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94.44% Reincarnated as a Monkey?! / Chapter 17: Slaying

Chapter 17: Slaying

A goblin was peacefully eating a human finger by itself in the dark shade. It was just minding its own business, eating in peace so he didn't get his portion of a dismembered human stolen. That was when suddenly, a pebble hit him in the head. The goblin looked down at the pebble and picked it up. It tilted its head in confusion and looked around to see where the pebble came from. When suddenly-


The goblin receives a large slap across the face with a large rock and gut splattered everywhere. The headless goblin fell onto the ground and was dragged into the bushes. No evidence, no witnesses, clean kill.

I definitely did not just do a commentary on how Minori baited a goblin and then killed it. It was satisfying to watch and I could tell she did too. I could also tell she was used to it because there was absolutely no remorse in her eyes.

If only the others can take her example. They were all shaking at the sight of a dead goblin. I mean, come on! It's a goblin! No need to feel bad about it!

"Don't leave anyone of them behind. We take all of them out." Minori said as she readied her wand.

"B-but Ms. Sakura, must we kill them all?" One of the guys in our group asked, "What if some of them are innocent?"

You see what I mean? You can't feel bad for a goblin, ok. They are disgusting, vile creatures that probably do whatever they do in that one anime. Like they even dismembered a human!

"Maybe there are good goblins. That's possible, right?" He would ask again.

"No!" I yelled, "The only good goblin is a dead goblin, so let's make them good."

I must've intimidated him cause he jumped when I said that. I just realized this is my first time talking to them. I was planning on being that creepy edgy quiet one, but I couldn't resist saying that.

"He's right. The only good goblin is a dead goblin. Now then, let's begin." Minori said as she cast a spell on herself and then vanished. I looked around and eventually spotted her in the air and above her was a huge ball made of bright light and giving off an intense amount of heat.

"Burn, all of you." She said as she released her attack.

The ball of pure heat fell towards the heart of the camp and sank into the ground. Then a large explosion erupted.

After a while, I was looking at a big crater in the center of the camp. It didn't seem to get everyone, but it did wipe out half of the goblins.

I also can't believe it… she didn't say the attack name. I love this world already! It's so nice not to hear someone say their attack name while launching it at their foe. My god, I swore if she actually said the name of her attack before she used it, I would've cringed.

"The rest of them are up to you," Minori said as she descended.

The rest of my group rushed forward towards the remaining goblins and hobgoblins. Hmm, I also want to get in as well but I'll let Shikkoku take care of the goblins. Goblins are a waste of my time, and they probably won't get me any levels since they are so weak. I should go to the hobgoblins. They are much stronger than a mere goblin, so I'll go and do that.

I walked towards a group of hobgoblins that were recovering from the ambush. When they spotted me, they readied their clubs and rushed towards me.

I drew Peacemonger and dashed forward. Without hesitation, I slashed their heads off from their bodies. Peacemonger, being so sharp and basically the sword of a hero, easily cut through the hobgoblins' clubs. I didn't even feel any resistance as it sliced through the large wooden stick.


[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Each of them fell onto the ground and blood spilled from their heads. But for some reason, I didn't feel satisfied, even though I leveled up. The thing is, I thought they were actually gonna prove a challenge but the results are disappointing.

I turned and looked at the others, and I was even more disappointed. Remember what I said about people yelling out their attacks? Well, they were doing it.

"Spinning Vortex!"

"Flaming Surge!"

"Energy Slash!"

What is with people in other worlds?! Why must they shout out the attack names?! It-It's just so… embarrassing.

Like, I would definitely not yell out the name of some weird attack… unless it sounds cool. Of course, that is probably never gonna happen.


I heard a metal sound coming from my back. When I turned around, there was nothing to be seen. That's when something caught the corner of my eye. I looked over at what looked like a large water wheel, except there was no water.

"Huh, must be the gears, they might be rusty." I would assume and walk away until I heard cackling which grew louder every second. When I turned around, there was a pack of goblins(around 20) emerging from the water wheel and scrambled towards me.

"God damn it, you gotta be fucking kidding me!"

I forward-thrust towards one of the goblins and Peacemonger impaled one of the goblins in the heart.


