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Way of Living

Queen Sydney walked through the great halls as her heels hit the floor and echoes as she walk.

Unlike other most Kingdom royalties. She does have a crown- more like, a tiara in place of it on her head.

Aside from her small purple jade earrings and bracelet, she doesn't have any other ornaments.

The light of the calm winter weather from the outside that passes through the hall's tall glasses illuminates pale blue light along the path.

Black stockings, tight skirt and formal top that match their color and long white coat with sleeves that doesn't reach the floor. Her clothing made the others not mess with her when she means business.

Her calm and serious eyes reflects her plans and firmness of her resolve, tempered through the years of governing ever since her coronation.

Upon entering the War Hall, the huge double doors that seemed heavy, opened on its with with less noise contrast to its appearance.

The War Hall is spacious, very spacious it could accomodate 2 small village population.

Waiting for her at the center of the Hall is a huge round table, accomodating 31 seats, with the Queen's sit having the higher backrest.

She has 30 subordinates, 30 Matriarchs, 4 of these are originally vacant since they are assigned away from the capital, in their respective fortresses in four cardinal directions of the Kingdom.

But in their place are their family's representative who manages their territory's army and will attend and speak on their behalf related to warfare.

The Kingdom of Entity's management of their territory can be said special, simple, yet complex at the same time.

Each Family, or Nobility, has respective representative that manages their territories' field.

For example in the field of Agriculture. This representatve who oversees the agriculture management of the family answers to their family's matriarch and at the same time, on the same level, answer's the Entity Royal Family's representative in the same field.

But although this was the case, the Entity Royal Family Representative on agriculture doesn't have any ability to influence the management of the Nobility's representative in the same field, they can still advise what measures should be taken, and direct cooperation with other representatives from other families pf the same field, with the exception of mandatory decrees passed down by the Queen to the families' matriarchs directly.

Actually, the round table is surrounded by women wearing light armors. Yes, all of her generals are women, fitting the matriarchal society.

The Commanders are also women. It just so happens that they are allowed to bring their Vice-Commanders along, which minority are men, so one can notice men among their ranks beyond the round table.

Elven race also is the majority of the number in the upper echelons, but in the vast general population of the kingdom co-exists from the purest race of spirit race, human race, beastkin, demon-kin, dragon-kin, up to the least civillized race called barbarians.

The Queen found her way to her rightful place around the round table, and none of the generals nor the commanders that are behind them around the table dared to sit until their Queen allowed them so.

Silence permeated the War Hall until the Queen took her sit and gave a nod. With all the eyes on her in the hall, a nod is enough.

Only after that did the rest of the people gave their salute towards her

and took their sits.

Unlike on other places where the people in the room or place has to kneel on the presence of the highest order, only the War Hall is the exception.

Who would dare to do something in a place filled with the strongest ranks in their land?

Loyalty to the Queen is the merit that everyone in the Kingdom values.

Queen Sydney's gaze meet the eyes of her generals around the table before she spoke.

"This Queen is grateful to your attendance for the sudden summon. To save time, I'll be impolite to go straight to the point. I am aware this has also reached your ears before this. The Zhou Imperial Army have begun go move through the Neutral Territories on the north towards our direction so Lord General of the North has withdrawn the ordinary people near the borders. I want to hear your opinions on this matter."

"Yes my Queen. Lord General is wise for taking this action. The Zhou Empire has been harassing the Neutral Territories around their borders to submit to their rule. Before this happened, the disappearance of our delegates made us blind of what was happening within the Empire. This aggression by the empire is not something that they can justify and we're sure the other Kingdoms won't stay silent about this." a matriarch from a demon family said which everyone in the war hall agreed to.

"The previous Emperor was known to be overbearing, but he has the strength and wisdom to back-up his arrogance. This Emperor is wise but too ambitious even before his ascension. From what I have observed, their actions are all inclined towards their expansion." although with relunctance, the matriarch who is from the Spirit race that sat next to Queen Sydney, followed this, as if stating a known fact.

