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Reborn 2

It was so quite!

Not a sound, I couldn't open my eyes . I

"Is this what death feels like," I ask myself.

I've came to this place from the time my soul past over , I swear if I knew this was what I had to endure I would have stayed dead.

No offense but at least I could see stuff and spy on people .This place has some perks:I feel safe here I don't know why but I do, there's this huge amount of energy going into my core like I mean huge , could power a city and it was peaceful nothing to bother me .

After an unknown amount of time my eyes start to open, well it didn't make a difference at, all I could see was darkness.

All I could think about is," I'm there just chilling bored as hell this long amount of silence is maddening."

If I wasn't a realist I'd be crazy by now, but not gonna lie I felt powerful as hell.

My body is full of this unknown energy just heading to the core of my being ,I move the energy threw my body and I was able to move , wow !

I have a body I could feel it but not see it, "am I live , no impossible ,maybe I hallucinating and still in coma because I got shoot, it is possible they say time moves faster in your mind, well no senses over think this, time will tell," I thought

After gaining control of my body I moved the energy at will, I could control all function of my body the first think I did was i use my feet to kick up , I hit a hard wall.

"Am I in a cage" I thought, thinking: it seems like a pod of some kind maybe there doing test on my body and I came back to life. Shit and with super powers too .

After many weeks of controlling this energy I was able to freely control it.

To be honest I mostly kicked the pod I was in, I did some more stuff over the course of my time, mostly sleep, so like the genius I am decided to try something new on this day.

Using the control I had over this energy I willed it to search my surroundings, the first think I learn by doing this is that my body is contacted to a kind of support line. Thinking: here comes super powers. it brings nutrition to me, takes away waste and get this it gives me air.

After some more attempts and stuff I could gage what was happening it seems. I'm a fetus I'm my moms womb and that's not the crazy part I willed most of the energy. I had into my eyes to see what would happen and behold I could see the world all be not in the colorful way I remember but see it no less.

And from what I could tell my mom live in a shack with nothing much around , I only saw one person around my Mom she would do anything at my Moms command it seems . I couldn't hear what they where saying so I couldn't draw any conclusion as to where I am but if I could tell just by the environment I saw we were poor .

After good knows when its time for me to be born! don't ask me how I know, well I should tell you I guess.

So I'm in my Temp home relaxing just thinking and absorbing energy when I'm cut off from the source of the energy and like bomb some thing burst.

I thought at first she might have fell and hurt herself and me but no she went into labor and her water broke.

From what I could tell the lady always helping here gets her up and do all the needed stuff to deliver me into this world , my mom is in pain I could feel it we where link for so long I could tell , once I knew I was a baby I made her crave some of my favourite food like Mac and cheese it would infuriate her to no end because she couldn't get it.

I could feel this pushing force pulling at me willing me to leave, so I allowed the force to do as it willed with my tender new born body and just like that I came into the world.

I saw the lady holding me , looking at me in awe, just for the sake of been a baby I began to cry , she takes this in a good way and brings be to a tub and washed all the fluid from me, she then proceeds to wrap me up, when all is done I could see her face and may I say girl has never seen the sun she's whiter than snow if you ask me. with me in had we approach my mom.

_ ___________________ ______ ________

"Is he okays he's a health boy with your beauty my lady," Mila says.

I relaxed after hearing the news. "do you want to hold him," she then asked me.

I may have carried him for 9 months but I cannot be his mother not for now , I'm in the middle of a civil war I cannot bring a baby into that.

I cried as I shook my head .

"You know Mila I will have to leave back to our home ,If my clan members see me show up with a baby that is defenseless they will try to hurt him to get me, its best that he stays here and just the thought of leaving him here is killing me," I tell her.

She looks at me sadly as she wraps him up in cloth.

"Have you call the stupid man?" I asked Mila and she says "yes".

"Give him my son and tell him to take care of him and let him know, if anything happens to our son I will personally kill him I don't care if he is one of the kage ," she warns.

Mila was heading out with him in her hands then she abruptly stop ,will you give the young master a name please.

"He was born under the red moon , I will call him Niko," I said.

Mila replied saying a fitting name for the young master as she left the room with my son in her hand, guess i better rest now to travel back home now .

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