Gunner was also running out of Stamina due to his reckless charge. Just running was fine, he could do that for hours on end with his current boost to Endurance and the Fast Regeneration ability, but right now he had to block and retaliate against certain powerful attacks.
This not only ruined his momentum, making it progressively weaker, but it also strained the large lad greatly. With a roar Gunner lowered his body and increased his speed, putting more power into his legs.
When he had built sufficient force, he jumped high into the sky, almost blotting out the sun from the hundreds of thousands of undead swarming below.
Earthen Stomp!
The trademark skill of the half-giant was brutally unleashed here. Darius even took a precious moment to shift Gunner's weight to the increased side, greatly amplifying the effect the skill had when he landed.
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