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70% Kaido In My Hero Academia / Chapter 7: 7/ The Beast

Chapter 7: 7/ The Beast

[ Author - Tell me if you want Kaido to have the 3 Hakis. If I see more Yes than No then Kaido will get Haki. Also, I've seen people complaining about the name of Kaido's power, so I decided to change it to Ryu Ryu No Mi, which means Dragon Dragon No Mi].

(Pov Nezu)

I received the report from the police, Kaido saved a civilian but the ugly one was reduced to lint. I could guess from the woman's testimony that Kaido did not hesitate for a second to massacre the man. Tomorrow I will summon him to my office to discuss the situation with him, nevertheless this student is incredible to be able to destroy the whole street with a simple movement of the hand, you have to be provided with gigantic strength. Moreover, the victim said in his report to the police that even when the man attacked Kaido with his blade, he couldn't even scratch Kaido's skin so his defense is just as high as his attack power. Truly a powerful bizzarie.

( Pov Kaido )

I finally came home, went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to eat.

"Hi Kaido honey, so how was your first day of school," my mother said to me.

"It was good and bad, the weirdness tests were pretty cool but the ants in this school are sometimes too sassy. Besides, after leaving school, I crossed my path with a naughty man."

"A naughty one!? Are you okay, nothing happened to you?!" my mother inspected my body to see if there was any sign of injury.

"Oh it's okay, mom, have you ever seen me bleed once in my life? "

"No, I've never seen you bleed, but I'm your mother. I can't help but worry. What happened to the naughty one?"

" I killed him. This weakling wanted to kill a woman."

"Killed!? I think you did well my son because of you this world is safer. But you won't get in trouble with the law?"

"The law? Problems? HAHAHA I am Kaido, even if I tell everyone that my goal is to become the most powerful creature this goal is futile since I am already the most powerful creature, so what am I afraid of if I want to kill all the villains on this planet who could stop me? The police? The heroes? No, no one can stop me from doing what I want because I am Kaido! "

"Yes, yes, that's right, I can see your arrogance is still there."

"It's not arrogance mom but strength as long as I'm strong no one can do anything to me!"

"Yes, yes..." my mother said laughing.

The next day

I arrived at the school and walked to my classroom, the students were looking at me out of the corner of their eyes, I could see fear in their eyes. These are the students who were in the canteen yesterday. I opened my classroom door and went to the chair at the back of the classroom. When everyone in the class was present, the class finally started. 15 minutes later, I could hear a female voice in the microphone.

"Kaido is summoned to the principal's office, please go there. "As soon as the voice finished its sentence everyone in the class looked at me.

"Sir, I'm going to the principal's office."

"I understand, you'll catch up with your class with the help of your classmates." I left the classroom and went to the principal's office, once in front of it, the door was ajar, I went in and saw Nezu standing on his desk.

"Hello Kaido, I'm Yuei's principal, my name is Nezu am I a mouse? Am I a bear?"

"I don't care, tell me why I'm here "I sat on the chair in front of Nezu, I could see him sweating, it's pretty weird to see him sweating when he had fur.

( Pov Nezu )

This guy makes me very uncomfortable, it's like I'm being watched by a mythical beast, it's really terrifying. But I'm the principal, I can't cower in fear in front of a student!

"Kaido, last night you fought with a villain and used your powers without a permit, moreover the man died under your attack." He looked me in the eyes and said.

"So what?" he said.

He said, "So what? We can disregard the illegal use of power but murder is another story," he said.

"Huh?! I get rid of the garbage on the street for free and I get blamed for it? I don't care who you think you are, whether you're a hero or a villain, whoever opposes me, I crush them like insects!" Kaido screamed as he exploded his aura outwards! What the hell is that! My animal instinct screams me to run away, this guy is not human, he's a monster, I'm sure of it!

(Pov Kaido )

I got up from my seat, I was pissed off! How could insects dare to reproach me for cleaning their street for free? veins began to swell on my forehead, I looked at the hairball in front of me and said.

"I don't care about the law, but if you deliberately oppose me I'll blow you away! But keep this in mind if you are on my side I treat you well, I am a man of honor and I always keep my word unlike insects like you!"

"I don't care about the law because it's not strong enough to beat me! "After I finished my sentence I got up and walked towards the door, I didn't even try to open it but just walked and broke the door and the wall and went back to class.

(Pov Nezu)

When I heard this monster, I was terrified, this monster is serious when he says that he doesn't care about anyone, to his eyes the whole world is nothing, they are all insects to him! When he said that he treats people well on his side, I was determined to be on his side because if the villains know his personality he will not hesitate to treat him as their king so that he will be on their side. And if Kaido is on the side of the villains then with his potential his threat will be huge for all mankind! I saw him turn around and this monster did not even open the door but simply pierced the wall and left. Seeing this scene, my conviction to make him an ally became stronger!

( Pov Kaido)

I went back to class and sat down, a few minutes later I heard a loud noise like a roaring animal, everyone in the class was scared even Aizawa was no exception everyone turned around and looked at me.

Aizawa looked at me and said.

"The class isn't over yet, there's still 20 minutes until the bell rings."

"I don't care, I'm going to eat." After my sentence I turned around to leave when I felt an intention to fight coming from behind I knew right away it was that Aizawa insect. Before he even did anything I turned around to look him in the eyes the veins in my forehead swelled up and the white of my eyes took on a golden hue and my eyes split like those of a dragon, I gave off a fierce aura! Aizawa stopped immediately when he saw my eyes and froze I could see sweat drops on his forehead.

"Tampis for you but if you miss your classes that way you won't become a good hero."

"Humpf! "I went to eat. If they all keep getting on my nerves I'm going to destroy the fucking school!

A few days later.

We were in class when I heard someone shouting behind the classroom door.

"The cavalry's coming through the door!" It was All-Might. Now that I see it with my dragon senses, I can smell that Izuku and All-Might have the same smell except that the smell of All-Might is constantly fading but the smell of Izuku is getting stronger. Everybody in the class was impressed by All-Might, I just want to test the power of his moves.

"Today we're going to do combat training! Let's go to the field but put on your costumes first!"

On the field everyone was in their suits and waiting when suddenly everyone could hear loud footsteps coming from the corridor. When Kaido appeared it was 3 meters high and he was in the original Kaido clothes!

"Oh, how cool is your Kaido costume! He looks so manly!" Kirishima shouted.

"You're so tall it's too intimidating," says Hanta.

When I heard their words I smiled as I swelled my chest.

"Humpf, big or not I'm going to blow your face off," Bakugo shouted.

It's the second time this ant is taking me down!

"HAHAHA, blow me up? Come and try me, you stupid spark! "

"That's enough, we're going to start training, I'm going to explain the exercise to you." All-Might explained the purpose of the exercise.

"There are heroes and villains. The villains will be hidden with the bomb in the building and the heroes have to defuse it. Come and dig inside the box to decide on pairs and confrontations." We all picked, I was on the heroes' team in pairs with Koji and our opponents were Bakugo and Tenya.

I looked at Bakugo and said with a smile.

"HAHAHA, I'm going to crush you insect! "

Warriorz_GaminG Warriorz_GaminG

A pleasure to write this chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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