I noticed there was a strange light in front of the goblin and that light began traveling towards me. What the hell is that?

I swung Peacemonger and threw the goblin towards the light and the goblin immediately caught on fire. So that's what it was? These goblins are using magic now huh? They are getting smarter. Or… were they always this smart?

It's best I take out that little goblin wizard first. If I get hit by one of those weird fireballs, it'll tatter my coat. Or will it? I don't wanna know and don't wanna test it out.

I shot a wind blade at the goblin wizard and it split into two. I snapped my fingers and lions made of fire emerged.

[Mp: 11,479,883,126/11,479,902,830]

Amazing, now my Mp is at 10 billion. What more can it get up to?

The goblins attacked my lions, which led to their end. The fire ravaged and burnt every single goblin that came towards them.


I sensed a goblin trying to sneak up on me and I turned around and spin kicked it. The goblin fell into a campfire, and that was the end of that goblin.

I turned around and it seems that all the goblins were now dead.

[Level up!]

Hmph, even after all that, I only gained one level. Well, at least it's better than not leveling up.

Hmm, I think I'm level 64 now. Just one more level and I can level my soul rank. Oh yeah, I can also find out that mysterious active skill when I reach level 69. But since it's getting harder for me to level up, I need to defeat stronger monsters, not monsters like goblins.


What is that? There were heavy footsteps, the ground was shaking, and there was this strange feeling coming from my back.

I turned around and standing in front of me was a giant green monster.

"Th-that's an orc!" Someone from my group yelled from afar. This is an orc? Well, judging by its size, it's definitely not a goblin, nor a hobgoblin, because this thing was too big to be a hobgoblin. It was also carrying an enormous axe that seemed to be glowing.

"You! Back away!" I heard Minori yell. The orc rose its axe in the air and brought it down towards me.

"No!" Minori yelled.


The air was now silent. Everyone was gasping as they were looking at me. The orc looked down at me with a confused expression.

"Damn… even if you aren't a goblin, you sure do make yourself feel like one," I said as I had Peacemonger blocked the orc's giant axe. At the last second before I blocked it, I had changed into my true form for more strength. Thus how I was able to block the orc with Peacemonger using one hand.

"Hya!" I yelled as I pushed the orc's axe back. The orc stumbled backward and eventually caught itself using its axe. I ran forward and aimed Peacemonger at its head, then I threw it.


The orc quickly used its axe to knock Peacemonger away. However, that left a large noticeable crack on its axe.

While it was distracted, I ran up to one of its legs and kicked it whilst using [Esprit], instantly shattering its bones. It fell onto one knee and roared in pain. I jumped onto its head and rammed my fist into its eye.

It roared and screeched as I sent fire into its body and a moment later, it stopped uttering noises and began to fall. I jumped off before I was smashed flat.

Phew… took it out. I feel like I showed off a little, but that doesn't really matter.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Soul Rank Ascension is available.]

[Task: Upgrade your Soul Rank]

[Requirements: 1 Orc Heart, 10 Goblin Hearts, and Int >140]

Oh. Oh. Ooooh… It's not the cores, but the hearts… Am I gonna have to eat them?

Um… well, at least I have what I need right in front of me.

After reverting back into human form, I retrieved Peacemonger and placed it back into its sheath.

"Alright then, we are done here, let's go back," Minori said.

"Wait, can we camp the night? We are all a bit tired from fighting you know?" One of my group members said. Minori turned around with a stern look.

"Tired? You wouldn't be tired just from fighting a couple of goblins. If you were to be tired, you would've endured what he's done," Minori scolded at my group members as she pointed to me.

Wow, I was complimented by a catgirl. This is a dream come true.

"So let's head back," Minori said one more time and everyone eventually followed her. I stayed behind and luckily they didn't notice. Well then, I should retrieve what I came here for.

I activated [Crimson Dragon Claw] and dissected the orc and 10 of the goblins' chest. Then I pulled out their hearts which dripped with blood.

Now then, I believe I need to upgrade my intelligence stat.

"Status," I said. Ok, I really don't want to say status every time I want to open my stats. Can I just say it in my mind next time or have it open automatically when I want it to?



