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8.33% Intertwined Perfection / Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2

Chapter 2: CHAPTER 2

"Good morning" she greeted Victor who was standing at the back of the counter.

"Hey! Morning" he smiled up at her "Rufina"

" Victor"

"It's a constant" he laughed remembering his Physics days.

"You're a Science student?"

"Used to be, having to cram too many constants chased me to Art" they both laughed.

Henry came in at that moment catching a little of the laughing scene, he shot daggers at Victor.

"You know him?" He asked her.

"We're friends" Victor answered then smiled at her "Aren't we?"

"Of course, good morning sir"

"Good morning, I'm going down the road to get something" he grumbled "he'll show you what to do"

Rufi watch still with amusement as Henry walked away, as soon as he shot the door she faced Victor "What was that about?"

"Forget it" he waved dismissing.

"No way! What really happened" she pressed.

"He just wants to make you feel he's the boss around here before he drops the bomb"


"yeah! and just so he doesn't come back to shout at me---" he pulled her with him "I'd better show you what to do"


Victor did show her what to do and she's been at it four hours straight; from washing to cooking, to taking orders. Henry sure does not need a hand, she thought sarcastically, he needs a whole body.

She was back at the pot when Henry came into the kitchen "You've done enough kitchen duty for the day, take orders the rest of your shift, those on afternoon duty will join you soon" he combed her with his gaze.

"OK! I'll just heat up this stew"

She went in search of victor as soon as she finished, Victor who had seen her going around with gusto, smiled as she approached him.

"Hey! You, how has it been?"

"Time and energy consuming" she replied cheerily.

"A drink should suffice " he handed her one.

"Thanks" she said after a long swig. "My bill?"

"My treat"

"No way!" She refused.

"Yes way!" He mimicked.

She gave him a look."Come on!"

He stared back at her.

Something in his eyes told her she just had to accept it. "Fine" she grumbled "Next time I'll pay"

"We'll see about that" he teased.

"Of course" was he flirting with her?

"How is your sister?"

"She's good, she told me to say hello"

"Hmm, my regards to her"

"How old are you?" He asked out of the blues.

"15, why?" She nibbled her straw.

"15, Henry thinks you are 17"

"Oh my! do i look that old?"

"No" he was convincing "You look more 13 than 15"

"Really!" Her face lit up.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, the one who looks 17 is your sister, What's her name?"

Interesting. "Maria, and she's 19 not 17"

"That means she is just two years younger than i"

"You are 21?"


"Step back!"

"Look younger right?"

"You bet"

"I know" then seriously "Your sister"

"Maria?" He nodded pulling a stool to sit by her "I kinda like her"

"What!" She couldn't have heard that right, could be she suddenly developed an ear dysfunction. He likes Maria? She couldn't believe it.


"Goodnight sweets" victor said to Rufi a few days leter as he packed his bag.

"Goodnight" she smiled

"Don't forget our discussion"

"I wouldn't, hey! it's gonna take time 'cus i have to get to know you first before presenting you to my adorable sis"

"Understandable" he smiled "Are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, in a minute"

"Well go pack your stuffs and I'll drop you home"


"I plan to show you how how nice I can be"


Maria had just set dinner when Rufi returned. "Hey"

"Hi! you've been home long?" Rufi asked taking note of the dinning area was set.

"45 minutes"

"And you did all these? Wow, you're super fast"

"Super human"

"Super good" she said inhaling the aroma emanating from the soup.

"That's flattery coming from the chief cook herself"

On her way home she decided she knows the most pertinent thing about Victor already; he had a good heart. Why not give him a chance?

"Maria, Could you stop by tomorrow?"


"Nothing, I just want you to come around"

"There has to be a reason Ruf"

"Is it a crime to want you to come see me at work?"

"oh no! It's not a crime at all Rufina Brown" she mimicked her. "What's a crime is you are a schemer"

"I'm not scheming!"

"No you're not" sarcasm laced those words.

"Aaahhh! Stop it" she screamed.

"I said you're not"

"You're soooooooo mean"

"You sooooooooo scheme" Maria laughed as she retreated into the bedroom.

Watching Maria go away she muttered to herself "Muggins is just trying to help, am a schemer all right, but my schemes are always intended towards positive things"


"The lady thinks I'm a schemer" Rufi told victor. She'd finished her shift and now kept Victor company.

"You're not?" He teased.

"Shit!" She was alarmed "You're also calling me a schemer?!... Well we're partners in crime"

"Not me!" Victor laughed "I'm not into any..." He was cut off by a rude customer's shout.

