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20% A Tale of Time and Life / Chapter 9: Chapter 3: Awards, Electives and Disagreements. Part 1

Chapter 9: Chapter 3: Awards, Electives and Disagreements. Part 1

Harry stepped into an empty classroom. He called Dobby and Dobby sealed the room. He could see the giant squid up to its usual antics and the many students out and about the castle grounds, the weather is seemingly pleasant for a walk and there are no exams. Despite the pleasantness visible to him, he had no wish to walk outside. He needed some time to think.

Dobby watched his master in silence, knowing that there is something bothering him. But Dobby did not insist on knowing. No, he understands that there are some secrets better left unsaid within the castle walls of Hogwarts. Hogwarts maybe considered the safest place in Magical Britain; however, she also hosts many an inopportune ear. Furthermore, he knows that there are some secrets are best left unsaid. A former Malfoy elf would know very well the danger of secrets.

Harry spent ten minutes staring out into the distance. 'I understand that I must reign in my anger before it clouds my vison of what truly is important. That does not mean that I will easily let go the pain and the sense of betrayal. To neither forgive nor forget. Well at least I can afford to forgive at certain times, but never forget.'

Harry drew his gaze away from the window and to his elven companion. He smiled, "Thank you for staying with me Dobby and not insisting on knowing, that means a lot."

"Of course, Master Harry. Dobby knows Master Harry will tell Dobby eventually,"

He chuckled and gently replied, "In due time Dobby, but for now I need your help with a few tasks. I am not sure what you can do, but I will show a list of tasks and you can point to which ones you can do," he took out the parchment with the tasks he wrote earlier in the morning. He gestured Dobby to sit beside him and the diminutive elf leaned in after seating himself to his right to take a better look at the tasks.

After a couple of minutes of consternation, Dobby pointed out, "Dobby can buy things for Master Harry from anywhere, even Knockturn Alley. Most vendors do not care who they sell to, other than the size of their pocket. Dobby can also help Master with Gringotts sir. All Master Harry needs to give Dobby is the Key. Dobby can take master's key from your trunk."

Dobby pointed to the first task, "Dobby can hide Master Harry's magic from the Ministry sir. That is how many rich pureblood children use magic in the summer sir. Another way sir would be to be in a place with lots of magic. The Ministry cannot tell who is doing what when there is a lot of magic."

Bloody hell! My life would have been a hell of a lot easier if I had Dobby last time around.

Dobby continued, "Dobby thinks sir should get a magical tent so Dobby can prepare meals. Dobby will help keep Bad Pig-tard Dursleys – "Harry chortled at the nickname "– away from sir. And, Dobby can find you a law wizard sir, but Dobby has a suggestion sir."

"What is it Dobby?"

Dobby stoked his chin with his bony fingers and explained, "Dobby thinks Master Harry should get a muggle-born or half-blood law wizard or witch who is married to a pureblood sir. Law wizards and witches can represent in both the muggle world and magical world. Since Master Harry lives in the muggle world as well, you should have a retainer who is familiar with the muggle world. If the witch or wizard is married to a pureblood, they will have a much better idea of how the magical society works Master Harry Potter sir."

Harry's eyeballs widened at Dobby's rationale. Dobby watched closely for his master's reaction with a hint of nervousness. Truth be told, he went and asked a few people in the know how. Dobby knew that his Master Harry Potter sir is going to great things; therefore, he needed legal protection. The first thing Dobby did this morning was to find information on who best to represent him.

Harry gave the elf a grin and exclaimed, "Dobby you are amazing! Can you please find someone who you think is suitable?"

Nodding furiously and blinking away his tears, Dobby replied, "Yes sir! I will Great Master Harry Potter sir!"

Harry groaned, "Must you always call me that? You were doing such a good job not calling me that!"

Dobby pressed back with a hint of mirth, "Great and Wise Master Harry Potter sir said Dobby can refuse sirs orders, so Dobby refuses to not recognize your greatness!"

Harry slammed his faced onto the table and then laughed. Dobby gave him a sheepish grin. Harry still had a few topics he needed to address with Dobby. Facing the elf and looking him in the eye, Harry said," Dobby, I want you to know that if you are going to be my left-hand man, you need to call Voldemort by his name."

Dobby flinched, and replied weakly, "Master Harry Potter sir, Dobby understands that. But Dobby remembers how Dobby lost his parents sir. Dobby lost his father and mother to V-V-Voldemort sir. My parents were Malfoy elves sir, and in a fit of anger, the monster murdered my parents in front of me sir. Dobby remembers the day he lost his parents well sir," his body was wracking with shivers at the mere mention of the memory.

Harry felt a pang of guilt for pressing the poor elf. Well Dobby you and I both are orphans of war. He gently drew the elf for a hug. He softly whispered, "I am sorry Dobby. That was rude for me to be that blunt about an issue that clearly troubled you. If saying Voldemort frightens you, call him by his real name, Tom Marvolo Riddle," seeing Dobby nod, He moved on to his next topic.

