An army of bugs that were uniform and ravenous was not a thing to take lightly. To be quite frank, many would prefer to suffer an attack by an army of undead zombies than an army of bugs.
They were the worst type of invasion/population species in all universes they existed in. Their reproductive abilities were horrifyingly effective and as long as there was food, they could grow endlessly.
Given enough time, any bug race could eventually eat an entire universe bare, as long as they didn't encounter sufficient resistance.
This was why Thanatos' undead had been mostly forgotten as just another mark in history compared to the Insect race of Pokterr who had tried to consume Faust.
Back then, even Thanatos had come out to fight them back with his undead, which was coincidentally part of the reason why the Adept band had been so scarce, numbering even less than the flimsy Andrato Kingdom.
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