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87.61% I Reincarnated In G.I Joe / Chapter 92: Chapter 73 edited

Chapter 92: Chapter 73 edited

[A/N:I was writing out drafts of Baywatch storyline, when I remembered the character Stephanie Holden originally she was in love with Rocks character Mitch,but Rock here is Roadblock, who already has two daughters. So I thinking of including her into this as love interest too. Meanwhile removing Anna from the harem.]

As Kage driving through city, the neon lights of the city blurred past the window as they sped through the bustling streets. Kage's eyes were fixed on his phone screen, his fingers dancing across the surface as he navigated through a labyrinth of digital information.

Kage called Breaker, his voice crackled through the phone, tension palpable in every word. "Breaker, did you get the location and details of Mr. White?"

Breaker, his eyes focused on the glowing screen of his laptop, broke the silence, his voice low and intense. "Although the directory is named after Mr. White, it seems the phone is owned by a German terrorist named Adolf Gettler."

Kage's grip tightened on his phone, his jaw set in determination. "Get me his location and details."

Breaker nodded, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he accessed the database. "I am tracking him now... It seems he is in Venice."

Kage swiftly booked a flight ticket to Venice, his fingers tapping against the screen with purpose. Within hours, the plane descended through the clouds, landing him in the city of Venice.

Armed with the coordinates Breaker had sent him, Kage navigated the labyrinthine streets of Venice, his eyes flicking between the screen of his phone and the winding alleys ahead. Each step brought him closer to his target.

As he navigates the labyrinth in the backstreets of Venice, he finds himself immersed in a world unseen by tourists—a realm of neglect and decay, where the refuse of civilization mingles with the whispers of forgotten alleys. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, the detritus of urban life strewn haphazardly amidst the shadows.

Pausing for a moment to survey his surroundings, Kage's senses are attuned to every subtle shift in the environment. His quarry remains elusive, their presence hinted at by the distant echoes of water lapping against ancient stone and the joyful laughter of children reverberating through the narrow passages.

With practiced ease, Kage sheds his shirt, unveiling a specially designed new prototype tactical suit engineered to safeguard him during high-risk missions. The suit boasts an integrated system of small gadgets discreetly stored throughout, housed within numerous pockets and containers strategically placed across the suit. This was created for the Joes in mind,but he decided to test it now.

Kage reaches and etrieves a small device from its concealed compartment nestled against his chest.

As he activates the device, a faint hum fills the air, accompanied by a subtle shimmer of energy. From the device emerges the ghostly outline of a firearm, its skeletal frame slowly materializing before his eyes. With each passing second, the contours of the weapon become sharper and more defined, until at last, it coalesces into a fully-formed Lawgiver 2, gleaming in the dim light of the alleyway.

The weight of the gun a familiar comfort in his grasp. Moving with silent precision, he eases into the pitch-black corridor between buildings, his movements fluid and deliberate.

As he nears the mouth of the alley, Kage's keen eyes catch sight of his quarry—an unexpected encounter unfolding before him. Geteler and his accomplice, their silhouettes stark against the dim light, step into view from the opposite direction. Their voices carry on the stagnant air, the conversation veiled in whispers.

Amidst the tension of the courtyard, two of Geteler's vigilant men spot Kage from the second story of the looming building. With swift precision, one of them bellows, "Intruder!" before unleashing a suppressed storm of bullets from his Heckler & Koch UMP, shattering the stillness and spraying the courtyard in a deadly cascade.

Reacting with lightning reflexes, Kage instinctively dives for cover, because of superhuman speed he evaded the lethal barrage easily. Meanwhile, Geteler himself, sensing danger, bolts into the narrow back alley, seeking refuge within the labyrinthine maze of the urban landscape.

As Kage regains his footing, with a moment of calm amidst the chaos, Kage channels the ancient Arashikage technique known as The Ear That Sees—a discipline that hones the senses to a razor's edge, allowing the warrior to perceive their surroundings with unparalleled clarity. Through the symphony of sound that surrounds him, Kage discerns the subtle nuances that betray the positions of his adversaries—the rustle of fabric, the rhythm of breath, the cadence of footsteps.

So with his steely gaze fixes on the assailants with unwavering determination. "Rapid Fire," he mutters, a quiet declaration of intent. With a deft flick, he toggles the firing mode on his weapon, the digital display screen on its flank illuminating with the ominous words "Rapid Fire."

Without hesitation, Kage unleashes a relentless onslaught, a hail of bullets tearing through the air with lethal precision. The two shooters, caught off guard by the sudden ferocity, scramble for cover, their futile attempts to evade Kage's wrath proving futile.

But Kage is not yet finished. With a cold resolve, he utters, "Armour Piercing." The digital display obediently shifts, indicating a change in ammunition type. With meticulous aim, Kage targets a seemingly innocuous point on the wall—a midpoint between himself and his adversaries.

