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Native Wolf Native Wolf original

Native Wolf

Author: Native_Wolf

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

My alarm goes off and I groan. Summer is over and that means back to school. Oh, how I hate school. "Come on Lauren, it's time to get up," I hear my mom call from downstairs. Just to make matters worse my 6 month old German Shepherd puppy, Reagan, pounces on me.

"Jesus, Reagan! Okay, okay I'm up," I say. I may as well introduce myself. My name is Lauren Jauregui. I have raven black hair and piercing green eyes. Let's get one thing perfectly straight, I'm not. My mom doesn't know that I'm a lesbian, but I have a feeling that she has suspicions. The only people that know I'm a lesbian are my best friends Dinah and Normani, and my cousin Ally.

"Mom says that if you don't get up, she's gonna come up here and get you out of bed herself," Chris says as he walks into my room. I also have a little brother. He is 15 years old and we look exactly alike. The only difference is that he's a male version of me. I chuckle.

"Tell her I'm up, Chris," I tell him and he goes downstairs. Reagan is still sitting on top of me. "Down Reagan so that I can get out of bed."

I get up, shower, get dressed, and put makeup on when I hear my phone go off. It's no other than my best friend Dinah texting me.

D: I'm coming over.

Me: You don't need to come over.

D: Too bad, Jauregui.

Me: I don't even know why I try. You never listen to me anyways. lol

D: You got that right.

I sigh. Ten minutes later, I hear someone knocking on the door. Probably Dinah, I think to myself.

"Lauren, it's Dinah!" my mom yelled up the stairs. Shocker.

"Send her up," I reply. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Gurl, I texted you like 10 minutes ago and you still ain't ready yet?" Dinah demands as she enters my room.

"Well, hello to you too," I say to her.

"My dog could pick out a pair of shoes faster than you," Dinah says jokingly.

"You don't even have a dog," I reply.

"That's not the point, Jauregui. The point is that you spend hours trying to pick out a pair of shoes," Dinah says to me.

"You know how I get on the first day of school. I have to look my best," I tell her.

"I know Lauser," she replies. Lauser is Dinah's nickname for me. "You already look good no matter what pair of shoes you wear."

"Awwww, thanks babe," I say to her. I pick out a pair of boots with a little bit of a heal to them. "How do I look?"

"Like a badass," Dinah says. I laugh.

"That's exactly the response I was looking for," I tell her.

"Ready to go?" Dinah asks.

"I actually got my own car and I was planning on driving it to school today," I reply.

"Oh, that's awesome!" Dinah exclaims.

"Do you wanna ride with me?" I ask Dinah.

"No it's alright. I'll follow you," Dinah says.

I shrug. "Okay mom, I'm leaving!" I yell as I walk down the stairs.

"Okay sweetie. Have a good day. Love you!" my mom yells from the kitchen.

"Love you too," I say as I walk out the door.

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