Naturally, Garm was trying to put pressure on Darius and make him understand that he was unsatisfied with the presence of the fellow.
The indication was clear, if he wanted any favors like the other three here, he'd better cough up something good and speak well in order to soothe his anger, or he could forget about getting anything done!
Darius laughed. "Overseer Garm, forgive me for being rude in barging into your domain at such a late hour. I do wish to pass through here in order to enter the Plains of Death, with your permission of course."
Seeing as Darius had spoken well, Garm's coldness softened. Still, without being properly 'pampered' he did not give Darius any extra benefits and said. "Of course, you're free to enter the Plains of Death as you please. However, anything concerning your life and wellbeing is your own burden."
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