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26.66% Eternal Hazbin / Chapter 8: Bolt

Chapter 8: Bolt

"...Oh poor Feeny...don't you worry, we'll find some way to get you off that thing" Mistress cried, five Imps were climbing the gate, trying to push the impales Groundskeeper off, who only groaned and snarled in response. The Mistress reached out and gently touched the Groundkeeper's hand, running her finger along his especially bloody knuckles. "...M-Mistress, what should we do about the two...escapees?" An Imp asked, "...Give a call to Bolt...he'll handle it" The Mistress ordered.


"This is SICK!!!" Leroy exclaimed, he was holding a large bat covered in barbed wires. "Eh, it's alright I guess" Damon examined the MP-133 in his hand, which had several visible scratches on the wood handling. "Honestly, that many cash for two Guns and a bat is worth it, you wouldn't want to see the price in the regular fences and stores" Leroy states as they both walked out, only to be cornered by a group of sinners wearing biker outfits, "Looks like we've got ourselves some game, boys!! Hand over your weapons and you might not get a beatdown" one of the bikers yelled, cracking his knuckles. "You want it...come get it!!!" Leroy swung the bat at the biker, only to receive a left hook that immediately knocked him down. Damon slammed his gun against another biker's head, knocking him out, but he was suddenly tackled from behind and ultimately got overpowered.

"This is ours now...from now on, anything you own, it might as well be ours as well" A biker said with a smug expression before they all got on their individuals motorcycles and speeded off with the guns, leaving Leroy with only a bat.

"...Damn it!!! You can't have anything down here!! I hate Hell!!!" Leroy screamed.

Damon and Leroy returned into the bar, sitting at the counter with frustration and anger. "What would you like, Ol' Pal?" A man wearing a red suit and hat asked, his voice grainy, almost sounding like it came from a radio. "I want apple juice" "I want a cold beer" Leroy and Damon both said respectively.

As Leroy gulped down his apple juice, Damon stared down at the counter. "Why what's keeping you down? You should turn that frown upside down!! Your teeth aren't pearly until you smile!!" The barista said, tightly holding a cane in his hand, "...We just risked our soul to get enough cash and purchase some weapons, Y'know to defend ourselves when the Extermination happens...but we got robbed by some biker guys" Damon muttered. "Hahahaha, ohhh you must be new down could have easily ended those bikers, you were holding guns after all, guns are meant to be used" exclaimed the Barista, "You either kill those poor fools or you GET killed by those poor fools, it's elementary my dear" he flashed a bright yellow smile.

"...You look familiar" Leroy stated, "Do I, now? Alastor's the name, thrilled to meet you!!" The barista introduced himself.

"Alastor!!! Jesus Christ you're an Overlord!!" Leroy shrieked, "What are you doing here, of all places?" He asked.

"Why I specifically came here to meet YOU TWO!!! I've been keeping a close eye on you two since the moment you stepped foot out of that 'orphanage' " Alastor cackled, a laugh track following suit. "Why...were you watching us?" Damon asked, "...For pure ENTERTAINMENT!!! I am quite thrilled with watching two powerless newbies with barely any skill or experience, being thrusted into the cold and desolate world, most people would be dead by now, impaled with an exterminator spear or simply crucified somewhere...but you two have managed to make it through somehow, quite a show you've been putting on!!" Alastor chuckled, dozens of clapping were heard in the background.

Suddenly the door swung open, attracting everybody's attention, "...I'll be watching" Alastor whispered, before he stepped into the shadows and disappeared.

A man wearing a bandana and cowboy hat strutted in, he wore a torn cape on his back that sort of acted as a poncho, and he wore a leather jacket underneath, he had a large rifle strapped to his back with two holsters on his waist for revolvers, the most noticeable feature about him is his left eye, which has been replaced with a shotgun slug. He spun a gun in his hand as he jumped onto a table, his eyes hovering over the room and eventually landing on Damon and Leroy. "...I'm sorry for disturbing y' name is Hilton Bolt, and I've been hired to hunt some pests know who you are" Bolt explained, "...If everyone else may kindly take a step out while I deal with the problem, it'd be much appreciated" Bolt announced, causing a majority of demons to leave immediately, with only Missi Zilla and her crew staying behind to watch things unfold.

"You've been causing some trouble lately...I'm here to fix it with my bullets" Bolt stated, before pointing his gun at Damon, who immediately flipped a table over and used it as cover. "What should we do?!" Leroy asked, holding his bat. "...I'll try and get his attention, while you circle around and knock him out from the back" Damon suggested, he immediately dived out of cover, bottles were shattered and chairs were shot as he ran to another point of cover, flipping the table over and narrowly avoiding a bullet piercing through, hitting him. Bolt kept one revolver trained on Damon's position while the other is trained on Leroy. Damon grabbed a bottle and tossed it towards Bolt, who immediately looked over and shot the bottle mid-air, shattering it. Leroy took this opportunity to sneak towards another cover point, using a broken toppled over table as cover. Bolt, still thinking Leroy is still hiding behind the previous location, trained his gun there. Now that Bolt's back is turned to him, Leroy sprinted out of cover and swung his bat against Bolt's head, knocking him to the ground, Damon ran out of cover and kicked his revolver, stepping on his head and knocking him unconscious.

Missi Zilla clapped and cheered, while his crew followed after her. "...C'mon, let's go!!" Leroy yelled, as he and Damon immediately ran out of the bar, seeking some other place as refuge.

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