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10% I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic] / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - 1st friend

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - 1st friend

After stepping in the classroom the transferee could feel all the stares directed towards his figure. Although it made the beauty felt a bit irritated  but just brush it off. Hes a new student after all so its pretty normal to be stared at.

"Ok class you have a new classmate from now on, so quiet down and let the transfer student do the job."

The teacher said while mentioning for the new transfer student step in the middle of the class to introduce itself.

"O-ohh Hi! My name is Lourize Lei, Nice to meet you all!~" I said cheerfully while bowing down. After my introduction I stood up straight and just look at my now classmate with a big smile on my face.


"She's so cute!"

"My wish did came true! A new beautiful classmate!"

"Why are you wearing a tracksuit its not even P.E day right now?"

"Shhhhhh!! Hey quiet down and let our very own transfer student to situated herself first. You can asked her some queation later on." The teacher stated with pissed look on her face. "And you can sit on the table besides hinata. Hinata! Raise your hand!" The teacher shouted while looking at the direction where the hinata person is situated.

"H-Hai! A-amm here!" An orange hair boy shouted while raising his hands in the air and slightly waving it to gain the transferee attention.

After the transferee situated herself besides the orange haired boy, he could feel him starring at him. Irritated with all the starring he recieve hr slightly turn his chair to the direction of the boy but not complety so that the teacher won't notice him.

"Whats your problem? Do you not like me sitting in here? Just say so I'll gladly change place." The transferee stated while his right eyebrow raise upwards. To show that his intimidating.

But the boy, (hinata), only find her more adorable with his gesture that he find himself taking a few seconds before answering him.

"N-No! Thats not it! I'm just glad that I've got to have a new seatmate!" The boy stated while slightly waving his a hands as a sign of no.

"O-oh is that so? S-Sorry I'm still a bit uncomfortable being here. So don't mind me." The transferee student stated while showing an embarassed smile towards the boy.

"Don't mind!" The boy said while showing a big smile. "O-ohh yahh I'm Hinata Shoyo!, nice to meet you! Lo- lao- lur-"

"Laurize, but you can call me with my first name Lei. I think its much easier that way and besides I'm not really used to being called by my last name." The beauty answered him with an equally big smile on its face and while slightly scratching the back of his left ear.

"So.. Lei-chan then?" The boy asked, testing the transferee name as it out rolled out of his tongue.

"Yup much better! Then can I call you Shoyo?" The beauty asked shamelessly. Although he knew that people in Japan tend to call each other by their last even if they are already friends but she just prefer calling someone by their given name. He find it weird that people call each other by their last name instead of their given name.

"Mmmm! Then lei-chan, are you a foreigner?" Shoyo asked energetically while twisting his chair to face the transferee's way.

"Well both of my parents are foreigner but they also have a japanese blood in them so.. yahh pretty much." The beauty answered him carelessly not really minding the fact that his slightly fraying on his personal life.

"Wow that so cool~ that explain why your so pretty."

"Thanks... I guess?" "Is that suppose to be a compliment?"

The transferee thought, a slight frown rested on his pretty face. while both of them turn their attention towards their teacher when they both got called for chatting with each other.


"Ok class you can have your lunch and dont forget to do your homework!" Our teacher yelled out before completely going out of our classroom.

"Hai!" The class yelled in chorus.

As soon as the teacher left their class, almost all students turn their attention towards the beautiful transferee. Ready to bomber her with questions that they are dying to find out. But they got dispireted when they saw the beauty walking out of their classroom laughing and talking with hinata.

"Hayy!" One of the student sighed while looking at the direction the two go out to. "I should have been fast when volunteering to show her around the school."


In the middle of the hallway, two people namely lei and hinata have been gaining quite the attention from the students of karasuno. Well it's mainly lei drawing the admiring and infatuated gazes from the students, especially the boys while Hinata only manage to gain an angry and jealous stares from the other boys.

Feeling nervous and self-conscious with all the stares directed towards them, Hinata finally decided to go on a place wherein it is less crowded and they can rest and eat some snack for lunch because they only have a few minutes left before break time is over.

"Hey, we should go to the garden area. It's less crowded and they also have a vending machine that we can get some snack from. Whacha think?" Hinata asked a bit nervous with all the gazes they receive from the crowd of students.

"Sounds cool, cammon lead the way Shoyo~" Lei answerd carelessness . A bit bothered with all the stares that they receive from other people, from the time they step out of their classroom up to the present.

"Do they want to pick a fight with us?! All those stares are really irritating me!"


After they reach their destination Lei rest his butt on one of the bench in the garden while slowly exhaling the fresh air of the garden.

"Lei-chan do you want some bread? I could get you one?" Hinata asked while his already walking near the vending machine to get them some snacks they can eat at the time being.

"Sure, I' ll just pay you later after we get back. I forgot to bring it after you immediately pulled me out of the room." The beauty answered while smiling cheekily at the boy. Taunting him that its his fault that she have no money to pay him.

"Y-Yahh! I'm sorry ok. I just got excited after you accept my invitation to show you around." Hinata grumbled while slowly scrathing the back of his neck. A sign that his embarrassed on what he have done. "And you don't have to pay. It's on me, treat it like a welcoming gift for your first day here." He smiled brightly while saying that and it felt like his so cool and reliable right now.

"You're so nice Shoyo, I really feel happy that I got to meet you and became my first friend." The beauty said with a hint of blush decorating his plum cheecks.

"T-thanks! Me too I'm happy that I got to meet you and- wait, did you just say first friend?!" The boy asked. Shock with the revelation. It just doesn't make sense shes so nice and pretty and cool to be with, so how come she doesn't have any friends!?

"W-well its kinda embarassing though." The transferee said while slightly scrathing his left ear. "I've been home schooled almost my entire life, thats why I'm really grateful that I got to attend this school and get to experience to became a normal student like everybody else in my age." The girl finished her sentence while gazing at the row of beautiful glowers in the garden. That causes her blue-green eyes to soften.

"O-ohh Well will just have to make sure that from now on, you get to experience the joy of being a true highschool student then! right lei-chan?" Hinata finished his speech with a bright grin plastered on his face while his eyes convey the determination to accomplished his new friend dream.

"You know Shoyo, I'd just meet you but your really cool!~" Lei said with a bright grin and eyes full of admiration directed towards the boy who is now officially her first friend.

"T-Thank you!! B-but no need to say that I'm so great heheh hehe" Hinata replied while scratching the back of his orange hair and showing a bashful smile towards his new friend. He can't wait to show-off to kageyama that a pretty lady told him that his cool.

"I spoke to early." Lei thought while signing a bit at the boys tactics.

"Oh yahh! we only have a few minutes to spare before our next class start! C'mon Hinata! Let's Go! Race you there!"

"Y-Yeah... Wait! You started before me! No fair!!" Hinata shouted while running to catch up to the girl.


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