The third consequence, and the one the harmed the Insect race as a whole, was the wastage of resources and the low amount of True Lords. Due to their inefficient method of sharing resources halfway through, they ended up creating True Lords after Anansi much later than if they had shared things efficiently.
This led them to dry up the resources on Pokterr much faster than otherwise with fewer gains. They tried to ration things near the end, but the harm, had been done.
Of course, the True Lords did not see it that way. They were at the height of their power, and their hunger was gnawing at their minds and souls. They tried to move into the nearby seas for resources, and had some early successes.
However, Insects had poor compatibility with the sea, with very few able to survive long enough to bring resources back. Not to mention the monsters in the sea were not chumps that existed to be steamrolled.
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