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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Heavy Raven Psychic Shop

It has been 3 long days, since the day of Ebony's murder, and she still hadn't found this shaman. The hope that had so easily blossomed in her heart the morning after her death seemed to wither away just as easily as her life did. She has walked through all of Orrinshire, in almost all the public buildings and stores, she even dared to enter some people's homes, but stopped when she noticed two small children staring at her with terrified expressions and when the mother asked them what was wrong they pointed and told her about a bloody woman. Ebony decided then she should probably stay out of people's houses unless absolutely necessary, like if she had a clue that the shaman might live there. Now, Ebony slowly shuffled her way through Orrinshire, once again, not being noticed by many. Occasionally, she would catch a glance of the strange shadows or a blur of white but she had grown used to them, whatever they were, they were in the same place she was and hadn't posed a threat yet. It seemed that many children, and rarely teens, could see her and the weird blurs of white and black. Their expressions were mostly surprised or scared, they'd jump a bit, do a slight double take and cling to whoever they were walking with or quicken their pace. Ebony didn't see this too often but often enough throughout the 3 days to be used to that too.

The sun was beginning to set in downtown Orrinshire, twilight settling over the town and people bustled about to get home or go out to bars or other night hangouts. The summer night was starting to turn chilly, even in her spirit state she could feel the chill starting to seep into the night. Ebony stared sadly at a group of girls huddled together and giggling as they entered a well known bar, she never got to do that much, go out and live her life. Ebony's life had been all about education and work, her parents, being respected veterans of the war, had big expectations for her. She was sent off to prestigious schools since she was young and expected to get good grades, take part in clubs and be good at them too. She didn't mind living up to them, she loved learning and working, it was something she was talented at. Although watching those girls go have fun now, after she has already died, made her regret getting so involved with her work. She was one of the youngest recruited by the new government, she could have waited a few years and lived a little. She wished she would've at least made an actual close friend her age. She was popular for her brains and athleticism but never had an actual close friend to talk to, most just hung around her for the popularity and she knew it. Though, her parents probably would have been disappointed in her for "wasting time" if she would've gone out with friends.. Ebony shook her head, she hadn't even thought about her parents since she died, she wondered how they were doing, if they believed she killed Gideon, that woman and herself. There was no way they could believe that she did, right? She shook her head again but harder, she had to focus, she knew her parents would miss her but she had a mission and that was more important right now than sulking. If she had time after finding her killer and clearing her name, she would go see them before passing. Ebony took a deep shaky breath and began walking again, ignoring the party and bar goers around her.

Ebony walked by all the bars and into the downtown neighborhood, little apartments and a few actual houses lined the area. The streetlights glowed orange on their surroundings. The neighborhood wasn't bad but it wasn't wealthy either, some houses or apartment buildings were in rough shape, while others had brand new paint gleaming on their sides. Some trash laid in the gutters and on the sidewalks and the rumble of occasional passing cars shook them. It wasn't a bad place to live, if you needed a cheaper place. The crime didn't seem high in the area, just some graffiti on buildings and broken glass bottles that were thrown at stuff for fun. Ebony walked along the sidewalk, looking from side to side at each building, trying to identify where the shaman might be. She expected the shaman to live in the upper class projects, where the more middle and higher class people lived, since they had powers they probably got money for it. However, since she knew how people viewed shamans nowadays, disapproving glances and scoffs, they might be laying low in an area like this. She never really knew why the people didn't like shamans now, they were a strong ally during the war, but now the hate from the elders and people who fought during the war leaked down to their children and grandchildren. She once asked her parents why shamans were so hated now, her dad got so mad about her asking that she never brought it up again. Would they live in a run down apartment or a well taken care of house? Would they care about the judgment of the people? She stopped to stare at a half a double, the house was falling apart noticeably, its paint chipping and the windows stained with dirt and exhaust smoke. The porch was lit up but a yellow bulb that hung above two kids that were on the porch, playing with sticks and a can, smacking it back and forth to each other. They didn't seem bothered by the approaching night. Would the shaman have kids? She thought deeply as she continued to walk slowly down the sidewalk again, trying to figure out a better way to find this shaman, where they'd live in this city, where they'd go if they had kids. It definitely didn't help that she knew nothing about this Shaman and Thanatos didn't bother to offer details. A car started to drive down the road behind her, but began to slow down once it got close. She didn't think much of it until she heard a man's voice. "Excuse me? I don't recognize you from the area, are you lost? Do you need help?" She turned to see a man in his car with the window rolled down and looking at her, once he saw the blood on her shirt, his eyes widened and he looked up at her face. "Do you need to go to the hospital or…?�� He trailed off to silence, his eyes going from her face to her blood covered chest and back. He looked startled but not unwilling to help, he was young, about Ebony's age, and had semi-long messy dirty blonde hair. Glasses circled his startling bluish-green eyes. His face looked strong, almost like a soldier's but kind, the face of someone who honestly wanted to help. Ebony didn't know if she should say anything or not, but after a few seconds of silence she stuttered. "Uh, n-no… Uh, you can see me?" The man's eyes seemed to darken a bit as if he understood what she was implying. He sighed, looked around them quickly, then looked back at Ebony. "Follow me." The man then continued to drive slowly down the road. Ebony followed, not really questioning it, if he could see her, either he was a shaman or could help her find one.

