Want to WIN? Buy privilege this month (chapters you can read in advance of their release) at ANY level (even the 1 coin sneak-preview!) and if we reach 100 privilege readers in the month, I will giveaway the 1000 Coin vouchers to YOU the readers! Just comment "I bought priv!"
His vision tunneled and he couldn't hear anything except his own heartbeat thundering in his ears.
It was happening. It was happening. His father was making his move. Dane knew it like he knew his eyes were green and Lila slept curled up like a child.
He knew Lila was there, in front of him, speaking and touching his chest, his face, his arm. But he couldn't hear her.
It was only a matter of time.
I'm so grateful for all your support of Dane and Delilah and I hope you continue to enjoy their story in Volume 2 which begins in March! To celebrate, I've released another chunk of advance chapters for privilege readers!
To purchase privilege from the app, go to the most recent chapter you've read and swipe from the left side of the screen. At the bottom of the list of chapters available you'll see an orange button marked "Purchase Privilege." If you haven't had privilege before, please keep reading to understand how it works:
Privilege Readers are readers who pay to read chapters in advance of their release to normal readers. For this story, if you buy privilege, you'll have a choice to buy 2, 8, 15, 20, or 25 chapters in advance. (For example: If the general release chapter is 100, then privilege readers can read up to chapter 102, 108, 115, 120, or 125, depending which tier they purchase.) And the top tiers of privilege also receive a MASSIVE discount on normal release chapters--up to 99%!
Privilege is NOT mandatory. If you don't buy privilege, you will still get access to those chapters later, when they're released for general reading.
NOTE: Privilege is also a MONTHLY subscription service, so you can try it for a month, and if you dont like it, simply don't purchase again--when the next month begins you'll just wait until enough daily chapters have been released to catch up to the chapters you read, then read the following chapters as they're updated normally!
Thank you again for being such a great support to this story. You are a blessing to me (and Dane & Delilah!)