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62.98% The Devil of Yuragi-sou / Chapter 96: Chapter 15: d(-_^)

Chapter 96: Chapter 15: d(-_^)

Alex took a deep breath as he returned to his human form as he sat down on the edge of the pillar, staring at the piece of longsword on his hand.

The sword doesn't look special. A meter long silver blade with a golden line at its center, a silver wing-like hilt, and a silver handle.

"What do you think of this Jude?"

Judecca suddenly appeared, sitting next to Alex as she observed the sword. "...Average, it only allows an ordinary human to have a power of a transcendental even in its final form."

"...I guess."

If people were to hear them they might just go and curse them. Transcendental are beings that are respected, and the fact this sword can allow one to attain the power of a transcendental makes this sword a priceless treasure!

But Alex and Judecca's concept of power is completely broken. After all, for Alex who is a Demon King. The Clan Elders and Clan Leaders of Thousands of Demon Clans back in the Demon World all have a minimum power of at least a Transcendental.

Not to mention that the 300 or so Hellhounds guarding his castle are all Transcendental level and above.

So for Alex, Transcendentals is nothing different from an ordinary people.

As for Judecca, she only considers her master as strong, and everyone else as weak.

And as for this sword that Alex was holding. Its a Pseudo-Sacred Gear he made just now. It houses the soul of the Abirama whom he repeatedly killed for a thousand more times.

"...Maybe I should give this Genshiro. Its kind of useless anyway." Alex shrugs and handed the sword to Judecca who put it in the storage space.

Alex sighs as he observed everyone in the fake city, "...Boring. Its so Boring."


"Hm?" Alex turned his head towards Judecca who patted her lap, signalling him to lay his head on it.

Smiling, he lied down with his head on Judecca's lap as she softly caressed his hair.


At the pillar at West.

"Slow...Slow...Slow..." Lucifer was easily jumping and flipping as he dodges the attacks of the large Arrancar with his hands on his pockets.

"Dude, you're so slow. If you're like that, you won't even be able to give me some entertainment." Lucifer stopped and just stood at the edge of the pillar, giving his opponent a bored look.

In truth, if he wanted to, he can end this with just a flick of his wings. But then what? Won't he grow bored again?

So he better prolong this fight just to have some what he thought, but if this guy is only worth this much then its better to just end this end sleep.

Suddenly, the Arrancar has increased his speed and appeared in front of Lucifer. The Fallen Angel showed his surprise but he quickly reacted and blocked the punch.


Lucifer frowned, he felt that punch just now. Still, comparing it to Adremelech, the Demon General with the strongest physical strength, this punch felt nothing more than a light tap.

Lucifer lazily raised his leg as he sent a kick at his opponent's chest, sending him flying while crashing into several buildings.

Lucifer yawned as he revealed his pitch black wings and flew above the spot where the Arrancar was sent crashing.

Suddenly, a green beam shoot from the ground to him. But Lucifer just tilted his body to the side and dodged the beam quite easily.

'Hmmm, its quite similar to how I fire my magic...though, just many times weaker. Its so weak in fact I probably wouldn't be hurt even I didn't dodge.'

The Arrancar was revealed uninjured as he calmly lifted the rubbles that was on him.

"That was a good kick, I'm impressed." The Arrancar stated, before pulling out his sword, "Still, that wasn't great. Let me show you, how to properly destroy your opponent. Before you die, let me tell you the name of the one who will kill you. I'm Choe Neng Poww, a Fraccion under his majesty Barragan."

Lucifer's eyes narrowed. He knew that the guy is finally using the Resurreccion ability that all Arrancar has.

"Breath," The Arrancar's spirit flared up, easily reaching the power of a Transcendental, "Calderon."

Glowing, the blade of his sword dissolves. Poww's whole body begins to swell rapidly as he balloons into a gigantic creature, which is roughly the size of a certain armored titan from a certain anime.

With a tear-shaped body and stature similar to an ape's, further giving highlight to his size. His Hollow mask fragments are replaced by a huge striped sac covering his chin and extending through his chest resembling the inflatable throat of a baleen whale.

While his arms are covered with large black bands, and his legs, which are mostly his feet, are almost entirely black.

His mouth becomes much larger, and his head is connected to his jaw by two straps of skin and the back of his neck instead of cheeks.

Lucifer blinks, "Damn his huge."

Poww looks at Lucifer, "I'm" Slowly, he lifted his gigantic arm, "..But...this are Barragan-sama' can't be helped..."

He slammed his huge palm down to where Lucifer is. The fallen angel did not hesitate and quickly dodged. He could take it head on, but if you can dodge, why bother?

Poww's palm caused several houses and buildings to be destroyed, and even Lucifer was impressed by it.

"Hn?" Poww realized that he did not hit Lucifer as he saw him just flying in front of him with his arms crossed on his chest.

He once again lifted his hands, this time he was planning on killing his opponent like a mosquito, his hands were raised like he was about to clap.

And he did.


A thunderous clap echoed throughout the City, accompanied by a strong wind. Poww looked at his hand, "...Is..he..dead? Then...I'll go and destroy...the...pillar..."

Before he could move, he suddenly lost his feelings of his hands. Tilting his head in confusion, he tried to move, only for his hands to separate from his wrist and fell down to the ground.

