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73.33% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 44: 44. Malix

Chapter 44: 44. Malix

"Raine stop!"

She growled at me annoyed with what I'd said to Vericus. I had made her look weak when she worked so hard to appear strong. I know she hated what I did but I had to try stop it from happening. I saw the look in her eyes, the fear. She knew she would have to be tied down because she wouldn't be able to stop herself from fighting against Vericus. She was doing this for me so that she could be with me but I hated seeing that look in her eyes. I never want her to be afraid ever again.

I grabbed her arm just before she reached the tree line. Spinning she went to punch me but I grabbed her arm ready for it. She tried with the other so I grabbed that one to. She wasn't really trying to hurt me I knew that. If she wanted to hurt me she definitely could.

"Raine I'm sorry I lost my cool. I shouldn't have said anything. I just don't want you to have to go through that again. You already endure enough pain because of me. Please we can find another way."

She still struggled weakly against my grasp.

"There is no other way Malix! You made them see it, because of you they saw it. How can I face them again knowing that? I'm not weak! I fear nothing!"

She stopped struggling as she crumbled in my arms both of us sinking to the ground. I pulled her mask up lifting her chin I saw the tears that glistened in the moonlight.

"Your not weak Raine. You never have been. Your the strongest person I've ever met."

I leaned close pressing my lips to hers. The second I felt her tense I knew the pain in her head was increasing. Pulling back I helped her up.

"Take your jacket off."

She narrowed her eyes at me.


I smiled.

"just do it and your throwing knives."

She did as I asked placing her weapons on the grass to the side. I grabbed her hand and pulled her further away from the trees giving us plenty of room to move.

"Malix what are you doing?"

I grinned lifting my fists.

"We're sparring."

She raised an eye brow at me like I was crazy.


I nodded bending my knees in a fighting stance.

"You think they see weakness show them how wrong they are. You think yourself weak prove that your not. Now defend yourself because I won't hold back."

I attacked with a partial shift in my hand aiming for her side. She spun away her reflexes far superior to mine. She smiled her tears completely gone as she retaliated. We fought blow for blow, she was just as strong as i remembered. I was stronger then the last time we had fought yet her skill in fighting was parallel to none. Well except maybe the king but that was hardly a fare fight especially with him now having excess to his full power.

Raine was even more beautiful when she was fighting. The way she moved, the speed and agility she possessed was amazing. She was born to fight a protege in the field. If they were watching which I had a feeling they were they would think her anything but weak. half an hour of sparring which I had a feeling was her just playing. Which was proven correct when she dodged one of my punches by ducking under my arm her hand snaking up to grab my hair as she used my own momentum to flip me onto my back while spinning herself at the same time still holding onto my arm she rolled me by putting pressure on my elbow twisting my arm to the side with a foot to the back of my neck.

I laughed as she let go of my arm letting me flip back over both of us panting. She slid to the ground lying down next to me the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.

"I guess you win."

She laughed, the sound making me smile from ear to ear. I loved the sound of her laugh, I wished I could hear it more often. I propped myself up on my elbow to look down on her.

"Feel better."

She nodded her hand grabbing a blade of grass that had stuck to my forehead.

"How do you do that?"

I looked at her sideways confused by her question.

"Do what?"

"You always know exactly what to say, know exactly what I need to feel better. How do you do it?"

I shrugged grabbing her hand I brought her lips to my lips. My thumb continued to draw circles on her hand while I answered.

"I don't know maybe it's because I'm a Lycan. We notice things more. We live in the wild so are always prepared for anything. We work well together because we're so close. There's fewer of us then the big packs so we must learn to work as one unit. If there something wrong with one of us it could effect all of us. So we learn to read each other's movements, read each other's moods. If we don't then it could mean someone's life. That is the way of a Lycan."

"It sounds amazing."

Her smile slowly disappeared a sadness shadowing her eyes. Her eyes going to the sky to stare at the stars.

"If only I'd been born as a Lycan."

I moved forward til I was looking down at her.

"Don't say that Raine, be proud of who you are. Your a silver moon wolf one of the most powerful packs in history. Their blood runs through your veins wear it proudly."

She sat up forcing me to pull back. I watched her pull her mask down.

"I don't deserve to bare their blood."

She stood up and started towards the trees picking up her weapons on the way through. I wanted so badly to go after her but I sensed she needed some time alone. Sighing I got to my feet just as the darkness of the woods swallowed her figure. I sensed him before he spoke. Even with my back turned I could feel his power. Like an aura that demanded respect.

