"We had arrived in Italy, I just wanted to take a shower and throw myself on the bed while I finished some things for one of the master's exams.
" Are you going to do something? asked Lando.
" Yes, I have to make some notes that I have an exam next week " I said as we went up to the elevator.
"Well, I'm not bothering you," Lando said.
" If you want to sit in the room " I said as we got off the elevator.
" I don't want to bother you, see you later " Lando said and stayed still.
" Okay, enjoy the hotel " I said while hugging him.
"I'll try," Lando said and I kissed him on the cheek.
" Well, I'm going " I said and got away from him and started walking.
"I love you," Lando said.
"Me too," I said.
I got to the room, I dropped all the things. I opened the terrace door and took in the views before sitting down to study.
"This time I have you closer," said a boy on the other terrace, I looked at the terrace where his voice came from and I could get to see him well.