelt on. I'll send you to the hotel safely Ms. Thompson" Mr. Go said then drive the car

Jasmine is still on the phone, while I check on the next schedule of Mr. Haver. He have 5 meetings tomorrow and 1 flight going to Los Angeles to meet the royal family and elites and dinner with the daughter of the royalty. Her name is Princess Helena. He is also going to meet the sassy girls on their next concert in korea and indonesia.

"I'm done, that is a long talk with Ms. Lucena" she run out of breath because the phone call

I need also to set a meeting to our business partner of the emperor of Russia. Same goes with the Mantra Group and lunch with the third son of the chairman to sign a contract for the brand cosmetic ambassador

"Madeline, you have a call from director wang of the marvelous travel company" then she hand me over the phone and I answered it

"Hello director wang, how is your day?" then another phone ring and I told jasmine to take the call for me

"I'm surprised for the projects you have sent. I'm already approved it and you can now proceed with the contract next week" - director wang

"Thank you so much director wang, I'm honored to hear your approval. Next week, we would like to ask for a meeting with you to our new CEO to talk about the contract"

"Oh I see, I'm glad to meet the new CEO for me to get through the contract and please do advise be on time since I'm strict with the time" - director wang

"I will sure do that director wang"

"About the event for the sassy girls, can you change the date and place? I like to recommend our hotel to do the event and I will let you decide with the theme" - director wang

I can even say no to director wang since she is the closest friend of my mom. He can be frankly with his works but outside the business he can be sweet and talkative

"Okay su..." when the car stopped and the phone slipped on my hand

"Are you alright madeline? Watch were you driving!" she shouted to Mr. Go but I tap her to calm down

"I'm sorry Ms. Thompson, you can fired me" Mr. Go said with feel sorry to himself for making a mistake

"Tell me what happen Mr. Go" I said so that we can hear his explanation

"There is an old lady suddenly collapsed that is why I stopped all of a sudden" Mr. Go explained. I removed my seat bell and went out of the car to check if the old lady is fine

"Ms. Thompson, you should go back inside the car and I'll just call an ambulance" Mr. Go said when I got a little bit mad on what he said

"What did you just say? The old lady collapse here and you have the to tell me something like that as if nothing happened here!" I said with disappointment

"That's not what I meant Ms. Thompson, my apology" Mr. Go apologize while his head bow

"No it's okay, just call an ambulance and I'm sorry for my inconvenience manner now" I said

I saw jasmine went out of the car and approached me "Is she alright? Let's bring her to the hospital now since the ambulance will take long"

"Just wait here, the ambulance is on their way" Mr. Go said while guarding my spot

"I hope she is alright"

"Why did she even walk on the street with no pedestrian lane?"

"Isn't she the old lady who is crazy going around the city?"

"She is the old lady who keep saying nonsense things"

"I hope the old lady is fine"

Do they know this old lady? I touch her wrist if it is fine then check if she is still breathing. I'm glad she is fine

"I hope that old lady won't say any weird things to this girl"

I think they're talking about me. I call out Mr. Go to help the old lady then I stand up but she suddenly hold my hand

"Protect yourself" that's the first thing I hear from her as soon she opened her eyes "Granny, the ambulance is on their way here"

"Stay away from him" I don't know who she is referring to

"You should stay away for the person you are close with because they're going to hurt you"

"Don't believe on sweet lies it will kill you with painful truth"

Sweet lies? Painful truth will kill me?

"That person already appear to you, but it's better to avoid that person to stop unavoidable situation that will hurt you"

"One of you will die if you didn't avoid the things you shouldn't have done in the first place"

"Protect yourself for loving the person you might fall in love again"

I think these people are right, but I don't want to think that way maybe this old lady is just not in the right mind maybe she need a treatment and I'm willing to help her with that

"Granny, the ambulance is almost here and please hang in there"

"Because you will change eventually that you wouldn't expect to happen and you can't stop it"

"If you can't stop yourself, you won't recognize who you are"

"Beware or else you'll regret it"

I just smiled at her even it's kinda creepy at the same time I feel scared "Granny, you're going to the hospital so that you can get a treatment there. Don't worry, I'll pay for the bill" I said

