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Chapter 57: Chapter 55

"When are we getting there?" Keith asked impatiently, Alex hasn't regained consciousness and he is worried that something is wrong with him.

"Ahmm.. I.." Colin doesn't know how to directly answer their boss who seems to be agitated right now. He turns to Martin who is seated beside him at the passenger seat to inform him of the situation.

"Keith there's a parade going on, the direct route to the University Hospital is currently blocked. We need to make a u-turn and go the other way using the east exit." Martin sighed as he informed Keith about the reason why the drive is taking so long.

"Damn it. Is there any other way?" Keith clenched his teeth as he inquired to his friend.

Martin turned to Colin to check if the younger man has other ideas. He knew Colin grew up around the area, he might know some roads they can use.

"There's no other way Sir but to make a u-turn just like you said." Colin agreed to what his superior just said. "Though—

"What?" Keith interrupted.

Colin swallowed, he's an Alpha himself but he's getting intimidated by the boss' pheromones. "Th..There's a public hospital just a few blocks from here. We just need to make a u-turn and take the road to 3rd avenue." Colin responded.

"How long will it take?" Keith asked.

"Around five to ten minutes Sir." Colin responded with confidence.

"Okay let's head there immediately." Keith said with finality. His main concern now is to get Alex to the hospital.

"Right away Sir." Colin responded. He finally felt useful for once today. He was feeling guilty earlier because he got complacent that they were just at the office and then something happened with the boss' spouse.

"Keith." Alex called out as he woke up feeling disoriented. He's not sure why he found himself in the car and being held by his husband. Not that he is complaining because he loves smelling Keith's pheromones.

"Thank God you're awake." Keith breathes a deep sigh of relief and hugs Alex tighter. "I was getting so worried when you haven't woke up." He explained, he heard Alex chuckle, dispersing all the anxiety he is feeling. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Alex asked, still confused. He remembered having lunch with Dan then he prepared coffee for Keith and then… naked woman? "There was a naked woman at your office." Alex exclaimed his eyes grew wide, finally remembering what happened. "You cheated on me." Alex raised his voice as everything came back to him. He pushed Keith and tried to free himself from his embrace.

"I did not cheat on you nor will I ever cheat on you." Keith replied as he tried to stop Alex from pushing him. "I don't even know who that woman is." Keith holds Alex's hands so he won't be able to push him.

"It's Ivana Keith." Martin interjected.

"Who?" Keith replied confused while Alex studied his face to see if he's lying or not. Keith saw it and pinch his nose.

"The supermodel your mother set you up on a blind date with. The last one." Martin further explained.

Keith sighed, he honestly did not even remember that woman's face. "Believe me okay. I will never cheat on you. I don't know how that woman was able to come into my office. I always have instruction to not let anyone inside my workplace. I already asked Dana to check on how it happened so please stop doubting me and stop struggling to get away from me as well." Keith pleaded to his wife though Alex already calmed down upon hearing his explanation.

Now that he calmed down, Alex realized how everything doesn't make sense. If Keith is cheating on him he will not order for him to make him coffee just to end up seeing his mistress. It was like he was deliberately sent to Keith's office to see the woman and there was only one person at the office at that time. Vera. Alex clenched his fists when he thought of that woman.

"Let's go back to the office." Alex suddenly said, he had this urge to punch someone in the face. He's not some helpless heroine in a story who would just cry while others plotted against him.

"No, we need to go to the hospital first." Keith said.

"Why? I already told you I'm okay. There's nothing wrong with me." Alex tried to reason out. He really doesn't feel anything at all.

"I know but we agreed to go today anyway right?" Keith tried to pacify his wife. He really needs to bring Alex to the hospital.

"We're here. Our men have already scattered around and secured the place." Martin announced.

Keith nodded and started getting out of the car still carrying Alex.

"I can walk." Alex said, refusing to go out if Keith insisted to carry him.

The two of them walk alongside each other with Keith supporting his body towards the private room that Martin had asked one of his men to pre-arranged. He doesn't want Alex to be seen by the public so they have to make some arrangement to do that.