Blood flooded like rain as Poww screamed while writhing in pain, destroying several buildings in the process.


Lucifer was still calmly floating at the place where Poww tried to flatten him. His arms was still crossed as he lazily stared at Poww.

His pitch black wings was dyed red with blood. But with a flap of his wings, the blood was washed away.

"...How....boring.." Lucifer raised his hand and summoned an enormous lance made of purple-energy.

"Die." He waved his hand, as the lance shoot towards Poww, who tried to dodge, but with his enormous body, he couldn't react on time.

Boom! The upper part of his body was completely obliterated, along with the area behind him. The area behind Poww was turned to wasteland, like a meteor has just been dropped.

", I probably overdid it a little."


At the pillar at the East. Ashiya was calmly standing in front of a panting and exhausted Arrancar.

They have been fighting since earlier, and Ashiya has been holding back a lot to match the level of his opponent.

"Haa~ Haa~...This is impossible!" The Arrancar exclaimed, staring at Ashiya with a face full of anger, "...We were both fighting with a hundred thousand spirit power...why am I the only one this exhausted?!"

Ashiya remained silent.

The Arrancar just scoffed, he was already used to this man's quietness and stoic face.

He took a deep breath, before grinning, "Very well."

The Arrancar then used his blade to scrape a part of his mask, and almost immediately, his spirit power tripled. Reaching three hundred thousand.

"Here I come!" He bolted towards Ashiya and began to attack him.

However, the Demon General merely stood there, watching the Arrancar attack while using his tail deflect the blade.

The Arrancar increased his speed and strength to the max, but even then he couldn't even come close on putting a wound on Ashiya.

"Tch!" Knowing that its pointless, he retreated and once broke some parts of his mask, doubling his power, easily reaching six hundred thousand.

Just as he was to attack again, Ashiya appeared in front of him and stabbed him in the chest with his tail.

Ashiya lifted the guy using his tail which was still buried on the chest of the Arrancar.

"Grhg!? Hlrgh?!" The Arrancar was coughing buckets of blood as Ashiya twisted his tail inside his chest.

"I told you, fighting someone such as I, with such a meager spirit power will only result to your death."

The Arrancar gritted his teeth, "Engrave...the surface....of the..water...Pinza..Aguda..!"

A huge eruption of purple flames happened after the Arrancar said those words. Ashiya let go of him and decided to take a few steps back to observe his opponent.

As the flames subsides, it now revealed the Arrancar fully healed, and in a completely new form.

He now has large crab-like claws, which cover both of his hands. The right claw is very large, similar to a fiddler crab's.

The right side of his body is covered with a carapace of chitinous composition, acting as a form of armor.

The Arrancar grinned, "Let me introduce myself—"

"No need. I have no time to remember the name of those I'll kill."

The Arrancar twitched in anger before he maniacally grinned. He grab the remaining parts of his mask and ripped it off.

"I'll kill you!"

His spirit power erupted, easily surpassing a million and still steadily rising. Ashiya just watched calmly as the Arrancar's spirit power finally stopped rising after five million.

The Arrancar grinned a he looked at Ashiya mockingly, "...Now, in this form, ny power is the same as those of a Captain from Gotei 13, and this claws of mine can easily cut even the hardest material in existence."

He demonstrated this by swinging his large pincer behind him, where a large building was cut in half.

He grinned, observing Ashiya's expression, expecting him to have an expression of shock or even fear. But to his disappointment, Ashiya remained stoic.

"Bastard!" He darted towards Ashiya with his large pincer, wanting to cut his arms to teach Ashiya a lesson.

Crack! A cracking sound echoed in the area as the Arrancar grinned. Only for it to froze when he saw his pincer breaking after making contact with Ashiya's skin.


The Arrancar stumbled back down as tears were falling from his arms. "ARGHH! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!"

Ashiya just calmly looked at his...opponent? Can he even be called that? Anyway, Ashiya just stared at him as if he was looking at an idiot.

As a Demon General, Ashiya prided himself to have the toughest defense in the entire Demon World, even Maou himself is not his match.

Yet this insect groveling in front of him actually tried to cut his arm?

Shaking his head, he decided to end this farce. Suddenly, he thought of using the sword that his majesty has given him, the one forged from the remains of Melacoda.

Shrugging, he took out the sword. It looks nothing special, just a plain black longsword. But the moment Ashiya took it out, the surrounding area was flooded with nauseating amount of killing intent.

With a swing of his sword, a crimson portal seems to appear under them. After that, countless skeletons, corpses rose up from it, they were releasing a terrible cry that would make even ordinary demons cower in fear.

"Ah..AAAAHHHH!" The Arrancar screamed in fear as the corpses approached.

These corpses stood up and drag the hollow with them. Not only that, they are absorbing his spirit power as well, making him weaker and weaker until he could no longer resist and just let himself get drag by the undeads.

Before the portal closes, Ashiya saw the face of the looking at him...begging at him to save him.

Ashiya just stared at him until the portal closes before looking at the sword.

"....So I can cast Melacoda's magic using this sword huh? Impressive, I wonder who forged this sword?"

With that, he just calmly stood at the tower, waiting for the next ant that may come.

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