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35% The Red Eyed King / Chapter 21: 21. Vericus

Chapter 21: 21. Vericus

The look on Sloane's face didn't even register to me in the state I was in. Ever since I'd kissed her it was like something inside of me had awakened. It took all of the lunar wolves to hold me back as she disappeared out the door of the fox and hound. It wasn't til Owen reminded me that we still had to get Sloane to safety that I calmed down. Although I wouldn't call it calming down. More like the calm before the storm my promise to her the only thing stopping me from tearing that whole town apart.

After what Owen had found out mere minutes before when were due to leave my mind barely had time to process the news. I mean to think Kandra was Rixs twin the first born twin. No wonder the pull she had on me was stronger then Rix. I still couldn't quite explain why but I knew I had to see for myself. I made my promise to her before knowing the truth of what she was to me. The look in her eyes and the mention of Rix. The fact that she didn't want to be the burden she thought Rix had been for me I found myself saying yes without even thinking. It was as if she had this power over me that wanted to give her what ever she wanted even if I didn't agree.

Then when I saw her stepping towards him and away from me I just had to know. Had to feel it for myself. When we kissed it was like my eyes had been opened for the first time. Rix was never my mate, she was merely a consolation prize in place of the real thing. Kandra was my true mate I didn't know how it was possible but it was. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of our kind. After that kiss I knew I couldn't control my need to have her back. She was mine not his she would never be his.

As I stepped further into the office sitting behind the desk I faced Sloane.

"Don't give me that look Sloane i didn't say it to put the blame on you it was just the truth. If we hadn't done what he wanted you wouldn't be sitting here right now."

I could see the guilt still eating away at him but for now we didn't have time. If we were going to get her back we needed to act fast.

"Put your guilt aside for now I need you to focus. You were with them for two days I need you to tell me everything."

Sloane glanced between Owen and me.

"So you do plan to get her back?"

"Of course we do but first we need to know everything anything you can tell us may help us find where they went."

There was no doubt in my mind now that Sloane was safe I will go after her. I may have made a promise but it was one I had to break and if her reaction to our kiss was any sign she probably felt the same way. At least I hoped.

Sloane didn't hesitate as he recounted everything that had happened. His reaction to Driaks use of magic was exactly like mine was at the fox and hound. It was true he had to be a hybrid. Part wolf part witch. Able to use magic and to shift a deadly combination. He told us of Driaks apparent bid for peace which would've made me laugh if not for the situation we were in. Finally he turned to Owen asking one question.

"Have you heard the name Raine Valdier?"

I growled at the name. Even I had heard of that name.

"Why do you ask?"

Sloane then went on to say that Driak revealed that Raine Valdier was Kandras real name and she was merely his prisoner. The whole reason he wanted her was because she was too dangerous and needed to be locked up. I locked eyes with Owen when Sloane was done. I could see it in his face that he was calculating the years just as I was.

"The timing fits Ver he could be telling the truth about her identity though you can be sure the rest is complete bull shit. It's more likely he was the one that took Kandra in the first place. He probably fashioned her, trained her and made her into the plague that is Raine Valdier."

"Those are my thoughts exactly."

Sloane growled at us.

"Who exactly is this Raine?"

I sighed of course he didn't know who she was there was a lot I had kept from him about my dealings with the lunar eclipse pack. Though now I realise just how wrong that was. I should have kept him in the loop on everything.

"Raine is one is the most menacing wolves of our time. She was one of the main reasons the sliver moon pack were so completely overwhelmed. She has even more power then Owen has. The lunar eclipse pack has used her as their ace for years. Whenever they wanted someone dead there she was. She killed without fear, without mercy. Any sup that got in the way of her goals were cut down. Some thought she had died four years ago since it's been that long since anyone has seen her."

Sloane shook his head confusion in his eyes.

"If this Raine was that popular wouldn't we know if Kandra was really her?"

Owen was the one to answer.

"No one has ever seen her face since she always wears a mask. Though considering what we know now the reason for that is obvious. If anyone saw her face and knew about Rix they would ask too many questions."

"Questions that Driak is clearly hiding."

Owen and Sloane stared at me both obviously wondering where I'm going with this.

"Think about it if Driak did steal Freyas first child and made her into a weapon then why would he take Rix? He already had Raine so what would he do with the other twin who had grown too old for him to manipulate like he had her sister? Not only that in all the years he had Raine not once did he ever use her against me. He had numerous opportunities yet whenever we did met in a fight they would always withdraw."

Neither Sloane nor Owen had an answer as they sat contemplating what I'd said. After awhile Owen put up a finger like he had an idea.

"You said before that your orders as king worked on Kandra yes?"

I nodded not seeing where he was going with this.

"Bare with me as this is just a theory but what if when he took Raine who we now know is actually Kandra he took her because he knew that she would be your future mate."

I held my breath ignoring the whisper of Sloane as he heard for the first time that his friend was my true mate as Owen went on with his theory.

"I believe that the reason you thought Rix was your mate is because while they were in the womb Rix stole Raines power."

