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94.11% Embracing the Villain's Thigh / Chapter 32: bent

Chapter 32: bent

Inside the meeting room.

After Shen Yue's departure, the executives could not stop murmuring. The originally stifling atmosphere dissipated and everyone chatted in a lively manner.

"He never answers any calls during meetings! What happened?"

Someone shook their head.

"No, no you're missing the key point here. He never has his ringtone on during a meeting! It definitely must be something important."

Vice President Gu deliberately lowered his voice and said, "You guys also heard the rumors lately right?"

Everyone present looked at each other worriedly.

"Is it really true though?"

"Well, just the other day he left early! What else can it be besides that the company is failing?"

Director Jun turned to ask Secretary Chen anxiously.

"You've been by his side the longest. Are we actually going bankrupt?"

Secretary Chen sighed and slid his thin golden rim glasses down to wipe the lenses.

"In fact, I also don't know. But it should not be," Secretary Chen frowned as he thought of the president's character. "I would've definitely attended if it was really an emergency meeting."

Vice President Gu felt especially excited hearing this. He thought that they were close to the real reason why Shen Yue left early.

"Then that means he definitely had something personal going on that day if it wasn't because of work."

Someone waggled their eyebrows and said suggestively, "Maybe a woman?"

There was a long period of silence hearing this. But soon, the room was filled with boisterous laughter.

"A woman?"

Vice President Gu clutched his stomach laughing heartily.

He banged the table with a pretending serious expression, "Have you been drinking too much?"

Everyone knew of the company rumors. In the years they worked here, the president never had anyone by his side besides Secretary Chen. It, therefore, didn't take long for gossip that the president was bent* to spread like wildfire. Of course, the only two people unaware of such talk were the ones who were the focus of it.

While everyone was furtively throwing meaningful glances at Secretary Chen, he was thinking of Xu Wenqi.

'Tsk, imagine how'd they all react if I really did say there was a woman!' thought Secretary Chen disapprovingly.

Before he could say anything though, the glass door was pushed and almost immediately, the room went mute as if someone had pressed a button to silence the noise. A frosty chill settled as Shen Yue cast his eyes slowly towards the group of executives sitting with their heads lowered.

Shen Yue was in a bad mood for the whole day but somehow, after listening to her voice, the knot in his chest had inexplicably loosened a bit.

In a faintly less cold tone, Shen Yue suddenly announced, "Lunch break."

Without waiting for any response, he strode out the meeting room and into his office lounge. Vice President Gu couldn't believe what he was hearing. Since when did the president care about the well-being of his employees?

"A lunch break?" he repeated incredulously.

Vice President Gu wasn't the only one shocked. Even Secretary Chen was a little surprised. Everyone had thought they would skip lunch to continue the meeting. After all, it wasn't the first time that they would do so. Soon, they all came back to their senses and scurried out the company to the restaurants they usually frequented.

In contrast, Secretary Chen followed Shen Yue out the door a step late. Entering the lounge, Secretary Chen received even more surprising news.

"Tell the receptionist to let her up," ordered Shen Yue carelessly with his eyelids lowered, seemingly focused on the documents in his hand.

Despite his curiosity, Secretary Chen held back and only obeyed, heading out to do what Shen Yue said.

On the other side, Xu Wenqi looked at her reflection on the pitch-black screen of her phone and sighed. She turned to Tang Wan with an awkward smile on her face.

"Erm, I think your president doesn't want to see me."

Tang Wan felt a little pity that the president turned down such a beauty but in the end, who could blame the president for being bent? Tang Wan beckoned Xu Wenqi with her hand gesture to come closer.

Whispering in Xu Wenqi's ear, she said secretively, "Don't let such a man fool you. You're better off with someone else. Let me tell you, it's not well known to the public but the president is a broken sleeve.* In fact, he's probably in that kind of relationship with his secretary."

Xu Wenqi choked and automatically painted a mental picture of Secretary Chen together with Shen Yue. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense.

'No wonder in the book Shen Yue wasn't interested in women! So it was like this...' marveled Xu Wenqi.

She nodded knowingly and whispered, "Ohh, I get it now. Thanks for the information."

"No problem!" Tang Wan replied cheerfully. "But before you go, do you want to exchange WeChat?"

Xu Wenqi was a little flattered and noted how cute Tang Wan was. It would be nice to have such a friend.

"Sure, let's contact each other often."

Tang Wan was extremely eager to befriend Xu Wenqi solely because she was a face-licking dog! Who didn't like to appreciate beauty every now and then?

After exchanging codes, the telephone on the table rang and Tang Wan picked it up to answer. Seeing she was about to be busy, Xu Wenqi silently waved goodbye and was just about to go when Tang Wan covered the end mouthpiece of the telephone to shout.


The news Tang Wan received was a big slice of pie from the sky. She was all too shocked and soon, the call ended.

"Apparently, they want you to head up to the executive's floor," said Tang Wan weakly.

At the same time, Tang Wan thought worriedly, 'What a huge plot twist! 'If she could enter such a high-level floor, doesn't that mean she's a bigshot?! Ah, did I offend her?'

Xu Wenqi was even more surprised than Tang Wan. She really believed that Shen Yue didn't want her here but he all of a sudden changed his mind and allowed her to go up? Xu Wenqi honestly couldn't help but think that Shen Yue had a knife mouth but a tofu heart* the more she knew him. Whatever it was, she wasn't going to waste the opportunity to brush her favorability points in the villain's heart. She was extremely afraid of the bad ending she would get if she didn't hold the villain's thigh firmly.

Tang Wan was so nervous that she personally escorted Xu Wenqi up the elevator while stealing what she thought were secret glances at Xu Wenqi.

Xu Wenqi couldn't help but turn to Tang Wan after the nth look from her asking quietly, "Is there something?"

Tang Wan felt guilty in her heart and just shook her head.

"Nothing…It's just...sorry, I didn't know that you have a close relationship with the president. If I knew, I definitely wouldn't say those things! I-I-"

Xu Wenqi smiled and couldn't help but think about how cute Tang Wan was.

"You relax. I didn't think your president would let me up either," shrugged Xu Wenqi. "Don't worry, I won't say anything about what you told me."

Hearing Xu Wenqi's comforting tone, Tang Wan was relieved. It wasn't long until the elevator reached the top floor and opened its metal doors. Tang Wan brought Xu Wenqi in front of the office lounge and knocked on the door.

A low magnetic voice rang, "Come in."

Tang Wan looked at Xu Wenqi encouragingly and with a heavy heart, Xu Wenqi opened the door.


bent* = slang for gay

broken sleeve* = Chinese euphemism for gay

a knife mouth but a tofu heart* = This describes someone who is sharp-tongued but a real softie :))

heheh i meant next chapter is ( ͡° ʖ ͡°)

jenos_showerheads jenos_showerheads

Xu Wenqi: Oh, he likes Secretary Chen. >_<

Shen Yue: *gritting teeth* Very good, I'll show you who I really like at night. \(•ˋ ^ ˊ•)/

Xu Wenqi: No, I was wrong! Σ(O_O)

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