She lean closely to me "Your love will bring destruction from the place you shouldn't have been"

"He have no choice but to kill you because he couldn't recognize for who you are"

"Choosing between two things can bring to unknown reason" she said at the moment the ambulance is here and they help her but the old lady didn't let go of my hand

"As soon as possible don't love someone nor don't let yourself change that even you won't recognize yourself" that is the very last thing I hear from her which make me left hanging to curiosity

"Madeline, let's go now" jasmine said and I check my phone. Gosh it's already 9:30

"Mr. Go, is the hotel still far from here?" I asked he might know the city here

"No Ms. Thompson, you'll arrived there before 10 and I'll assure your safety going to the hotel" Mr. Go said while jasmine feel uneasy on what happen

"You better to do that" jasmine is a little bit pissed off and I calm her down then smiled at Mr. Go so that we go now to the hotel or else we will keep Mr. Haver waiting for us. We went back inside the car and Mr. Go start to drive again then try his best to arrive in time

"I hope that old lady is fine" Both of us are feel worry about that incident I hope her family will come looking for her

I forgot that I'm still talking to Director Wang, I should at least explain what happen

I call him for a moment then he can't be reach right now

"Jasmine please call director wang and tell him the situation happen today. So that he would be aware of it" I told her then she would do it immediately

"We have finally arrived in the hotel Ms. Thompson" Mr. Go said and went out of the car to open the door for us

"Thank you so much Mr. Go and I'll see you later" I said and he left

My mom is calling me, what time is it? 10am maybe it's her break time

I check her schedule "Madeline, watch out!" when motorcycle passing by then I move on the side but it's coming on my way

Someone pulled me then motorcycle just left afterwards "Are you alright madeline?" It's Mr. Haver he feel worried about me then jasmine approached me and hugged me "Ah, thank God you're safe" jasmine said and cry

"Let's go to the hospital now" he said but I don't mind since I'm fine and didn't get hurt

"That is why your mom ask for a bodyguard to protect and secure your safety" here she goes again with the nonstop nagging at me

"Okay it's fine now, see" I turn around and nothing happens. I just smile and act normal so that she will stopped but Mr. Haver is still holding me and didn't put a smile on his face

"Be careful next time" he said seriously with a poker face

Did I make him worried that much? But I'm really fine even thought it almost killed me back there. Is it happening again?

"Madeline, go back for what you came from" that strange voice I hear from my head makes me feel furious

"Madeline, what are you still doing here? Let's go" she said and pulled me. The conference meeting will start now and Mr. Haver explained everything on what to do with all the events, projects, proposal, advertisement, audition, job interview, co-business in other countries and other plans for the ahead of time then some staff will explain it in detail to him

"So as you can see, the percent of.." why do I feel furious on what the old lady said

Have we met? because I don't remember

"Because you will change eventually that you wouldn't expect to happen and you can't stop it"

I will change for what? that made me feel lost at the same time frightened

"One of you will die if you didn't avoid the things you shouldn't have done in the first place"

One of us will die?? I'm really confused right now and it keeps bothering me. Why do I feel nervous all of a sudden? Relax madeline

"Madeline" I need to find that old lady asked her about the thing she said to me because it really kills me to over think a lot of things. Someone suddenly tap on my shoulder and everyone is looking at me

Did I miss something?

"Are zoning out again? You're not yourself again madeline" jasmine whispered

"Director Wang is on video call meeting with us and he wants to talk to you madeline" I look at the screen and he is waiting for me to respond

"Madeline, you did very well on every project you sent on my email. To congratulate you with that, come and join me to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation in Gloriet Royal University in Elite Hotel. And I would like to meet the new CEO of the dream entertainment" director wang said and the other board of directors with him

"That must be the new CEO" pointing out the man in the center and I nodded with director wang to let him know

"I'm Albert Haver, the CEO of Dream Entertainment. I'm honored to meet such great director like you. Pleased to see you soon" Mr. haver said while introducing his self to director wang

"I'm glad to hear that and my secretary will be sending the details about the celebration of 100th anniversary. Thank you so much for today and hope to see you all in the celebration" - director wang

Then he left the conference meeting and everyone in the meeting room are all excited while still keep bothering every single thing what the old lady said. What bother me the most is the last thing she said

