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75% The Most Powerful Being / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Bullies

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Bullies

💋" Max's POV "💋

😒" At Max's School "😒

I walk into to my school my head down and my hood up, per usual. I guess you can say I'm that anti-social outcasted loner. I'm that kid that nobody notices, that kid that everyone treats like a nasty piece of old gum on the floor, hell I'm that kid that even if I was killed nobody would come looking for me.

Yeah, that's my life. Well not fully to day the least. But that's enough about me, honestly all you need to know is that my name is Max and well, I guess this is where my story begins.

Okay, now let's try to make it to my loc- my thoughts are cut off when I feel someone push me.

Oh no, here we go again. I sigh mentally. I look up to see the jocks that have been bullying for well what feels like forever.

"Hey, watch where you're going next time ya ugly fag.", the leader of them say. I honestly don't remember their names nor do I care.

"Idiots!", I think to myself or I at least thought until I'm pushed up against the lockers with an arm against my throat.

"What did you just say to me!", he yells in my face I roll my eyes.

"Maybe if you had your hearing aids turned up old man you might have heard me.", I say back with an innocent smile.

I feel someone hit me in my stomach and feel all the air being knocked outta me. They laugh at me as I try to breathe in trying to get some air back.

"Aww, what's the matter can the ugly faggot not breathe?", he asked in a fake caring voice which made people start to gather around and laugh.

I feel him punch me in the face as he laughs. He let's go of me and I fall limp to the ground.

"Aww, look everyone the fag is crying. Go cry to your mommy, oh wait, you can't.", he laughs causing everyone else to laugh to. Then I felt something snap.

I have no idea what the feeling is but, I feel as if I'm powerful, like I could conquer the world. Maybe it's just adrenaline but this feels so much different, it feels unfamiliar. I stand up staring daggers at him and he looks at me with fear and I start to laugh.

"Aww, what's the matter ain't got the balls to continue?", I ask in an innocent tone while smiling a wicked smile. I feel as if I'm someone else, as if I'm not myself.

"Wh-what..... Wh-who-", he's cut off when I push him with all my strength. I stumbles backwards hitting his head against the lockers as he fell to the ground.

What the hell?! He's talked smack and stuff like this since we'll forever and now all of a sudden I snap! What the hell is wrong with me.

The school bell rings but I ignore it and everyone else is to afraid and frozen in their spots to leave. I pick the jock up by the color of his shirt and slam him against the lockers. I whimpers in pain.

"Aww, what's the matter? Are you finally feeling barely part of the pain that you and your stupid jock friends put me through?!", I snap out at him. I here footsteps slowly creeping up behind me and a wicked smirk spreads across my face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you.", I say calmly to his jock friends. They freeze for a few seconds and then continue to walk towards me. I sigh.

"Why does nobody ever listen?", I sigh out and snap my fingers and his jock friends disappeared.

"What the hell?!", the jock yells in pain.

"Don't worry, their not dead. I didn't kill them cause of this stupid angel.", I say to him and let him fall to the ground as I start to feel dizzy.

What the hell is going on?! What is happening to me?! I exclaim then hear someone yelling. That's the last thing I remembered before everything went black.

😅" Next Day At The Special School "😅

😶" Max's POV "😶

Ugh! My head. I think to myself as my eyes start to flutter open. I sit up and look around. This place doesn't look familiar.

What the hell?!

"Oh, you're awake! That's good. I thought you were gonna be out longer.", a lady said standing in front of.

"Who the hell are you and where the are we?!", I exclaim

"Well, we are at a school that is for people like you. And I am the principle of this school. You can call me Ms.Pam.", the lady says I give her a suspicious look.

"What do you mean for people like me?", I ask genuinely curious.

"Well I mean people with special abilities or as the humans call it, the Supernatural.", she says and I look at her like she's crazy.

"Now, I can sense that you're a demon hybrid I just can't sense what kinda demon hybrid.", she says and I roll my eyes.

"Are we done here, cause I don't feel like talking to a crazy old lady anymore.", I say to her

"Well, call me a crazy old lady all you want.", she says and takes a step closer to me.

"But you'll find out sooner or later, most likely sooner, that you were wrong and I was right.", she says to me and I sigh.

"Okay so, say if I am what you say I am, then what happens next?", I ask and she chuckles.

"Well my dear, you'll be staying here for a little while, just until you graduate.", she says and I look at her in shock.

"You have gotta be kidding me right now.", I tell her and she looks up at me.

"I have a job, and a place I need to take care of.", I tell her and she shakes her head a small smile on her face.

"All of that has been taken care of just like all of your things from the apartment of yours are in your room ready for you to unpack.", she says

Why can't I just have a normal life? First with the no parents and bullying now this.

"Yeah, ya know what, I'm just gonna kinda skidaddle cause you're crazy and this whole situation is giving me the creeps.", I say as I get up and she chuckles.

"You left me no choice.", she says looking behind where I'm now standing at and nods. I look at her confused. I was fixing to turn around when I feel some type needle being stabbed into my neck.

"What the hell!?", I exclaim as I feel someone grip my arms as the needle is pulled outta my neck. My eyes start to feel droopy and I start to feel tired.

"Wh-what the h-hell d-did you stab m-me with?", I ask in a tired tone but before my question was answered everything went black.

"Nighty night Max.", was the last thing I heard and then nothing.

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