A warm sunny day in L.A, Jim is wearing a nice white shirt with a jeans paired with a Nike white shoes, and a sunglasses. Pulling up his car from the garage on the way in his rehearsal for the 3rd season of the popular sitcom in the U.S "The Big Bang Theory".
Parking in his spot. Walking to the studio, saying "hi" to some crews and to his co workers that he passed by.
"Good Morning Jim!" said Amanda (his P.A/ manager)
"Good Morning too Amanda!" Jim said
"Here is the new script for episode 22, and table read will be in 5 mins." said Amanda
"Oh ok, thank you, I am gonna go down stairs" Jim said
Jim walking out of his dressing room, going downstairs for the table reading, holding his coffee while scrolling through Instagram.
"Jim! How's Last Night??" Johnny asked
"Ohhh hahahaha, I still have a little hung over but I can still do my job" Jim replied
"You boys really go to the Bar Last Night Huh??" Kaley sits in the conversation
"Well, My head hurts and I wanna sleep so badly. Then yeah we did go to the bar" Johnny replied
"hahahaha nice one Johnny. You should've seen Simon Last Night, he was drunk as hell, he started dancing in the table" Jim said
"People enough chit chat, we'll start our table read in a minute" Bill Prady walked in front of them and said
"You Guys need to tell me all later" Kaley said
"Hahahaha you really are a curious cat" Jim teases her
The Cast, producers, director and guest stars are sitting on the table
"Is everyone in here?" mark asked
Simon and Kunal both rushes too their seats, both wearing shades, and clothes still messed up
"We're here!!" they both said
"Sorry we are late, the traffic was horrible" Simon said
"Yeah" Kunal added
"Oh ok "If you say so", but next time please don't be late on table read, cause we only do this once in every episode" Mark replied
"Sorry Mark, it wont happen next time" Simon replied
"Yeah we are so sorry" Kunal added
"Ok lets begin" Chuck said
After an hour they finished their table read, rehearsals begins.....
"And that's a cut!! That's for this morning people, lets continue this afternoon", Director Mark announced
"Nice one people, that was a good rehearsal" Johnny said too the group
"Simon buddy you good?" Jim asked
"No I am not good, my head still hurts because of hangover last night. But thanks for asking Jim" Simon replied
"I told you boys not to go to the bar on Sundays cause we will have rehearsal on Mondays" Penny said
"Yeah, yeah Kaley, we know" Kunal replied
"Jim, can you come to the writers room for a min?" Bill interrupts
"Oooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!" the group teases
*Jim stares in confusement* "Um ok Bill" Jim replied
Jim entered the writers room, there he found Chuck, Mark, Steve and Bill
"Um why am I here?" Jim asked
"Jim we are here to tell you, that your character Sheldon will have a love partner in the next season but she will be introduce in the last episode for this season" Chuck said
"Technically a potential love partner" Steve added
"We are having auditions this Friday, and as your character Sheldon played by you, we would like that you will be present during the auditions, so that you can find the one woman you can feel connection or chemistry for your character Sheldon" Bill added
"Oh well sure! Um this will be great for the show and for Sheldon too!! I will be present in the audition" Jim replied
"Ok nice!! we will see you then in Friday for the auditions" Mark said
Jim got out to the writers office and walked to his dressing room...
Days passed by and its Friday the cast only had final rehearsals on the morning cause there would be audition in the afternoon....
Jim is walking to the writers room where the audition would take place, holding papers that has the list of auditions, and scrolling through Instagram. Then suddenly
*Bumps himself in another person*
*papers scattered to the floor*
"Miss I am so sorry *helping the lady stand up* Are you ok---" Jim stops as he gaze and look upon the beauty of the lady
"Oh! its ok, you should probably look on where you are going" the lady said
Jim found himself in a situation he couldn't expect, he kept on staring on the eye of the lady examining how her green eyes dazzle as he looked upon it.
"Um, Excuse me? Sir?" the lady said snapping him out
"Ohhh, um-um-um I am very sorry" Jim replied nervous to her
"Jim the audition will be starting" Amanda pulled him to the room
As he walks away the image of the woman pictured in his mind. The Auditions went by, there are so many who auditioned and all of them has a potential. But Jim doesn't find himself and his character Sheldon having chemistry with the people who auditioned that passed by.
"Bill how many more people will auditioned?" Jim asked
"Only 5 more Jim, You didn't find any potential partner for Sheldon?" Bill asked
Jim just shooked his head and sighs
"Ok next person come in" Steve said
Jim didn't handle his patience, because throughout the audition he kept on think about the lady he just met. Until he didn't handle it and stood up
"Chuck you all can finish the audition I am gonna go cause I feel sick and you all can pick whom ever you all would like to be the partner of Sheldon" Jim said
"Oh ok Jim, If you say so" Chuck replied
He turns his back until
"Last person please come in" Chuck announced
He saw the woman who is pictured in his mind entering the room like an angel walking, holding a script. He sat back down in his sit, and just keep on staring on her like a goddess he just cant resist to look away. Chuck and the others are confused
"Jim I thought you are leaving cause your sick??" Chuck asked
he didn't hear them because of his focus on the lady
"Jim?? JIM??" Steve snapped him out
"Oh oh oh, well this is the last isn't it. I changed my mind, I think I am gonna stay for this last one cause we need a partner don't we?" Jim replied
"Oh yes we do , Ok lets proceed" Chuck replied
"Hi Everyone! I am Mayim Bialik, 30 years old, and I am a Jew. I have a PhD in neuroscience, from UCLA."
"Oh that is impressive Ms. Bialik, now lets proceed to the screen test" Mark said
Jim just stared at her and didn't said a word, he watched her in the screen for the screen test. He couldn't really explain what is happening to him
"Ok that is good Mayim, we will call you back if you are in job" Chuck said
"Ok, thank you all for your time" Mayim replied
Jim watched her as he exited the writers room and as the door shut. he gain his consciousness back in the real world.
"So Jim do you have someone in mind?" Chuck asked
"I have, I want Mayim Bialik to play as the potential lover for Sheldon Cooper" Jim said
"Oh so Mayim Bialik it is!" Chuck replied
"Great when are we gonna start working?" Jim asked eagerly
"Whoa, really eager Jim. Do you like her??" Chuck asked with confusion and interest
"What? No of course not, I am just excited for Sheldon to have a partner, hopefully she would be good for Sheldon" Jim replied nervously but kept the coolness
"Oh she will be in our last episode table read and also rehearsals" Chuck replied
"Great! Well gotta go I Still have dinner with some friends" Jim replied
Jim walks out the writers room still cant stop thinking of Mayim
"So that's her name, "Mayim" what a unique and beautiful name" Jim said to himself with a little smirk on his face
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