Xela also didn't hold back, casting Purify on a Journeyman undead... dealing 38 points of damage.
It couldn't be helped, her Purify was still at the Basic grade and although it was level 12, it was the normal version. Unfortunately, it was impossible for an already learned skill/spell to be relearned, otherwise it would have been 60% efficient, instead of 12%.
Still, Xela was not worried because her role in the party wasn't a damage dealer, but a support and healer. She had already cast Bless on Darius and Gunner, increasing their HP, MP, and STA regen by 6% per second.
The elf had also placed a Holy Ward over the duo, which had further increased their Physical and Magical Defense by 9.6%. For Darius, this was quite the help, but for Gunner, this was an incredibly huge increase, thanks to his base amount already high in both fields.
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