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80.64% William Hunt's Journey Through F1 / Chapter 24: Jet Lag Sucks

Chapter 24: Jet Lag Sucks

William Hunt's flight landed at Miami International Airport on Wednesday at what would have been 9:20 at night, Baku time. But since he wasn't in Baku, the time was 1:30 in the afternoon. Which meant, that yes, Hunt was dead tired at noon.

'I hate jet lag.' William thought.

Finally after waiting for a while, he managed to catch a cab and William gave the driver the address of the Airbnb his team had rented for him.

"Alright…" The driver said before faltering.

"Uh…you ok?" William asked.

"Y-your William Hunt."

"That's me."

The driver turned back around with a huge smile on his face. "I've been a big fan of yours. You have a race this weekend right?"


"Good luck man."


Finally, he arrived at the Airbnb, unlocked the door, pushed his suitcase into a corner before jumping onto the bed. William sighed. He decided he would sleep, but not before taking a shower and changing. After a fresh change of clothes, he crashed into his bed before falling asleep.

He woke up sometime around 5:30. Four hours of sleep didn't seem like much but it was enough. Feeling a little more energized he decided he would make himself dinner. His team had sent him prepackaged food for him and a meal plan. However, since he had just spent half the day on a metal tube roaring across the sky at 500 miles per hour, his team told his personal trainer told him today and today only would be a cheat day.

William decided on having a small 8 inch pizza with sausage, green bell peppers and olives on it. It was a good meal, and after wolfing it down, he decided to take another bath but this time, he took his time unwinding in the bath. After he finished with the bath it was about 7PM. Thought about watching movies, but after scrolling for a bit nothing really stuck. Then, he remembered that he had brought his laptop and controller with him. He ended up just starting up the F1 game and starting a career mode to kill time.

The next time he glanced at the time, it was about 9:30.

'I'll go to sleep after finishing this race.' He thought. However, plans changed when Lando shot him a message.

Lando: Hey congrats on ur win. Wanna head out with the others for a drink to celebrate?

William: Sure. Where y'all wanna meet up?

Lando: Drop ur address, we'll meet u there.

William gave them his address before getting up and changing into a set of more presentable clothes.

Soon, there was a knock on the door and Lando called "William! Ya in there?"

"Yeah! Coming!" He called back. Before opening the door. "So, where are we headed?"

"To the Airbnb we're sharing," George said. "We should really just rent 1 big Airbnb next race."

"Sure." William said. "Sounds great."

Their Airbnb was a short walk away, and once they got there, they had a few drinks, and some would say maybe a few drinks too many as all four of them ended up out cold by 12AM.




"Ughhh" William Hunt groaned.

He got up and looked around, trying to remember what had happened. The last thing he remembered was arriving at Georges Airbnb with the others and celebrating his win. But by the looks of it, they had done a lot more than just celebrate. The room looked like a tornado had gone through it. Pillows and blankets were all strewn all over the place. The others were still out.

He didn't feel too hungover, maybe after 4 years of partying during college had developed some kind of resistance? He didn't linger too long on that thought. Getting up, he checked the time. 10AM. He glanced back at the trio still sleeping. He decided on spending some time putting the room back together before leaving a note that read, "If you wake up and I'm not there, I'm at the market getting some food. I got breakfast covered."

The note however, proved to be futile as when he returned from the market, the trio were still out cold.

He had decided a bit after he woke up to make avocado toast. While the toast was in the toaster, he worked on scrambled eggs, he kept it simple, with just some salt as seasoning. Keeping them nice and fluffy without drying up. The avocado was simple, cut around the pit and then split the avocado in half before scooping out in the insides. Those would then be mashed into a spread.

He knew this recipe by heart. Many hungover days in college had been remedied by this very recipe. And everytime he was hung over, he put his faith in this working. He was just about ready to wake the others before a very tired Alex stumbled into the kitchen.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Oh. You're cooking?"

"Yeah," William said. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, could be better but I'm fine." Alex replied. "Usually I'm the one making hangover food for the others"

"Oh?" William said. "You guys party like this very often?"

"No. But when we do, I don't get hung over very often so I usually make the food." Alex said. "I'm more surprised you're not hungover."

"I spent most of my college years partying so I built a good resistance to alcohol." William said sheepishly

"Ah, didn't take you for one to go partying." Alex said.

"Yeah, not something I'm proud of, but hey, I guess it did come in handy. Are the others still sleeping?" William asked.

"Nah, they're all about as awake as they can be right now." Alex said, "they probably need food in their system."

"By the way," William asked. "You got a spare toothbrush I can use?"

"Sure, I'll go get one."

After William got himself cleaned up, he brought the tray of avocado toast out to the others, which they gratefully accepted. The avocado toast worked wonders on their hangovers and before long, they were back to their normal selves.

A bit after breakfast, William got a call.

"Hey William," The team trainer. "You're due for a session in an hour, and so is George. Tell him I'll meet you both at your place. He's not picking up his phone."

"Yeah, I'll go tell him." William said.

After hanging up he turned to his teammate. "George, you're not gonna like me very much after this. But we have a training session today."

"You're serious? That's today?" George said in disbelief.

"Yep." William said."Let's get going, training's at my place this time."

"Alright, let me get ready."

When the duo arrived at William's house, their trainer was already there. "You're late. He said"

"Yeah, George took his sweet time getting ready." William said.

"Oh throw me under the bus why don't ya." George exclaimed.

William unlocked the door and let them in. After eating a premade lunch of potato salads, training began. Training was always difficult, they often did G force training where they would wear a harness on their head before their trainer pulled hard, simulating the amount of G's a F1 car would pull going through a corner. Or they would practice with a wheel, they would have to turn the wheel with it on high resistance to simulate turning a wheel during an actual race.

Today, they were working on their endurance. This of course meant a 5 mile run nonstop. The run wasn't supposed to be competitive but George always found a way to make it competitive. William always came out on top, as he had done track in high school but George was never far behind.

1 five mile run later, both William and George had finished their runs. Their trainer offered them bottles of water which they both gladly accepted. Despite their tiredness, their trainer told them that there was still 30 minutes left and that the next part of their training today would be G force training. George, having more experience, was always able to do higher G's than William but the gap was again very small, maybe 1 or 2 G's.

Once that part of training was finished, their trainer called it a day and left with George. William sighed. Training always left him drained. 'A shower would feel great right now' He thought.

Deciding that a shower would indeed feel nice, he grabbed another set of clothes and a towel before heading into the shower. Once he was done, it was about 5:30PM. Deciding now was the best time to eat. He checked his meal plan. Dinner was going to be a tuna sandwich. William was never the biggest fan of tuna, but he was open to trying it. Once he took a bite, he found that it wasn't that bad, he had definitely had worse.

He finished the rest of the meal before heading back onto the F1 game and doing more career mode races to pass the time. But before long he had once again gotten bored. Under normal circumstances, he would have had a lot less time today, but since Miami's a street circuit, he couldn't exactly go do a track walk.

Checking the time, the clock read 8:30. 'I have got to find a better way to kill time.' He thought to himself.

Looking around he tried to think of something that would entertain him for a bit before deciding on watching a movie. His movie of choice was the new Ant-man movie. He hadn't gotten around to watching it and figured now was better than never. Turns out, it was a good choice as in a blink of an eye, it was 10:30.

'Dam,' He thought to himself. 'Maybe I should watch movies to pass the time. Worked wonders today.'

As last as it was, William decided to go brush his teeth, and head to bed. After all, he did have 2 free practice sessions tomorrow morning.

Cyanwastaken Cyanwastaken

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