Holy fuck! Could this really happen. While it did make sense the odds of something like this happening would be one in a billion. The whole room went silent as Owens words sank in.

"Is anyone else's minds blowing up right now?"

I scowled at Sloane. However his words did wake me up from the literal bomb that had been dropped on us.

"We need more information, there must be a way to confirm this? Owen is there anyone that you know who might know more about what's happening here?"

Owen rubbed his chin as he thought about it.

"There is someone but his kind doesn't like outsiders so there's no guarantee he'll help us."

"Your not talking about Roake?"

Owen shrugged awkwardly his shoulders rising in a what other option do we have kind of way. I groaned if there was one thing I hated more then the lunar wolves it was Roake.

"Who's Roake?"

I sighed slumping back in my chair as I faced Sloane the answer coming out like it hurt physically to say it.

"He's alpha of the Lycans."

Sloane stared at me like I was making a joke.

"I don't get it."

I sighed exasperated even just thinking about the alpha of the lycan pack.

"Roake is what you might call arrogant to an extreme. They live away from every other sup and definitely away from humans. They call themselves true lycans and consider the rest of us idiots for living like humans."

Sloane whistled at my description.

"Who would have thought there was a wolf more irritating then you."

I growled at him not impressed with his joke.

"Owen do you know where their pack is now?"

Owen nodded.

"Yes but unless we have something to bargain with they won't except a request for a meeting."

As much as I hated Roake he was right. If anyone knew what was really happening here it would be the lycans. Even though they looked down on the rest of us like we were less then humans they knew things that no other sups knew. I suspected it was part of the reason they lived away from the supernatural world to keep those secrets safe. I had met Roake a few times so I knew him enough to know if I had another way I would jump at it. However our options were limited there had to be more to this then Driak simply wanting to steal my mate. There had to be a reason behind his actions and if anyone knew what that reason was it would be Roake and the lycans.

Getting up I went to the cabinet standing against the wall opening it I grabbed a sealed bottle of 'double eagle rare' twenty year old bourbon whiskey worth about twenty grand on today's market. Turning I handed it to Owen who smiled knowing exactly what it was for.

"I'll send hawfalk straight away."

I nodded as Owen left bottle in hand leaving Sloane staring at me at a loss for what was going on.

"Let's just say dad told me Roakes weakness."

Sloane stared at me surprised that i would mention our dad. It was true it had been years since I even mentioned our murdered parents. I realised now just how many regrets I had over the passed ten years especially when it came to my relationship with Sloane.

It was awkward being alone with him after everything and judging by his face he probably felt the same.


My eyes met his he seemed nervous like he wasn't sure how to voice what he wanted to say.

"About the day I ran out..."

His words came back to me the sting in them still fresh. Masking what I felt I smiled like it was fine even though it wasn't.

"Don't Sloane you have nothing to feel guilty about. You were right I haven't been much of a brother and for that I am sorry. I realise now that I did things wrong. I should have included you more, told you everything from the start. It was my fault you were taken and it's my fault she was taken. Neither of you hold blame for any of this because the blame is all mine."

I leaned against the chair Owen had just vacated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"From now on I promise no more holding things from you. You are future alpha after all you need to know everything that's going on just in case."

His eyebrows knit together as he scrutinised me.

" just in case what?"

I shrugged.

"Don't you remember what I told you back in Asheville?"

He nodded as he struggled to understand what I was getting at.

"Well what I didn't tell you is that Owen has made me a promise. If ever there comes a time when my power takes over completely he's to kill me before I hurt anyone."

He was up in seconds growling at me as he grabbed my shirt.


My eyes glowed at the what my wolf perceived as a challenge.


I growled at him since the fox and hound and the fact that I had watched my mate be dragged away my wolf was far more quick to anger then before. My canine sprang out as I grabbed Sloane by the neck. I had enough control to not apply any pressure but the look in his eyes told me he was scared but my wolf didn't care.


Surprising me and my wolf he fought through his fear as he slammed his palm into my elbow making me loose my grip on his throat. Once free he took out my legs and was on top of me in seconds.

"I get it Ver your scared of your power. You live everyday seeing everyone you care about scared of you because of it. I can't begin to know what that feels like but thats no excuse to give up! I know about the darkness inside you I know that only with your true mates power can you stop it. Sure when Rix died you thought there was no hope but you said it yourself Kan, Raine whatever her real name. She is your true mate she has the power to stop the darkness. There is still hope so don't you dare pretend your doing it for us because it's a lie!"

Calming down he stood as I lifted myself on my elbows. He extended a hand to help me up.

"Your true mate is still alive Ver and while she's still breathing I will do everything I can to help you get her back. Until then you will keep fighting or so help me I'll kick your arse."

Stunned none of us moved, his words giving me the strength to push my power back inside myself. After awhile I smiled grabbing his hand he pulled me up. Who knew he had that much power? He truly was alpha material, it reminded me so much of our dad. He was right though when Rix died there was no hope but now with Kandra I still had a chance. I would keep fighting, for Slone and for her.

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