In an instant, the silence is shattered once more as a single bullet, propelled by unstoppable force, pierces through the concrete barrier. On the opposite side, one of the shooters, now cowering behind the inadequate shelter, is bewildered by the sudden eruption of violence. His confusion is short-lived as he witnesses the emergence of a solitary hole, both in the wall and in his own chest. With a gasp, he crumples to the ground, his lifeblood staining the unforgiving pavement.

The second shooter fares no better, his fate sealed by the same merciless precision. As the bullet finds its mark, punching through the barrier of flesh and bone.

As Kage gives chase to Geteler, the narrow alleyway twists and turns, leading to a dead end surrounded by dilapidated buildings. With grim determination, Kage follows his quarry into the old abandoned structure, the beams of light filtering through the slatted door offering a dim glimpse of the decrepit interior.

Inside, the floors have been removed, replaced by massive inflated balloons meant to prevent the building from sinking further as it awaits repairs. The air is heavy with the scent of decay and neglect, the silence broken only by the soft hiss of escaping air from the balloons.

With swift efficiency, from a concealed pocket within his tactical suit, Kage retrieves a small disk-like device, its unassuming appearance belying its potential. With a quick flick of his wrist, he activates the mechanism, causing it to unfurl and expand into a cylindrical device, its sleek design hinting at its advanced functionality.

As the device takes shape in his hand, Kage assesses its capabilities with a practiced eye, its purpose clear in his mind. It is a flashbang. Tapping the center of the cylindrical device, it flickers to life with a menacing red glow, accompanied by the ominous beeping that heralds its impending detonation.

With a practiced motion, Kage hurls the flashbang into the heart of the room, the blinding light and deafening noise engulfing the space in chaos. Geteler and his men, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, stagger back in disorientation, their senses overwhelmed by the sensory assault.

Seizing the momentary advantage, Kage rushes into the fray, his movements swift and sure. Taking cover amidst the debris, he braces himself for the inevitable retaliation. Geteler, shaken but not defeated, quickly regains his bearings, his weapon trained on Kage's position as he unleashes a barrage of gunfire.

But Kage is no easy prey. With lightning reflexes, as bullets whizz past, he deftly seeks refuge behind crumbling pillar.

In the midst of the intense firefight, Kage spots a fleeting opportunity—a chance to turn the tide in his favor. With a steely gaze and unerring aim, he returns fire.

As the tension escalates, the sound of heavy footsteps echoes through the room, signaling the arrival of reinforcements for Geteler. With a resounding crash, the door is kicked open, and two more of Geteler's men storm into the fray, their UMPs blazing with deadly intent. Bullets rain down upon Kage's position, shredding the air with their lethal fury, but he remains steadfast behind the safety of a crumbling pillar.

With a grim resolve, Kage mutters under his breath, his voice a quiet affirmation of his determination. "Double Whammy," he whispers, his words a prelude to the carnage that is about to unfold. Instantly, the digital display on his weapon responds, shifting to display the ominous phrase "Double Whammy," a harbinger of destruction in the chaos that ensues.

With lightning reflexes, Kage takes aim at the advancing adversaries, his finger poised over the trigger with lethal intent. In a blur of motion, he unleashes the fury of the Double Whammy, two homing shots streaking through the air with unerring precision. With deadly accuracy, each shot finds its mark, converging on their targets with the inevitability of fate.

As the standoff reaches its climax, only two adversaries remain: Geteler and his loyal subordinate. With a tense exchange of glances, Kage prepares himself for the final confrontation, his senses heightened and his focus razor-sharp.

In a sudden burst of movement, Geteler seizes the opportunity to strike, his weapon roaring to life with deadly intent. But Kage, ever vigilant, reacts with lightning reflexes, diving for cover as the bullets tear through the air around him.

With a moment of calm, Kage once again channels the ancient Arashikage technique known as The Ear That Sees—a discipline that hones the senses to a razor's edge, allowing the warrior to perceive their surroundings with unparalleled clarity. Through the symphony of sound that surrounds him, Kage is able discern the postions og Geteler and his subordinate with, the rhythm of breath, the cadence of footsteps.

With a silent determination, Kage mutters under his breath, his voice a quiet invocation of his lethal intent. "Armour piercing," he whispers, the words a prelude to the violence that is about to unfold. In response, the digital display on his weapon shifts once more, signaling the change in ammunition mode with ominous precision.

With unwavering focus, Kage takes aim at the identified locations of Geteler and his subordinate, his finger poised over the trigger with deadly intent. In a heartbeat, the tranquil silence is shattered by the thunderous roar of gunfire, as bullets tear through the air with lethal precision.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, Geteler and his subordinate are left reeling in disbelief. They hear only the deafening blast of the wall being torn asunder before the searing pain of the bullet's impact rends through their bodies. With a final gasp, they crumple to the ground, their lifeblood staining the pavement.

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