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The Necromancer System The Necromancer System original

The Necromancer System

Author: borqueh

© WebNovel

Chapter 1 - reincarnate 1/2

"You bastard, I swear I will make you suffer thousands of times for what you put us through." I swore to myself in the depths of my heart as I reassured my little sister who was trembling in my arms and crying deeply.

In front of my eyes I could see how a man who called herself my "father" was raping my fragile mother without scruples. With not being enough, that bastard brutally beat him every so often just to satisfy his twisted desires.

Hidden in the small closet of our apartment, I could only observe imposingly between the grids this damn scene that I will never forget.

Later, my father stopped satisfied and carelessly threw my mother on the ground, who at this point was almost unconscious after everything that had happened.

"Hehe, I'll come back later" my father spoke still in a drunken state. With his center of gravity unstable, he swayed around as he left the apartment and went to drink at the bar.


The door was finally closed and my father walked off into the distance. I quickly opened the closet and went to check on my mother's condition.

"Mom, how are you feeling?" ask anxiously. It may be the dumbest question, as it didn't look good by any means, but I couldn't think of another question.

Making an effort to get up, my mother looked at me with a smile on her face trying to hide her sadness and said:

"Y-very good son, go with your sister to the dining room while I prepare some dinner. Do not worry." My mother replied as she gently caressed my face with her hand.

Looking at my mother's situation, I gently touched her hand and I couldn't help crying and raging over all this. "M-mom ..."

"Easy, help me up." My mother tried to comfort me and asked for my help.

Don't hesitate to accept for a second, and I got under her armpit and helped her up. Once they were up, my mother separated from me and went to the bathroom to wipe the white liquid that dripped from between her legs.

"Damn ..." An anger emerged from my mind when I saw my mother in such a state. Clenching my fists, I heard a voice from the closet.

"Brother Harry, how is Mom?" asked my sister, still scared and hidden in the clothes of the closet.

"Don't worry, she is fine." I answered, but I knew and my sister also, that it was not true. Frustrated and saddened, I directed my sister to go to the dining room to wait for dinner, who nodded silently and walked into the dining room.

Watching how tears of sadness fell down my sister's face, I turned around and walked towards one of the apartment windows.

Looking at the bustling city, I could see snowflakes falling on all the streets.

"It will make you pay" I muttered with eyes red with anger.

Exactly 6 years have passed since the moment I reincarnated in this world. My name is Harry Brown and I come from planet Earth.

In my old world I was never someone important or outstanding, I was always average in everything there was. I had a "good" life until I was 18 years old.

I managed to finish my studies after many efforts and sacrifices; since he was an orphan. And I was able to get an important position in one of the companies in my hometown.

I was lucky or unlucky to fall in love with a woman to whom I gave all my love and attention, and also to whom I lost my virginity. Everything was rosy until I found out later from a friend that my love was a nympho prostitute.

Hearing these words from my friend, and being in a stage of "deep love", I ended up hitting him hard. I lost a friendship that lasted for years thanks to a woman, but due to my naivety at the time, I thought it was worth it.

One day after I got off work and my pay for the month was handed over to me, I was too happy and thought about inviting my girlfriend to an extravagant dinner that night.

With a beautiful bouquet of flowers in my hands, I entered my apartment prepared to surprise my girlfriend. But it was she who surprised me, since, from our room, I heard the moans that I always heard in a night of love with my girlfriend along with the agitated breaths of several men.

Hearing this, I remembered my friend's words, but shook my head to forget about it. After giving him all my love and affection, he can't betray me, right? I thought at those moments, trying to console myself.

But my sad face pointed to something else. The closer I got to our room, the moans increased. Standing a few inches from the door, and hearing the moans louder than ever, I took a deep breath and opened the room.

The scene I saw was one that I will never forget. In our love bed, my wife was on all fours on the edge of the bed, below and behind her, there were two men entering their limbs in her two holes.

At the front, with his two hands he was holding each member of two other men. The flowers in my hand fell to the ground and I fell to my knees.

Once on the ground, I deliberately caught the attention of the others, who turned to look at me. I did not care about the eyes of others, but I did care about my "girlfriend", who smiled at me and "kindly" invited me to join them.

"You want to join?" My wife invited me while a member entered and left her mouth.