"Good afternoon Mr. Andersen, I'm Dr. Calix, you may assist Mrs. Andersen to the bed so we can start checking on him." The doctor said as soon as the couple walked in. There were attendants with him that were supposed to assist the patient but Mr. Andersen doesn't seem to want to let go of his wife.

"Keith is this really necessary?" Alex pleaded, still trying to avoid the examination which Keith ignored with a shake of his head.

Dr. Calix smiled even though the couple was taking their time. They were all told by the hospital director that they have to ensure the VIPs do what they want as long as it's not involving their medical work. They have to keep them happy so he should reel in his impatience to finish this once and for all. However looking at the couple he couldn't help but smile as he can sense genuine affection from both of them.

"The patient collapsed, am I right?" Dr. Calix asked as soon as Alex was laid down on the bed. They should run some blood tests and the usual physical exam.

"Yes." Keith replied. "He might also be pregnant." He added which made Alex gasp in shock.

"I am what?"


Chloe watched Vera mumbles to herself like a lunatic. She's been talking to herself since they got inside the meeting room as Dana instructed. She never once glanced her way and just mumbled to herself like that.

"Argh! Seriously? Can you stop it already?" Chloe finally snapped.

"Mind your own business" Vera angrily responded.

"I don't know if I should pity you are not because clearly you're being delusional. Even if you don't admit it, I'm sure you are the cause of all these commotions." Chloe sighed, she thinks the other woman is already hopeless.

"It's that Omegas fault. He acts so innocent and pure but he's a snake trying to steal Keith away. A dominant Alpha like him is not suited for a filthy Omega like him." Vera hissed still not understanding the situation she is in.

"You sounded like an entitled Alpha looking down on an innocent Omega like Alex. Since you're so fixated on Alex being an Omega, need I remind you, you're not an Alpha you are just an ordinary Beta. No matter what evil plans you concoct the president will not even give you a second of his time." Chloe responded, not affected by Vera's angry tone.

"I know I don't stand a chance but I will not let Keith end up with someone like him." Vera screamed.

"Don't you get it? Alex and the president are together. They are a bonded pair." Chloe replied. He was sure of it, he saw the bite marks on Alex's nape when the president carried him when he collapsed. The way Alex talked to the president and the way the latter tried to pacify the Omega clearly speaks of their relationship.

"No! No! You're lying. That's impossible." Vera's eyes grew wide upon hearing what Chloe just said.

"That's true." Dana said the two women were too caught up in their conversation; they did not realize that she arrived at the meeting room already.

Dana just sent out the supermodel and according to her, one of the president's assistants informed her that she can come today and she can wait for Keith in his office. Based on what the supermodel told her and based on the two women's conversation, Dana is completely sure that it was Vera who instigated the whole thing.

"I don't know why you did it but I cannot help you with this." Dana said to Vera who is still left dumbfounded by the news. She wondered what Vera would feel if she learned they were even married. "You will still get your full month's salary and I have convinced the president to pay you an additional one month's worth of salary as compensation for your years of service." Dana saw the change in Vera's expression when she started talking about her termination pay, it seems she started to realize the severity of her actions.

"Dana please. Let me talk to Keith, I meant the president. I'm sure we can still talk things through. I can't get terminated just because of an Omega." Vera pleaded, she even tried to hold on to Dana's arms.

"My God! You're still belittling Alex. Wake up Vera, you just lost your job because you dare to pull that stunt and let yourself be ruled by your delusions." Chloe could not help but raised her voice.

"You need to sign this non disclosure agreement. I don't think I need to explain this further to you. If you tell anyone of the president's personal life and any company information to anyone, the company will sue you and will have you blacklisted." Dana put the document in front of Vera who is still crying and pleading.

Vera's hands trembled as he picked up the pen to sign the document.

Afterwards, she was escorted by Chloe and Dana back to her desk to let her pack her things. One of the security guards came to see her out of the building. She cried as she drives away from her dream job that she lost because of her greed.

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