Darius gathered a total of 500 Dius before leaving with a light frown. Still, he made sure to keep his dissatisfaction in check as he entered a nearby inn to book a suite for himself and Gunner, as well as one luxurious room for Xela.
There were definitely suites for three, and Darius and Gunner wouldn't mind sharing with Xela, however they weren't sure if they'd encounter similar services as Emily and Fashina had provided them back in Andrato.
They certainly couldn't do it with the young elf lying on a bed over yonder, could they?
After booking their rooms and taking the number, they left to fulfill their main goal for this trip. On their way there though, Darius was stopped by something interesting.
There was a large amphitheater with a raised stage in the center. That wasn't all that caught his attention, but rather the banner raised above the arch of the establishment.
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