"Beware or else you'll regret it"

"Are you saying something madeline?" jasmine asked and I didn't mind saying anything at all

"Don't tell me you're still bothered what happened there, let just visit her later" maybe she's right I shouldn't make myself worry about the old lady said to me

"Since it's already 12 meeting adjourned, we should have lunch first before everyone will leave and madeline you should come with me later" Mr. Haver said and we went to the banquet hall then someone is waiting for us already

"Are you Mr. Haver?" she asked

"Ah yes"

"Follow me Mr. Haver, the lunch is ready" she said and we just followed her. So its already prepared

"Is she flirting with Mr. Haver? That girl won't even have chance" I can hear them whispering and I don't know what to say or should I scold our employee?

"Okay everyone, you can eat now. Madeline we should eat on the separate table since we need to talk about the other meeting later" Mr. Haver said and everyone is looking at us but I only followed him and told to employee to eat without being bother. He pat on the seat beside him

"I can go all alone later at the meeting, you should at least take a rest and I'm worried about you" Why do he care so much about me? I know I'm just his secretary but it seems to him I'm just more than that but I don't want to assume

"The last time you asked me when you went at my house. No I've never loved someone in my entire life nor been in love with someone" I answered him honestly since I want him to know it and I'm too busy at my life to love someone

He stand up "I need to go now, since I have things to do" he said and smile at me. I don't get it, he always smile at me. Does he have a ulterior motive on me? That made me blush

After Mr. Haver left then our employee suddenly smuggled me here asking a lot of question

"One at a time, I'm just one person okay" I said because I can't answer them at the same time

"Do Mr. Haver like you?"

"I think Mr. Haver cares a lot of you"

"You two look good together"

"I hate the wrench woman who keep looking at Mr. Haver" then she point out the girl over the counter then saw us

"Is there anything you need Ms. Thompson?" she asked and I just nodded with hands in way of saying no

She didn't leave then a little bit shy to asked something "Don't shy, tell me"

"Can I get your autograph? I've watched all of your vlog and I'm one of the subscriber. I'm a fan of yours" she said with an excited tone and smile. She hand me a paper and pen then I signed it and she is jumping out of excitement

"Excuse me, can you take a photo of us?" she asked jasmine and she is happy to serve the fans


"Thank you so much" then she went back on her work smiling

"Maybe we misjudge her, well at least she doesn't like Mr. Haver and that is good" awhile ago they talk back about the girl, now they feel sorry to their self

"Ms. Thompson" its really weird for me to call me even we're not in the company "Just call m...."

Oh it's the old lady again, I hurried to see her "Madeline, where are you going!"

The old lady is gone, where did she go? I look for her around the hotel then outside she might collapse again

"Granny, where are you"

I might also ask her if she is fine or did she already find her family

"Granny, whe.....Is that Mr. Haver?" I thought he is going to some urgent things but he is still here then I noticed he is wearing a different clothes. I should follow him, would that mean I'm a stalker? I should just call him

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial his number

He answered it immediately


What should I say? Or maybe I'm just mistaken of him there

"You hav..."

"Nicholas, the car is ready" I heard on his background. But I can see it and hear it.

"We need to go now Nicholas"

"I'm at the meeting right now, I'll call you later for my schedule next week" then he ended the call and then the guy I saw there is gone. I rubbed my eyes, I guess I'm just seeing things. Madeline, you must be mistaken

After the call, jasmine is calling me too. I missed her call

I should look for that old lady, she should at least stay overnight



Maybe I asked some people around here if they saw an old lady roaming around

"Excuse me? Did you see an old lady around here?"

They just shrugged and nod as answer of no. Where did she go? A minute I saw her then just turn around then she is gone. I hope I could find her again because I'm curious all the things she said to me

Nicholas? Then I realized the name is familiar. All of a sudden, I feel an inch of doubt but I should stop before it grows because my trust will be ruin if that happens

I trust people easily and get attached to them which make it hard for me to hate and doubt them

Maybe I'm just mistaken about Mr. Haver but I can't deny if things will become more doubtful for me. I don't want to think anything else instead I'll just go to my favorite beach to rewind my mind

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