The moment I heard her voice, all possibility of reasoning in my head disappeared and I left the room. Minutes later I returned with a sharp knife in my hands.

After everything that happened, I made the news countless times as a lunatic murderer. As always, the newscasts tweak everything to make the criminal even more guilty.

Since then, I spend most of my time in a tug of war against the FBI across the country. This was a routine that lasted for years, at that time I was already 27 years old, although my appearance seemed that of a middle-aged man.

It was the results of drugs and alcohol. Although on the outside he saw me as a criminal, and in truth I was, I was never mean to people. On the contrary, whenever there was a possibility that he would help others, he always did.

I even made a name for myself in New York City, they called me the "Friendly Criminal". Almost everyone knew me as a good and charitable person, but the FBI still insisted on catching me. Specifically, agents who are greedy to move up.

Until the fateful day of my capture. As a wanted criminal, my only option for living was stealing, so from time to time and when necessary, I would loot supermarkets in remote areas of cities.

Since they were the places where fewer people traveled.

Never murder someone else, except for some criminals who tried to **** a girl in broad daylight in the city. In a moment of error, it took too long to loot food and was surrounded by the FBI.

Of course, the news was never needed. The moment I knew I had no escape, I slowly walked out of the supermarket and threw my gun in the direction of the hands of a policeman close to me.

The policeman was surprised at this situation, but was quickly consumed by greed to move up in his agency, and jumped on me without hesitation. Unarmed, I was easy prey.

Minutes after being questioned, several officers surrounded me so that I would not escape, and forced me to get into one of their cars.

Looking at the amazing fully armed car where I would be arrested, I felt somewhat arrogant. To think that they would have to use countless weapons to arrest a cheap criminal like me.

Thinking about my life, I never regretted anything. Except wasting my love, time and affection on that bitch. As I got closer, I don't know what happened to me in the last moments before I got into the police car, but something suddenly rose in my heart.

I didn't know what it was at that time, but now I know, it was the will to live. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in a putrid jail. I wanted to be free and live in peace, and get the family I never had.

Using all the strength of my muscular body, I forgot to mention that I was almost six feet tall. I escaped from the firm grip of the officers lying on either side of my arms and ran towards the road.

Many were sent to fly since my strength was enormous, I don't even know why I used weapons at first, with only my physique it was enough to kill people.

After a state of surprise, all the officers reacted and pointed their weapons at me.

"Stop!" yelled all the officers at the same time. It seemed like everyone was greedy to arrest me and earn more money.

Like a wanted criminal for several years, and a cultured man of the highest caliber. Just yell insults at them about their mothers and fathers. This increased the fury of the officers and they shot me all over the body.

Even though I was a deadly Hercules, I was still human and couldn't protect myself from bullets. I fell bloody on the ground. My vision was getting blurry every moment due to excessive blood loss. I knew it was my end.

"Shit!" Some doctors were quick to rush to give me first aid to keep me alive. After all, a living is worth more than a dead, or so they say over there.

But to his bad luck, I made a mocking smile and mustered all the strength in my legs and ran in the direction of the road once more.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a truck speeding in the direction I was running. I could see how the driver was sleeping. Knowing that it was my last chance, I jumped without hesitation.

"Goodbye bastards! They will never move up! " scream like a giant dove in the air.

Then the truck crashed into my body. Obviously I was sent flying and landed completely disfigured on the ground.

Although he was in pain, he was happy. Happy to see the pale faces of all the agents to see their gold coin pass away.

Slowly my eyes were involuntarily closed. Not a few seconds passed before he opened them again. But contrary to what he thought, he was not in a hospital bed.

Nor did I have my muscular physique, instead, it was a very slim one. Surprised by this, I looked around, but couldn't see anything as there was no light.

Suddenly, I heard a voice close to where I was.

"Ohh, didn't it hurt you damn brat?"

Turning my head, I could see an ugly, obese man standing a few feet from me, glaring at me with anger on his face. Behind him was an adult woman with wounds on her face, and a crying girl hugged her tightly.

Who you are? It was what I wanted to ask, but extreme pain suddenly came to my head followed by many memories and emotions that increased the pain. I felt like my head could explode at any moment.

I couldn't help screaming in pain and crawling across the floor. "IT HURT!!!" shout out loud. But I realized that this was not my voice.

borqueh borqueh

(google translator)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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