After walking about a block and a half following the slow moving car, they arrived at a southern type house with a wrap around porch, a sign protruding off one of the porch posts read in heavy black letters, "The Heavy Raven Psychic Shop", The house looked old, like it had been there for a hundred years, but not unwelcoming. The majority of it looked to be made out of old white brick while the porch, eaves and window shutters were made of wood that was elegantly carved in certain places like the poles of the porch and shutters. Its roof was a more modern looking shingle roof. The man, who Ebony had followed, stepped out of his car and walked to the door, where he waved Ebony to follow. She did not know how she missed this place, it was magnificent. She had walked all throughout Orrinshire, or at least she thought. She looked around the house and noted it had a sizable yard and was put off from the other houses, having about 200 yards from the nearest house. It was the last house on the block, far from the rest, right before the road went into a large group of trees. Maybe she was looking too close to the neighborhood. She followed the man, who looked to be around 6 foot and was wearing a black t-shirt, which Ebony observed fit him nicely, and black jean pants. It was comfortable inside, it felt old but cozy, the furniture looked old as well, perhaps antiques. The man sat down in, what must've been, the living room. He sat in an old style Bergere Chair and motioned to the matching one near him. Ebony sat in it, a little uncomfortable knowing it wasn't normal for someone to see her, but then again, this man didn't seem normal. "Hello, my name is Silas Fox, but you can just call me Silas. What's your name?" Still a little uncomfortable, Ebony looked to him and sputtered out. "My name is Ebony Faith Woods, or just Ebony Woods, you can just call me Ebony." Silas chuckled softly making Ebony blush. "You don't have to be nervous, everything is fine. I recognized you from somewhere, you're that girl who was on the news the other day aren't you?" Ebony nodded. "Yes, and you must be the shaman Thanatos told me about." Silas' eyebrows raised. "Oh, you met Thanatos, then why haven't you crossed over yet? He is not known for slacking on his job." "He let me go so I can find my killer." Ebony crossed her arms, she wasn't sure how she felt about this guy, he seemed kind but too charming, she couldn't help but notice his arm muscles which were nicely toned. He didn't seem all too bad. She forced herself to look away from his muscles to notice Silas get a confused look on his face. "But.. you weren't murdered, you killed yourself after killing your cheating boyfriend and his lover, that's what the news said anyway... You have to move on, you won't find peace here." He used a soft and kind voice, like one you'd use when you would try to comfort a child and get them to stop crying. Ebony felt her anger and heat rose to her face, she guessed it was her spirit form's face turning red. She shot up which made Silas jump back in surprise a bit. "I remember everything!" Ebony exclaimed, frustrated. She had spent 3 exhausting days looking for this shaman and now he thinks she's a killer? 'Unbelievable and the nerve to talk to me as if I was a child!' Ebony thought as she huffed. 'Shouldn't he know the truth already if I'm still around?' "We were all killed by a man wearing black! Then when Thanatos came, he told me that the others crossed over but I wasn't going to rest knowing I was blamed for all this. So he let me stay to find my killer and prove my innocence. He told me I had to find a shaman, which I'm guessing is you." Silas looked up at Ebony surprised, putting his hands up in surrender. "Ok, I believe you." Ebony sat back down slowly, sighing heavily. "I'm sorry, it's been hard trying to find a shaman." She swallowed her anger, she usually had a hot temper but she didn't mean to blow up like that. She should save her anger and frustration for her killer. Silas clasped his hands together, crossed his fingers and looked down. "I am a shaman." Silas breathed. "I'll hear you out."

Kitten_Aya Kitten_Aya

If you have any questions or comments please let me know! :) I'd love to hear what you think!

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