"Observing the Empire's attitude, we have expected this to happen sooner or later. I hope all of you would respond and make preparations in respond to this with sense of urgency. Understood?" she have agreed to their statements. Although this was not needed to be said to her followers, she still wants to emphasize the priority for their decision.

"It shall be done your majesty." all the matriarchs responded softly in unison.

The meeting continued from that point onwards.


In the end, Amanda organized four groups three to watch the surroundings while the rest gathered the things they needed or they can replace with what's left of the village before they departed the next day. During that time, he also got to know Amanda's little sister that always played with Jianne, who was named Zeian. A familiar face, he thought.

They switched the 3 carriages to abit wider and betters ones and moved the supplies.

What surprised Oliphym during his search was he found a residence that had recognizable firearms, although its the ones made in the previous world wars, but a closer look he can tell that it may be an armory counterpart in this world.

Although many were taken, he was able to find a some small revolvers and a double-barrel shotgun and ammunitions, he is surprised with the ammunitions now.

When Canna discovered this, the others were elated, but upon conversing with her, he found out that its not really gunpowder that shoots the bullets out, but magic.

She doesn't understand how it really worked that way when Oliphym asked, but what she can only tell is that, the craftsman brands a very small symbol on each bullet that does all the work to make it functional as a bullet rather than just a piece of ore.

He tested firing them on a safe distance, and beyond what he expected, the recoil is weak, although it is present. Maybe it was normal since its not gunpowder after all.

There was noise produced, but its a tenth  of what he expected to hear, or used to hear when a gun was fired.

The bullet is a little bit slower and always leaves a trail of faint light like a tracer when shot.

He isn't even sure if gunpowder exist in this world.

Who is it in the world invented and discovered that piercing a piece of ore or penetrating it through a flesh would be fatal and deadly?

He kept one revolver for himself and the shotgun, discarding the other weapons he had except a dagger and a short sword, while he gave the rest to the others, which to his surprise, some are familiar and its Canna who is the most proficient in using them.

Meanwhile, Amanda got to retrieve a bigger map from the village, this time 3 times bigger that the one they had before, and it shows the least number of large territories and many small territories sharing borders.

From Oliphym's initial observation on the map, there are still lands that was not included in the map further North and South. Furthest west in the map stretching from west north-west up to south south-west are uneven shorelines and beyond that seemed to be an endless ocean.

Stretching across the map there are few braching rivers, and the nearest cities and villages are also named. More than half of the map that represented east seemed to be a mountain range.

The group went further south from where they came from for 3 more consecutive days, encountering no other people, hunting wild beasts and fending off fierce and aggressive beasts, and replenishing their rations.

Some of these days he watched how they coordinate and fought off the beasts, and eventually he took the initiative to join the fray one time, albeit keeping his distance.

He applied a hit and run tactic, and sometimes he attracted the fierce beasts attention while he dodged and ran within a breath difference, showing that he was an amateur.

In the end, he asked Canna's advise since its her that directs the rest when dealing with troubles and fights, and she also seemed to be knowledgeable.

The women are far better than those from his original world when it came to taking care of themselves to the point its unbelievable.

Perhaps being non-human was a factor since each variety of race has its perk that another doensn't have.

Its only Amanda and Zeian that was from the Human race among the girls - at least he thinks so, and he also discovered that Amanda was skillful when it came to sword arts.

Although Canna is the one who manages the group's formation when they are engaging, she pushed Oliphym to Amanda so she can teach him skills.

Oliphym was shocked. Amanda is too fierce and aggressive although they are using wooden swords.

He broke into cold sweat.

Dealing with a person with skills and a wild beast are two different things.

Although he held no reservation in hurting Amanda to display his might, he still held back, but how can he hurt Amanda?

He still ended up retreating and running, and even getting beaten by her which really hurt.

Sometimes he takes the initiative to attack and even did feigns, but he was no match for her.

Thinking back, if they had no shackles to bind them down, perhaps they could have taken care of the people who caught them themselves and even wipe them out, is what he thought.

