Blair was putting on a smug face, thinking that Ainsley already fell for her persuasion ability and would certainly agree to her suggestion when the baby's words hit her right at the sore spot.
The kid's smug smile froze on her face.
What? Why did she reject me? She should be under my persuasion ability! Did it not work, or what?
Blair instantly looked at Ainsley with eyes full of horror. It was the first time someone didn't fall for her persuasion ability except for those who already realized that she used this ability.
The only way to break free from her ability was to realize that they're under her ability's effect. But for a mere toddler to know that she's using an ability…
How is that so? Did someone tell her? Is it her people? But no one spoke to this toddler…
Blair's eyes turned slightly watery. She didn't know whether to cry or what.
My plan failed! Damn it! Should I summon my sacred beast to scare her…
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