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Chapter 2


As I walked around the kitchen with the freshly baked bread on the tray that I'm holding, the sun began to rise and its light shone through our windows. I placed the tray on the table as Papa walked in with ingredients he bought from the market.

"Last day of school today, Amelia?" Papa asks as he wipes sweat off from his forehead with his handkerchief.

I hummed yes. "Can't wait to get a break from school."

"Are you still planning to pursue ballet classes?"

I sighed. "Papa, I know money is tight right now. That's why I won't continue with them anymore. I told you that months ago."

"But you love dancing!" he exclaims.

I sighed. "I do, but I have more priorities than just ballet. I need to help you with running the bakery. I know you get tired of working all by yourself."

"Oh, dear. You don't have to worry about me. I've handled everything by myself ever since you were small."

I walked over to him and held his hand. "I know. But I want to help."

With a smile, he releases a sigh and nods. "Alright. If that's what you really want."

"Thanks, Papa." I hugged him.

The door opens and we see Noah come in.

"Good morning, Noah," Papa greets.

"Good morning, Mr. Vince," Noah bows.

"Ah, I've told you to just call me Vince. No more Mister needed."

"Noted." He chuckled as Papa went at the back, then turns to me. "Got mail for ya."

"It might be just a spam mail or some sort," I joked as he handed the letter to me.

"I think it's a special letter. Now open it. Might make you happier later than the fact that it's the end of the semester."

I tore it open and saw Mrs. Wendy's name on it. Mrs. Wendy is my ballet tutor and I had classes with her for a year, but I stopped when the semester is coming to an end. It's been months since I had a communication with her, and this was the first time she reached out to me in months.

~ Amelia,

How are you, my darling? I hope everything is well. It's been months since your last class, and can I mention how much I've missed you. You were a delight to teach ballet with your determination. It's sad to hear that you decided to stop taking classes. But I understand.

I have great news for you. I've been teaching ballet classes at Crystalia School of Arts, and I've been thinking of granting you a scholarship because of your talent in ballet. I've talked to other tutors and they approved it.

Take your time into considering this invitation. I'll wait for your response.

Until then, keep safe.

Mrs. Wendy ~

My eyes were wide open as I finished reading the letter, while Noah watched me with a smirk.

"Papa!" I exclaimed happily.

Papa runs inside upon hearing me. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Mrs. Wendy got me a scholarship to Crystalia School of Arts!"

His smile widened, a sight so beautiful to see on him. "That's wonderful, Amelia!"

I hugged him so tightly while jumping up and down as Noah watched us. I went over to him and hugged him as I giggled.

"Thank you, Noah."

"I just delivered the letter to you. You know who to thank."

And as quickly as I could, I ran to my room upstairs to write her a letter.


Few days after the last day of the semester in our school, I was packing for my trip to the Central. I had to make sure Papa was alright about me leaving because me leaving meant him being alone in this house. Noah would help run the bakery from time to time though, so he wouldn't tire himself out from doing all the work alone, without me beside him.

Noah walked around my room as I packed all my clothes.

"Vince would have to see this room empty every day." He spun around, checking out the whole room.

"I hate to leave him. He's been alone all the time. And now, I have to leave for school."

"I'll convince him to let me live here," he says jokingly as I laughed.

"I don't trust you. You have a messy room."

"Heeyyy. I don't have a messy room," he defends himself with crossed arms.

I placed my hand on my hip. "Excuse me, Noah. You do."

"Very offensive, Amelia. But I'll let it pass since I've known you since we were toddlers."

"You'll miss me, don't you?"

"Miss you? Psh. As if."

"You're denying it. Come on, admit that you'll miss me." I stood up as I poked his side, earning a flinch and a yelp from him.

"I won't!" He starts to walk away from me, but I chase him.

"Yes, you would!"

We kept chasing and running and bantering as I tickled him until we fell on the floor laughing. Our loud laughs filled the almost empty room lit up only by the lampshade. When our laughs died down, our faces were so close to each other, I could feel his breath on me as he panted from laughing. For a moment, I was in a trance from staring into his eyes, and I felt my face warm up from the close proximity, so I turned away the same time he did. Despite the awkward encounter we had, he held my hand.

"I'll miss you," he whispered.

"I'll miss you, too," I whispered back.

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