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Chapter 20

I woke up the next day full of energy as I go back to dxd and return to my room and like that 6 years past by as I caught up with koneko and during those years Kirito had agreed to my offer as I gave him the knight piece which unlike the evil pieces that increase certain attributes and weaken a different attribute. mine give a boost to everything and let's them develop however they wish as it also let's them learn and train easier.


After he used it he was covered in light but after that he looked the same as I stayed there while waiting for the GGO arc to happen and when it did I was sent in with him. as we both realized we had girly avatars we sighed as he went to look for weapons and money as I took over his role as the protagonist in this arc. I met Sinon and we did everything that was in the original storyline and once it was time for the bullet of bullets I mostly followed the original until that moment in the cave before the final fight where as we talked she opened up more until I found myself holding her hand as I talked about myself until I saw her looking into my eyes as I unconsciously activated an unused skill,*love god eyes*, and looked into her eyes.


Feelings: slight crush

Relationship: friends]

I felt myself moving closer as her face became red as I test the waters with a light kiss as she returned it with a light one on mine as we stood up as I grabbed my pistol and photon sword as the story went like the original after that moment. After it was all over with I gave everyone a god piece that suited them and left time frozen there as I went back home to dxd.

<flashback end>

I get ready for school as I hold my organizations emblem, A fiery skull with swords stuck in it, and hid it in my pocket and left before Issei did as there was something I wanted to confirm after reviewing my memories from my missing soul piece. After I arrived I quickly made my way to the underside of the stairs and pulled out the emblem as I pressed a tile on the floor which caused a scanner to rise up and I quickly put the emblem near it.

It took a minute before a part of the floor opened Revealing a set of stairs as I got up and walked down them to a door that used the same system to open it and after it opened I saw a room with a permanent portal to my organizations hq and I wasn't afraid someone would get in here as only my emblem will work as it is different from the normal one that has white swords but mine has gold swords on it instead that are made a certain way so that a fake version won't open the door.

After confirming it's existence I made a clone go to class as I changed into my Reaper outfit and walked through the portal. I appeared in my office as I start looking through the files on my desk and begin working on sorting the top secret info inside the files into a secure space which is my inventory.

<2 hours later>

After I finished that I looked at my schedule and saw I had a meeting with 2 very important clients. I obviously knew that this was female vali and ophis and since I already know where fenrir was I became curious as to what they would use to buy information on me.

I walked towards the meeting room as everyone I walked past looked at me with respect as I have managed to keep my organization around since before the great war and especially for making it through it without ever being bothered by the three factions, after being tossed around like nothing by me.

After entering the room everything went the same as before but before they offered the location I stopped them.

"Am guessing it's the location of fenrir in exchange for my identity right?"

they nod

"well I already know his location so I hope you came prepared with different information I want"

They sat there for a bit in shock that I already had his location. in fact I already captured the current fenrir and fused him with the one I already had making him more powerful.

<2 hours later>

I walked out with a grin on my face as I held a very important item for my plan to make an army to help me fight the gods who rule the multiverse.

This item was a piece of ophis's soul and once I have one from great red I will be able to merge them together to make mortal pieces which will allow me to make a company in the human world.

( Mortal pieces: Works similarly to god pieces but only allows them to reach demigod level)

Once I set up my security company I can start making an army of demigod followers for the new religion am planning to announce as well as the fact that am a God.

This will allow me to gather a vast amount of void energy quickly which is related to my space&time affinity and once I have enough I can punch a hole through the barrier that separate this world from the sao world and allow my army to travel the multiverse like I can.


Void energy: It's present in all worlds and only someone of the ??? race and above with a space&time affinity can use it.


Sorry that I went missing as I've been doing school work and working at my job so I've had no energy to write but I should be able to start putting more chapters out soon.

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