"She's changed."

Turning around I faced the red eye king. He stared at the spot where she had disappeared like he could still see her. Who knows with his power he probably could.

"No she hasn't. Who she is now is who she's always been it just that none of you bothered to see it. No body cared to look past the mask to the woman beneath. All anybody saw was the monster."

Vericus's eyes met mine a sigh escaping his lips.

"You may be right. In any case as much as it pains me to see you with her I'm glad she has you."

I stared at the king. We were similar in height and in build but he had a way about him that seemed otherworldly. Like he had the power to change the world and everything in it. I knew if it came to A fight he would win, but that didn't mean I was willing to give up.

"What's your plan if there's no way of freeing Rix? Are you willing to let go of your mate to give Raine a chance at happiness?"

His answer was brutally honest and full of emotion.

"Would you be able to give up on Raine?"


"Then you have your answer."

My fists clenched but I would not loose my cool. He had not lost his yet even though I could see how badly he wanted to kick my arse for touching Raine while Rix was inside her.

"Malix I more then anyone know how confusing and hard this situation is. I look at Raine I know she is different from Rix yet I can't help but want her for my own. It is Raines body but I feel Rix inside calling to me. It takes all that I have to not act against you when your with her. Its not something I can control or be rid off so easily."

He had a point, if the roles were reversed I probably wouldn't have nearly the self restraint that he has shown up til now.

"Don't worry there is still hope we've only just started to figure this out and if it ever comes to that point we will deal with it then."

He started to walk away but stopped halfway to add.

"I will say this though. Bed with her and I won't be able to control myself."

I couldn't stop the low growl from rumbling in my chest.

"Would that I could but your mate prevents that. Even trapped behind Driaks mind barrier she still causes Raine to feel pain whenever I touch her."

Vericus glanced over his shoulder his eyes meeting mine a small smile on his lips.

"I won't pretend that doesn't make me happy. I can sleep easier now knowing that."

I watched him leave back towards the house. I stood there stuck between my duties as the Lycan heir and my mate. My father hated Raine. He excepted that she was my mate since nothing could change that but refused to let her anywhere near the pack. I knew she would make a great Luna if given the chance. My father was a stubborn male, when he dig his roots in there was no moving him.

Then there was the king. He spoke of Raine changing but it was him that had changed the most. Even isolated within the Lycan pack we hear of his temper. Sure he had said he spent two years with druids? I didn't think him lying it just didn't seem real but I could tell it was definitely true. He really was born to be a king. His words repeated in my head. If that day ever comes I knew it would come down to a choice. What were we willing to sacrifice for our mates. I hoped with all my heart that that day never came.

I glanced towards the trees, I could feel her even though I couldn't see her. She needed me now, more then my pack needed me.

I let my nose guide me, following her scent of cherry blossoms and orchids. I followed it til I find her perched in a huge oak tree.

"He really has changed a lot hasn't he?"

She didn't look down her mask was still coving her face.

"You heard?"

She nodded once. I sighed of course she heard, her hearing was far superior. It was made stronger when her eyes were closed.

"I wasn't lying Raine even if we can't get Rix out of your mind I refuse to give you up. Even if it means we can never truly be together I will not leave your side."

She swung her legs over the side and swiftly jumped down to stand before me.

"Malix your heir to the Lycan pack you need a child to take over. You need to be able to continue your blood line. Those yellow eyes must be carried on to the next generation."

I shook my head lifting her mask to stare into her beautiful face.

"There are others with yellow eyes let them carry on the Lycan blood. I could never take another I only want you. If I can't have you then I'll have no one."

Her hand reached up to tangle in my hair. She pulled me down to rest her forehead against mine.

"Your so stubborn."

I chuckled remembering my own thoughts of my father only moments ago.

"Blame my father for that he's as stubborn as they come."

She chuckled quietly. We stayed like that for awhile just enjoying being next to each other. Touching each other, until she yawned making me laugh.

"Come on let's go to sleep."

"Don't you have to go back to the pack?"

I shook my head.

"They can go without me for tonight. It's not like they are far away."

She smiled as we settled down next to the tree to sleep under the stars. Her head rested on my chest her eyes closed while I caressed the scars across her cheek and eye. Within seconds she was asleep her breath slow and relaxed. I knew the main reason I stayed was because if she'd slept alone she wouldn't be sleeping this deeply and considering what was happening tomorrow and what she was about to go through she needed all the sleep she could get. I knew tomorrow would be hard on her but I would be there right by her side every step of the way.

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