"ooh! can I get attention here! Like right now!" The Customer shouted.

"What impertinence" Rufi swore as she turned around, breaking into a smile almost immediately "I already imagined the thousand ways to chop off a human's head"

"I'm fine" Maria laughed "I'll take that as your hello"

"Hello! Beautiful sister, how are you?" Both of them giggled at that "Now that you are here, what do you want to eat?"

"What do you have?"

"You want pepper soup?"

"Hmm!" She salivated.

"Hello beautiful" victor came in.

Maria smiled at the guy who though knew nothing about her Family stood up to protect her little sister "Hey there, how are you?"


"Thanks so much for the other day"


"Hmm, Excuse me Sis, I have to attend to someone else"

By some miracle she got Maria there, she'd done her part, the ball was now in Victor's court.

About ten minutes later, she stood at an advantageous position, from where she could see them but they wouldn't be able to spot her, looks like they were having fun, Another twenty minutes passed before she decided to interrupt them.

"So sorry Sis, I got caught up" she said walking up to her table "Hope you kept my sister entertained" She winked at Victor.

"As much as a guy could" he said not breaking eye contact with Maria "What would you say to dinner--- with me?"

Rufi saved her from embarrassing herself "Hey! Whatever made you change your mind"

"My boss got tired of me and told me to get out"

"And you decided to visit me?"

"Is that not what you wanted?"


"I'd better get going" she said standing up "or be ready to loose my job"

"About dinner?" Victor asked again afraid he was getting brushed off.

No one would criticize her, its just dinner. Nothing more. "OK"

"You'll go?"

Oh! Was it a spur-of-a-moment thing? "Second thoughts?"

"No no, I'm just so....i was not expecting you to say yes"


"No!" Get a hold on yourself idiot!

"Don't mind me, I'm just too ecstatic to think" he laughed nervously "When do you close from work?"


"Let's make it seven then"

"Alright see you at seven then "Be a good girl Ruf"

"You bet"

Just as Maria left a poke landed in his side "Hey! My tip"


"You can't be serious, you think scheming is a child's play?"

"So you finally accept you're a schemer" he laughed.

"Shit!" Talk about getting cut in your own trap. "Well its a talent" she defended.

"A pretty good one" he had to agree.


A pretty good talent Rufi though as she watched Maria all smiles. "What do you think about him" Maria was asking.

"As in?"

"As in?!" Maria exclaimed "Answer me!" She hissed.

"Alright!...As far as I know he's tall, dark and handsome, he bought me a drink, he's funny and..... he asked you out" She finished.

She threw a pillow at her "be serious for once"

"Well! He is not exactly handsome and certainly not very tall... He's dark though"

"oh sure!"

Just then Victor knocked. "Go open Rufi" she said her tone suddenly stressed.

Poor Maria! Rufi thought as she headed for the door. "Hey!"


"Come on in" She stepped aside "Look, she's really nervous"


"Yeah, so please go easy on her"


She went in to call Maria "I can't"

"you can't what?"

"I-i, I can't go Ruf"


"I don't know"

"You will go out there to Victor" Rufi looked her straight in the eye making sure her words got through her barriers "Go on this date, have the time of your life, not stay in this room and mop like an old woman"

That little pep-talk did the trick."OK" After helping her touch up her make-up they emerged from her room.


"Wow!" Victor could not believe his eyes, he had never seen her like this, perfectly beautiful. He tried to say something, anything to break the silence, but it seems his tongue had developed its own mind.

Maria was hot and cold at the same time. The look Victor was giving her felt strange, mesmerizing, compelling, it trapped her. Was this how it felt to be under the consuming gaze of a guy?....

Rephrase that. Was this how every guy looked at a lady?----- that sounded better. if yes, then she's in for a show.

Rufi was enjoying the soap-opera playing before her. Victor with his i-could-eat-you-now look, and Maria looking---- jeez! You could fry eggs on her cheeks.

She had gone passed pink to red, and might faint soon if someone doesn't break this connection.

She coughed.

That sound rang into Victor's brain bringing his out of his trance "So sorry"

He ran his hands through his hair, a nervous gesture, before smiling at her "I just couldn't get past how beautiful you look"

Blushing harder she smiled "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself" that was no mouthing off, he looked smashing in his well tailored suit.

He looked embarrassed by the compliment "Thanks, can we go?"

"Yes" she picked her purse.

"See you later Ruf"

"Have fun"

"You bet we will" He said just as Rufi shot the door.

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