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Chapter 1

(a/n this will be my first time ever writing a fanfic and hopefully it goes just as great as the other fanfics out there. Just remember I'm a noob writer so if you see any grammatical/punctuation error tell me (please))


Today is just like any other day for Grey (a/n I decided I won't have a last name as I suck at naming things and it won't really matter In the future) he woke up, got ready for work, went to work, got the regularly scolding from his boss, worked overtime, and finally goes home. While walking to his house Grey was in deep thought when he overheard a male and female arguing. (a/n hopefully this is bland and boring for you amazing readers. Also the arguing won't last long as I suck at this sorry)


M: I wasn't ki---

the man was suddenly cut off by the woman's unintelligible yelling and while he was trying to calm her down she started throwing things at the man. While most of the items missed or didn't cause enough harm to him a pillow flew right pass him through the open window hitting a cactus in a heavy clay potting he gave to his girlfriend a few months prior knocking it off the window seel (seal? sorry don't know which spelling it is) and after a few seconds later a crashing sound with a heavy thud.

(Back to Grey)

As he was listening to the screaming he soon saw something falling fast towards him while he tried to cover his head. Sadly though he was a bit to slow and the potted cactus hit his head causing him to black out and fall. The potted cactus wasn't enough to kill him but when he fell a large shard stabbed into his eye and he bled to death soon after.

(a/n so what do you guys think about his death even though the chances of this happening is extremely low less than .000001% it can still happen so I used it. (I was also tired of seeing our favorite God Truck-kun killing people (sorry Truck-kun)))


When Grey woke up all he could see around himself was black and the first thought he had was that he was in a hospital having a lucid dream, but after what felt like eons he still didn't wake up. After an undefined amount of time Grey was going over all the episodes of pokemon he remembers as that was his favorite show as a kid/adult though he hated the sun and moon series---- (a/n you can fight me on this all you want but this is my opinion. If you liked the sun and moon series well that's good I won't say anything as that is what you believe. The only time I will say your opinion is invalidated is if you say pineapple on pizza is good all I can say for you is that I hope you go to h*ll (I'm joking here don't take this seriously. And finally you are entitled to your opinions unless they can hurt someone else))----- and he never was able to watch pokemon journey. While in the void he was going over some fanfics where they get wishes and he thought ' man those MC's are lucky if I had a chance to go to the pokemon world with 3 wishes I would pick

1. A level system (this mainly is for skills like practicing sword skills can level them up. This mainly helps with getting/leveling up skills and numbers them. ex: Procrastination 7/10)

2. Perfect Memory (this is easy to understand)

3. Very fast reflexes (easy to understand I hope)

and then I'll be the strongest there ever was and ash would eat my dust'. Suddenly a vortex appears and pulls in our Mc and while he was traveling through it fastly something hit him off course and he landed somewhere else (just imagine Megamind capsule getting hit off course from the beginning of the movie). When Grey 'woke' up all he could see was black but this time he was warm.

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