[Moniker: Yamato Pharaoh]

[Race: Demon Monkey]

[Class: Vacant]

Soul Rank: Anarchic

Core(s): Scarlet Dragon Emperor Core (Lvl1)

Title(s): Fishing Rookie


Level: 66

Hp: 14,021,065/14,021,065

Mp: 30,156,692,120/31,500,853,365

Strength: 117(+100)

Agility: 116(+100)

Defense: 117(+100)

Perception: 115(+100)

Intelligence: 120(+100)

Stat Points: 42

[Skills: Absolute Water Manipulation, Absolute Fire Manipulation, Absolute Wind Manipulation, Absolute Dark Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Esprit, Crimson Dragon Claw, ???, ???]

[Passive skill(s): Heart of the Red Emperor, Scarlet Dragon Emperor's Legacy, Wrath of the Scarlet Dragon, Dragon Tongue, Devil's Charisma]

[Active skill(s): Double Edge Mode, ???]

[Familiar(s): Shikkoku]


I placed 20 stat points into intelligence and placed the 5 into the rest. The remaining 2 I placed in strength and perception.

Now then, I have all the requirements filled out. Now what?

[Place the goblin hearts around the orc's.]

I did exactly what was told and a second later, the goblin hearts sank into the orc's heart and the orc's heart was glowing red right after.

[Eat the orc's heart.]

Oh god, I knew it was going to resort to this. Damn it, I have no choice, do I? Can I at least fry it or something? No? Alright…

After consuming the orc heart and vomiting right after, I was able to ascend my soul rank.

[Soul Rank Ascended!]

[Soul Rank: Savage]

[Next Soul Rank Ascension will be available at Level 70]

[Task Completed!]

[Class selection available!]

Class? Oh, I can finally choose a class now huh?

[Please choose one of the three.]




I would like to see what benefits each one gives unless you can't provide it.


[Warrior: Become a fighter with honor and pride. Warriors gain power as they train their strength, agility, defense, and perception. As you level up, you can become a stronger version of a warrior depending on your actions. Chances of unlocking skills are medium but they will be moderate when choosing this class.]

[Mage: Turn into an expert in the art of magic. Mages gain power as they focus on their magic strength, perception, and intelligence. As you level up, you can become a stronger version of a mage depending on your actions. Chances of unlocking skills are high but they will be weak when choosing this class.]

[Slayer: Cut your enemies down without hesitation. Slayers gain power as they spill blood while focusing on all their stats. That means strength, agility, defense, perception, and intelligence. As you level up, you can become a stronger version of a slayer depending on your actions. Chances of unlocking skills are low but they will be powerful when choosing this class.]

Now… this seems interesting. A warrior is one with honor and pride, a mage focuses on magic, and a slayer is basically a warrior, just without the honor and pride and focuses more on balancing stats. The skill chances are different for each but I need more powerful skills so slayer would be the best choice if I want powerful attacks. I, having no hesitation killing a monster, would choose the slayer class. And the slayer class, I will pick.

[Class: Slayer]


[Scarlet Dragon Emperor Core leveled up!]

Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot they can level up.


[Scarlet Dragon Emperor Core has been updated!]


[Scarlet Dragon Emperor Core(Lvl2): All Attributes +150; Heart of the Red Emperor(Passive Skill), Scarlet Dragon Emperor's Legacy(Passive Skill), Wrath of the Scarlet Dragon(Passive Skill), Dragon Tongue(Passive Skill); ???(Active Skill); Crimson Dragon Claw(Skill), ???(Skill), ???(Skill), ???(Active Skill), ???(Passive Skill), ???(Skill)]

Well, that's great. More skills I have to level up to achieve. What levels now?

[???(Active Skill) requires you to be level 200.]

[???(Passive Skill) requires you to be level 125.]

[???(Skill) requires you to be level 150.]

Great, more skills that need me to be a higher level. Well, at least I got a stat boost from leveling up. Now I get 150 instead of 100.

Alright, now that that's done, I think I should rejoin my group. I've been standing here for a long time.

Wait a minute, where is Shikkoku? Did she leave me for the group just like that? She didn't even stay behind with me, her master!

God damn it…




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