"Dobby not to be rude again, but how come you are much different than before you were bonded to me?"

Dobby enthusiastically replied with a smile in his face, "No sir, it's not rude at all sir. Dobby thinks it is Master Harry Potter sir's magic. The magic Dobby felt during the bonding ceremony was not uncomfortable like the usual magic elves feel during the ceremony sir. No, this magic was warm and comforting sir. Dobby thinks sir's magic improved the ceremony. Dobby has gotten more powerful and intelligent as a result sir," by the time he was done the exuberant elf was jumping up and down with absolute joy written all over his jolly face.

The infectious energy that that Dobby radiate warmed Harry's heart. 'Every time I see Dobby, it confirms how great the decision to bind him was. Thank you, Death, for that piece of advice.' Looking at the clock in the classroom, it nearly seemed to be lunch time. He had two more things to get out of the way.

"Dobby, can you make yourself some clothes for yourself. I don't want you to just wear some rags. I am not giving clothes to free you, but because I don't want my friend wearing rags."

'Speaking of rags, I got to do a wardrobe change as soon as the break begins. Since I am about to scare the Dursleys into submission, I doubt I have to worry about them browbeating me into giving them money.'

Dobby looked thoughtful and then his face lit up. He nodded back at Harry. Receiving the message, Harry asked, "Dobby when is your birthday?"

"November 28th sir. Why ask?"

'Plenty of time for a little surprise.'

"No reason," Harry replied a little too fast. Dobby just narrowed his eyes and let it go with a sigh.

"Is there anything else sir?"

"No Dobby, thank you very much for your help today."

"Your welcome sir. By my leave, Great Master Harry Potter sir," Dobby impishly grinned as he popped away. Harry sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today. He exited the room and headed towards the Great Hall. He then recalled his brief mess-up with Dobby regarding Voldemort's name.

'I guess that name means more to people than just a forbidden name. To many, Voldemort is the physical manifestation of everything they have feared and continue to fear. Though I loathe to admit it, this maybe one reason why people of the magical society were hesitant to believe either me or Dumbledore. They might have felt that the two of us spat on their fears. Granted that the Ministry manipulated the public opinion, that does not mean there is no truth to my hypothesis. If anything, it provides evidence proving it to be true.'

He was interrupted from any further musings when he heard a sound of a throat being cleared. He looked back to see the Weasley Twins facing him bearing unusually solemn countenances. 'Two sights I need to get used to, Fred being alive and Twins bearing serious expressions. Although, I doubt I will ever get used to the latter. Harry knew what they were about to do. After all, they did the same last time around.'

He smiled, "What can I do for you two gentlemen on this lovely day?"

Years of playing quidditch and knowing them helped Harry tell the two of them apart. If one looked closely, they would see subtle physical differences between the two. The giveaway for Harry is their noses. Fred has a slightly pointed nose, while George has a fuller nose.

Without displaying any of the usual Weasley Twin antics, Fred started, "We just want to thank you for saving our sister. She means the world to us and knowing now about what happened to her, it pains us to know what she went through over the last year."

George added with a slightly pained tone, "We didn't check on her over the last year. We should have been better brothers and because of our stupidity, we almost lost a sister. If it were not for you, who knows what might have happened to Ginny."

The atmosphere was slightly heavy, Harry could see a myriad of emotions flickering back and forth. Harry knew that being downtrodden would not help Ginny recover. She needed her brothers to be strong right now.

Harry took a step forward and placed a hand on each of their shoulders and firmly explained, "Fred, George there is no need to thank me. I would have helped save anyone regardless of who was down there. But you cannot let your past mistakes take hold in your heart. Your sister needs her brothers to help her recover from this. She needs her brothers to be there for her, hold her when she cries, laugh with her when she needs a laugh and your support while she heals.

Though remember if you tower over her protectively over her, she is only going to push you away. If you leave her alone without support, she is going to resent all of you. If you push her too hard, she going to ignore you. Just be there for her and remember you will make mistakes, but if you let her know you love her, all should be fine," he finished with a smile at the awed faces of the duo.

George was the first to gain his wits, "Thank you Harry, your advice helped set our heads straight. I am ashamed of how much better you are at this. You are younger than us for Merlin's sake!"

Harry held his smile, "Once you have lived my life, you will learn that there are things that a lot of people take for granted. The same things I cannot take for granted. I have no family; I had no friends until I came to Hogwarts. To me, since I have seen the world without all the things worth living and now that I finally have friends, I want to strive to hang on to what I already have," he patted them on the shoulders lightly, retracted his hands, and with a twirl he started walking towards the Great Hall.

Without taking a glance at them, his back faced the Twins, he said, "Be yourselves, there is nothing greater that you can do for your sister."

Quatroquatro Quatroquatro

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