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Senju Park

Chapter 3

Title: Senju Park

Words: 2260

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'<>' perks & skills, '——' long time skip, '….' short time skip, '~ ~' POV switch, "grr" speech, 'wow' thoughts, 'W.W.L:' what we learned by the ending of chapter.

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Two weeks later...

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The coziness of heat and darkness slowly subsided awakening me. I slowly opened my eyes as I wiped them, adjusting to the bright sunlight I sat up and stretched, and oh boy did it feel good my bones cracked and muscles had blood flowing through them. I felt alive and energized.

'Whew, it felt like I was in that bed for ages. The last thing I remember is- ohh I fainted. I then giggled. I must've overworked myself. I can just imagine how strained and tired my muscles would've felt if I didn't have this cheat to bad that I do and it feels great waking up twice as strong and energetic felt amazing.

I'm really loving life so far, the quality of my body feels exquisite and fancy compared to my past one. It felt like the definition of poverty comparing my past to the one I currently have.

I grabbed some fresh pair of clothes and walked outside of my room sliding the door shut. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower like I always do, I thought as I did something currently.

I need to check my stamina and see what exhausts me so I'm running around the lake again as a test. If I'm unwinded I'm gonna ask my father where I could go from there, so depending on his specific answer determines a lot forcing me to not be able to plan further due to his unpredictability.

I also wanna know if he's willing to teach me martial arts. I wanted to increase my flexibility so I could flip and be more acrobatic in a potential fight.

I turned off the water as I washed all the soap off my body, getting out the bath I dry myself then put on some underwear, some white shorts and a black long sleeve high collared shirt with the Uchiha fan on the back. I made sure my hair was duckbutt styled my it on my dark blue shinobi sandals and followed the heavenly scent that was inside the kitchen.

Drooling like a dog I greeted my mother. "Good Morning Kaa-San, what are you cooking? It smells delicious."

"Sasuke." She runs up to me grabbing my face, as tears stream down hers. "Oh kami-sama thank you he's awake." She say frantically showing affection. "Thank kami you're awake, you had me Itachi and your father worried, don't ever do it again." She hugs me.

Sooner or later we separate. "Don't worry kaa-San I won't do it again." I said smiling. 'I really hate to lie but it seems the only way I could reassure people.'

She goes back to the kitchen to check on the food.

"It's been two weeks since we had some doctors do a checkup and they said you only needed rest. I'm pretty sure you're starving." She passed me a bowl of soup with fish, potatoes, ramen and tomatoes.

I grabbed the bowl and sat it on the table on the ground. "Yup and I'm hungrier than ever." I filled my face. Speaking with my mouth full I asked. "Kaa-San so where's tou-Chan and nii-san?"

"Your father and brother are training together, but you're spending your time with me."

"Munch, mmhm… wait but m-mom I had plans today."

"Nope there's no butts we're going to the park so you could play with children your age."

"Kids my age? Let's be reasonable here-."

"For the last time Sasuke there's no back talk we're going to the park, end of discussion."

"Yes kaa-sama.." I said in annoyance no way was I gonna play with some snotty nosed brat. I would rather play with Naruto if it came down to it. That's right this could be my chance to establish a relationship with him.

Looking forward to going to the park I finished my bowl, washed it and got ready to go out.

"Kaa-San are you ready?"

"Yeah I'm coming."

Women with getting ready. It's been about 14 minutes sheesh.

"Ok I'm done, grab my hand let's go."

"Ok." smelling a fragrance I sniffed her wow she smelt great. "Kaa-San you smell good, what's that fragrance."

"Oh thank you Sasuke-kun" she said as we walked further almost out of the uchiha compound garnering bows and stares. "You're father got it from some merchant from the land of tea does it really smell that good?"

"Yeah the smell is something I'll never forget it's like pollen but totally different."

"Now that I think about it you are right, look at you mommy's little genius yes you are." She started tickling and petting me like a dog.

"Kaa-San do you and father have any relatives?"

"Hmm, yeah why do you ask Sasuke-kun."

"Well everyone comes from a family but we never hear from yours nor see them but I could understand if their busy."

She giggled. "Why silly yeah of course you have grandparents but in your fathers side he was the only child you see and his grand only had one kid so he doesn't have any cousins, your fathers parents have passed away but I still have mines maybe one day we could go meet grandma and grandpa."

"I suppose that makes sense and I'll enjoy that a lot, maybe we should take Itachi on a day he's free."

"Yeah but then we'll wait forever." She then snickered.

I giggled myself. "We'll I suppose that's true."

Announcing our arrival. "Oh here we are Senju park."

"Here already that was fast." I mention realizing how fast time flies.

"We were talking the whole time, when you're not keeping track, time seems to fly."

"It sure does." I responded.

"Okay go ahead now, I'll go talk to some parents while you mingle with kids here okay sweetie."

"Sure thing." I ran off waving backwards. "See ya." I looked around there were tons of children, a swing in the far vicinity, some mean looking kids posted up together in a corner, tons of parents behind me and children running screaming and playing.

I saw a girl I recognized as Izumi walk up to me. "Hey, I know you. Sasuke right?"

"Yeah and you're Izumi."

"Wait how'd you know that" she refuted seemingly bitter as she pouted.

