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57.14% Mewtwo And Riolu Are My Brother. / Chapter 3: Thanks for the scrap metal

Chapter 3: Thanks for the scrap metal

A/N: In previous chapters, we have had Aren and Mewtwo take POV with their thoughts broadcast like SNL commentary. Now the intro are done let us dwell in Riolu's death bringing training montage (cue Rocky's training music effect) done on daily basis. #LETSSAITAMATHISTRAINING!

And we will explore bit of past confrontation between Mewtwo and U.S Navy/Airforce. Also may get their current location of the island and SHIELD's reaction towards the murky skirmish.



P.S- this story will resume after the verification, when it can voting again till then support my other Fanfic... which will come tomorrow and then daily!


- One year ago.

Near the Equator of Atlantic Ocean, An island with no planet's earth's apex predator present was shaken by a shockwave that centred near the rocky side of the land.

Quickly followed by a blue-purple pixelated forced field obscuring the view within the forcefield, enlarge it's capacity till it covered a tank size field and with it came a gravitational pressure that exerted such force that the very ground caved, creating a spherical shape.

(A/N:Pain Yahiko was here, Almighty Push!!!)

The forcefield disappear leaving three small being in it's wake.

The first to recovered being, A bipedal long tailed that rose quickly with floating of the ground before rushing to the side of other two creatures to check their health status.

The blue-black furred raccoon creature with droopy ear had silvered colored spot on it's hand, mainly on it's knuckle and back hand.

And on raccoon's left side was a small child who was awake but was still in such shock that he seemed to be in comatose state after witnessing something more of horror then a reality.

Mewtwo, After finding Riolu to be physically exhaust other than that he seems fine. It is the mental state of Aren that scared him, as he is a small kid whose world right now, was starting to crumble and turning into dust.

Not that right now anything can bring immediate help or prevent him from being emotionally unstable, Mewtwo could only wait for the time to tell the result of this horrifying trauma but right now, if anything he need to know the place or dimension they seem to ripped into and gather knowledge of the planet's habitants.

"Arceus's titty sake, Let this planet's people be some normal folks...

Not some of those power-hungry megalomaniac with delusion of World domination or be some genocidal maniacs."

(A/N: GIOVANNI felt a bad premonition... So did MAXIE &ARCHIE and AKAGI.)

Mewtwo quickly built up his psych and release a wave of sonar function pulse that should inform him of almost all his questions.

After thirteen breath of time, he found the planet's inhabitants cities all over the globe and found the possible size of the planet may be much smaller then their oceanic planet. The gravitational pull of the planet was also 3.21 times weaker than the original they were accustomed to.

Mewtwo lifted both their bodies toward the field area about three hundred feets away from the rocky pattern they just arrive to, with that done he telepathically took over a human's mind that lived in the closest city near their location; or so the aboriginal people of the planet call themselves.

He quickly did a brief scan over the world's current era and history, plus had the person ordered 'Pizzas' as well as some carbonated drinking water with over the health guidelines sugar required called 'Coca Cola'.

Teleporting the products straight to the island and having gain enough knowledge, mostly on the language so called 'English' and others namely 'spanish', 'Hindi' though the information of this two were scarce in this human's mind... not that it would be any problem as the human species population seem to be so over inflated to the point, several other species of creatures are extinct as of result.

So one to two hundred people missing may not alarm the regional Government based upon the man's understanding of human trafficking or crimes present in current world.


General William Gabriel POV:

I am an old Airforce veteran, now successfully donning the title of General but I know that the title is more of flashcard then actual one because most of my promotion are benefits having weapon developer through one of my corp's Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes via the 'Merchant of the Death' Stark.

Most of the tasks are handled by Colonels and their Lieutenants.

Then why fuck are they disturbing my vacation in before it begun?... I hate my job, bye Las Vegas Parties and Boozes.



"Somebody better have information on what caused that motherfucking giant ass Sonar frequency that could scrample almost all of our HQ's finest hardwares, while some cheap-ass laptops could be fine....

Where the Fuck am I spending all the tax payers money?"

A Black man donned in long black blazer glared with one eye on the SHIELD's top analysts as he started shouting curse words... Some of new recruits were shitting their pants, yellowed liquid started to drip from the victim's chair as --.....

(A/N: Dude, no need to go into detail on description of shit... Fuck, here come my lunch... UGHHHH!!!)



A slight air disrupting sound could be heard that trails behind a Military spy drone to be specific MQ-9 Reaper series that was more focused on reconnaissance but still equiped with two more AGM-114 Hellfire; which had blast radius of twenty meters with brute force of heat and shockwave could rapture a human's eardrum in mild cases or could mincemeat the lungs while roasting the fleshs to their innards.

(A/N: You are getting to into the fucking descriptions... Focus, You shitty writer.)

Anyway, not that any normal human would hear the sound after all it was being produced up in an altitude of more then 30,000 feets above the ground.

But Mewtwo was nothing but ordinary, even in cases of Pokemon... he was a Legendary Psychic Pokemon created from the first Progenitor of all Pokemon's Species.

He calmly crush Core CPU of the Reaper or Sheeper... or wasn't it shitter... The Drone couldn't even broadcast the island's location as it was about to come in direction of the island but still had more than 30 miles of distances to cover.

Mewtwo teleported the Drone near his position before floating near it and started to inspect the technological components of the drone while also disabling the Locations tracker.

'This mongrels of human have such disrespect for others privacy...Still thanks to those idiots for the scrap metal...Hehe....Ohhh!! They have launched more of this scraps now I think I am starting see these actions as more of a welcome gift from those idiots.'

SageOfSins SageOfSins


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