A good form of transportation was the lifeblood of a budding economy. Safemoon and Andrato were separated by over 10,000 kilometers of distance, which was the equivalent of traveling from New York to London (assuming there was no sea in the way) twice!
In an era where people used carriages instead of cars to move around, one could just imagine how excruciating it was to move about in such a place.
This was why Miranda had been so hard at work creating roads, ensuring the travel would be smooth and without bumps to further encourage it. After that, she had further upgraded it into their own custom transportation.
It had been slightly costly to use elemental energy extracted from various resources of that nature used on Fallon to power them, but that had easily been fixed after Darius had raided those Polito Vaults, especially combined with the knowledge he had swallowed from the entire restricted section of the Great Library of Krona.
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