"Well my brother won't shut up about you for one, always going on about how a beautiful maiden shared a stick of dango with him after his comrade died, and how he's gonna kiss her as payment for her kindness and then marry her." I say using my knowledge of the manga & anime against my brother.

She blushed madly and even her eyes twitched. I think I even saw a drop of blood fall out of her nose.

"Y-you can't be telling the truth.. How could a guy like Itachi end up liking the likes of me." Suddenly she tensed up. "EEEK we're gonna get married and have a few kids then I'll be your sister in law and my dreams will come true." She said excitedly, panicking.

Uhhh maybe I shouldn't have done that… "uhh yeah he's waiting on your first move maybe give him a kiss or go on more dates or something like that." Hahahaha brother you'll pay for hogging tou-Chan all for yourself now I have to play with children.

Some big kid and his cronies walked up to us. He was kinda tall and chubby with a brown Mohawk. "Hey kid what are you doing with her? back off alright or else." He then cracked his knuckles and his cronies stepped forward and snickered mischievously.

"Hey you guys stop. Whatever problems you have with Itachi, keep his little brother out of it he's only like three." She said stepping in front of me with her hands out.

"Itachi's brother." Hearing that name he got mad, Itachi one time retaliated against and embarrassed him in front of his cronies back at the academy.

"Hey guys get him we'll make him pay for what Itachi did to us." a kid with glasses and another one with beanie followed by the rest tried to get me but I ran away.

"Come catch me if you can." I then stuck my tongue out at them antagonizing them even more this day just got more interesting and interesting.

I always wanted to try parkour. This gives me a chance to do that, cool. There were tons of trees. I decided to climb up one, using my leg strength I pushed off a shorter trunk onto the higher and started using the multiple branches from the tons of trees to jump from one to the other.

Shortly taking a break I spotted his crew, they were looking for me but when they met my gaze they found me and started throwing rocks trying to get me down.

I didn't wanna be hit so I jumped from tree branch to tree branch until I found a secluded spot in the biggest tree, the tree was hollow and had a opening at the top that'll only let a small child go through but the space inside was roomy and kinda spacious i'm a little surprised no animals live in here.

It was oddly dark in here though, I peaked my head out of the hole watching every kid play and the fat guys crew still looking for me. It was hilarious they had zero idea where I went and it wasn't necessarily hard to get up here either, this spot was pretty cool, laying in this hole watching everyone play and interacting was oddly satisfying.

I found some acorns inside the hole, getting something akin to a wonderful idea. I started throwing them at the cronies and the fat kid as target practice.

"Headshot, mmph yeah. Dammit I missed little squirming bastards." I said aloud while having fun throwing the acorns.

They had zero clue as to what was going on and thought the squirrels were attacking them, such idiots.

They didn't stand like morons forever and decided to leave so there went my past time, gone. Looking for something else to do up here I got out the hole.

"AAAAHKK." I was shocked by the animated figure in front of me. Falling on my butt.

"Oh, wait… who are you and what are you doing in my tree?" The figure questioned my presence.

"Uchiha, Sasuke. Who are you and what are you doing here." I give my answer repeating his question.

"You're the clan head's son? I would've expected someone much more menacing I don't know, not such a pipsqueak such as yourself. Anyway I'm Uchiha, Kazuto son of Uchiha Inabi, one of many Jōnin commanders here in the leaf and Uchiha clan."

"What Uchiha henges as a living Stick, besides I'm not a pipsqueak I'm three. Never seen a three year old? Damn weirdo."

He unhenged, his body type was tall and lanky, a fair-skinned and had short shaggy curly hair. He had a goofy look and atmosphere to him. He wore short sleeved dark blue high collared uchiha shirt with bandages wrapped around his would've exposed arms and legs he also wore black shorts and shinobi sandals.

"Well is that how your mother taught you to make friends. Look here kid this is my tree like I said." He said getting a bit defensive.

"I'm not here to steal your damn tree. I just needed a place to chill and happened to find this one."

"Something drew you to it, huh?" He said moving his eyebrows up and down.

"You could say that, anyways I presume you came here to relax too?"

"Yup, this is where I come to escape reality. You know things at home, the academy, and even people as well." He said as his aura depressed.

'For some reason I'm drawn to goofy idiots who went through a lot of shit in their lives. This kid here seems to have gone through a lot as well. Oh kami. I thought as I shook my head.'

"Nature does have its way of drawing people to it."

"Sure does." He agrees.

"Well I'm gonna go inside there." Pointing to the hole. "It's large enough to fit both of us, feel free to come inside and maybe even relax together."

"Why should I?" I question.

"It's up to you I just haven't had company with any kid because of my status outside of my father's. My offer still stands, if you want you could feel free to come in." He offered. 'Well what could go wrong, I thought climbing in, oh boy what a great decision I made.'

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{A/N: Sorry I had this saved in my drafts and forgot to upload. When I went to Webnovel not too long ago I checked on how the story was doing so far and realized I forgot to post earlier, I just finished proofreading and here's this chapter it's more of a filler but it lives up to the adventure tag so enjoy.

W.W.L. MC allows himself to be a child because he was deprived of his or a normal one in his eyes at least, so he acts 'childish' when he's far from it.

Introductions are important to the MC's bonds and relations, depending on how well the MC hits it off with another character may portray or foreshadow certain events.

visxiin visxiin

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