Darius and Gunner both had been at the very beginning of level 21 before the start of the Event. Their share of experience points had been enough to allow them to shoot shot up 9 levels at once and hit level 30 with almost half the experience bar filled.
As for Xela, she had been level 22 with half her bar filled, so she shot up to level 32 with just below half her bar filled.
In total, Darius had received 45 AP and 27 SP from leveling up, Gunner 27 AP and 9 SP, and Xela 30 AP and 10 SP.
This, added to the reward from the Event, gave them so much that both Branded Servants felt overwhelmed.
It was a statistical windfall, making both of them so wealthy with points that they felt like they were on top of the world.
Darius watched them with amusement for a minute until their sudden joy died down, since they were hit with the responsibility of it.
Where to allocate points? How to allocate them efficiently?
Interestingly, we have dropped below top 100 after the announcement I made.
Is this a hidden message from you guys that 1 a day is fine or did I make a mistake with the announcement which caused confusion?
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