[Bless - Level 4 Spell
Grade: Basic
Cost: 5 MP per target
Description: With the power of the Divine Light, grant any allies 4% increased Health, Mana, and Stamina regeneration.]
[Holy Ward - Level 6 Spell
Grade: Basic
Cost: 10 MP per target
Description: With the power of the Divine Light, encase yourself in a shield that resists 6% physical and magical damage.]
[Divine Summoning - Level 2 Spell
Grade: Basic
Cost: 5 MP per summon
Description: Establish a connection with the source of Divine Light and call down an Avatar to fight for you. The maximum power of each avatar is 2% of your own.]
[Purify - Level 12 Spell
Grade: Basic
Cost: 15 MP
Description: Become a conduit for the light of the world, spreading purity while cleansing all darkness and evil. This deals 12% light damage.]
[Cleanse - Level 8 Spell
Grade: Basic
Cost: 10 MP
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