Until the third day, he never got a chance to even graze her, perhaps it was asking too much.

What Oliphym also noticed is that Zeian accompanied Jianne more and got to hang around along with other girls their age in the group more than often. He really think it is just how children should act.

Although in the end, after playtime, Jianne comes to Oliphym first thing after that.

He had no idea what to do first. She never said nor spoke a word even once. Its only her eyes and her slight smile that did the communication and all girls and women in the camp all have to put an effort to guess what she wants when communicating with her.

Being a mature person, he just accepted it and took care of her. He shared his food with her and even wipe arms and face after playing.

She didn't made things hard for him. She was easy to manage and very compliant. When he said she must take a bath, she does it on her own, although he still have to say it to her.

Aside from this, his training with Amanda never affected his new life too much.

"I have misjudged you. You are so capable and really amazing, miss Amanda." he smiled wryly.

He was panting, body aching from time to time as he looked at her, his sword was somewhere on the ground far away, result of it being parried away.

"Dear benefactor, you yourself aren't bad. You're better than the first time we practiced. Just keep in mind to always keep your eyes on your opponent, not their weapon. I still notice your eyes closing from time to time although you are no longer backing away." Amanda just pointed out where it hurts for Oliphym, strictly.

Both of them knew what it meant, but its Oliphym who took it to heart and grieved inwardly.

He was unconsciously afraid of getting hurt.

"I will always keep it in mind and work hard on improvements."

"As for the magic-arms, you're doing a good job. But I couldn't really assist you for that one so you'll have to rely on Canna when it comes to that."

He nodded with a smile. He really agrees. Out of the rest, Canna seemed to be skillful and her proficiency shows her experience in using it.

".. Also, I really haven't thanked you properly as well. Although we are very grateful that you freed us that time, your presence is also very assuring for me." with a tinged of blush, she smiles at him.

"Its fine, its normal for a person like me to look after young people like you and people in need." he honestly thought it was normal and he really wanted to help.

Now that he said it, he was reminded of himself, and somehow at the back of his mind he found it strange.

Back on earth, he was a 33 year old worker, so of course he is encountering stuff and problems people that grow old encounters.

But ever since he came here, its almost nonexistent. He felt strange.

Being aware of it now, he feels like he is possessing another body, and its somewhat feels light.

Aside from not having a place to go, he is still clueless about world. Him encountering "magic arms" is already a surprise itself since it resembles firearms from earth.

"Don't be silly, benefactor. You're still young yourself." she smiles and giggles softly at his claim.

"Fine. Also, thank you for keeping me around all this time. I know its hard to look after all of us. With your skills, you could have ended up as someone very important. Please don't address me as benefactor." he said as if stating a fact.

"Okay. Our life before was all that I could ever ask, living in a small village in a Neutral Territory. Its just a normal life." her gentle smile floats on her face as shd spoke.

"I am sorry I brought it up." he knew and he realized he should have been more careful with his words as it just grazed her past.

Recalling the past, she's bound to recall the people she lost.

He had an idea what happened, and this went similarly almost the same to the rest of the group.

For him, its a given, especially when he first met them and how horrible their life was.

Amanda also once brought it up sometimes that there are many more like them, and it was just that their luck that their group encountered them.

"Its pretty normal. In my entire life, it has reached my ears and there were stories going around the village that something like that could happen. Its already a blessing I still have my sister. Compared to the rest, I am blessed."

Now that she pointed it out, if that was the case then it must be true.

His life before is way too peaceful, and civilized. If he was in her shoes, he could take it as something that can't be helped and just move on.

He really admire how strong willed she was, and similarly, he felt the same to the rest of the group.

It must have been something that happens all the time somewhere.

Suddenly both of them turned their heads towards the camp.

They saw Canna hastily going towards them with a serious expression.

"Amanda, something is happening ahead. Dark smoke was rising towards the sky near the direction where we are headed." she said to them.

_ArchKingLynis_ _ArchKingLynis_

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