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Chapter 1

The sun shines down on me, making my black pelt sparkle. I roll of only to hit the dirt wall of the den I made. As if it happened a few seconds ago, I'm reminded of the storm I suffered last night. Unable to find shelter I had to dig a den into a hillside, to get out of the rain. I finally open my eyes, shaking dirt out of my fur.

"I guess the sun always comes out after the rain." I snort. A yawn escapes me as I walk in the grass, the mud cold under my paw pads. I smell the air and scent a mouse I also hear it running around. I follow the scent ask it rustled around in the grass, I lower myself into a hunting couch. The moment it turns around I bound after it. I dig my claws into the ground throwing myself after it, when I get close enough I blow a blast of flame at its back legs tripping it. I bite down hard on its throat as it gives a tiny gasp of air. Proud of myself I crouch and begin eating. As I finish I clean my mouth, I hear a rustle in the tall grass. Alert, I crouch low as I can spotting a white she-cat splotched with black. I watch her trot through the grass her icy blue eye looking for prey. Not very smart for a hunter I thought. She's small like an airclan cat but her long pelt looks more of waterclan. I get ready to spring, I throw myself at her taking her by surprise, she lets out a cry for help as I pin her covering her mouth. A larger tom sprits from the nearby barn dashing towards me. He stops in his tracks when my claws move towards the she-cats neck. "Stop!" He yowls, his crimson ginger fur bristling. "You know this cat?" I hiss, standing my ground. He snarls and charges knocking me off the she-cat. "Don't hurt her!" she screams. What is she playing at? I thought. The tom hesitates to let me get up. "Who are you?" he snarls, his muzzle only a paw from mine.

"Ginger!" the she-cat snaps, "Don't be rude!" she padded over to me. "Ginger is a pathetic name for a big cat like you." I scoff at Ginger. He makes a face and I can't tell if he wants to laugh or claw my face. The she steps infront of Ginger before he can say anything. "I'm lavender, what's your name?" she asks. "Shadow," I say letting my black fur lay flat, my amber eyes darting between them. "You live in that barn over there?" I ask. Lavender nods. "Now that the fighting is over you and me can get patched up!". I roll my eyes but I take the offer, I can tell by the glared Ginger keeps giving me he doesn't like the ideas. I guess he can't argue with Lavender.

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