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28.57% Mewtwo And Riolu Are My Brother. / Chapter 1: Bend the light.

Chapter 1: Bend the light.

Note: if you are planning to read then just know I love you already....JK.(or am I?)



P.S- this story will resume after the verification, when it can voting again till then support my other Fanfic... which will come tomorrow and then daily!


"Don't let that vermin get away this time !!"

"You, brat.. stop this instance or we will really kill you this time."

A small paled figured blurred through the busy crowd of the street, before quickly entering the small alleyway near the Chinese restaurent, only for his misfortune the lead of pursuers noticed his figures before he enter the small alley.


"Boys, there! He ran towards the alley near the restaurant.... Come on!!! Today, he is going to feel my boots on his face... hehehe."

As for the possible would-be victim, he shuddered as the pursuers noticed his almost scot-free escape.

He quickly, tighten his black beanie and look up toward some of the building's top floor from the dead-end alley before closing his eyes and started to concentrate on something with his fist tighten.

The pursuers, like a pack of jackals started to rejoice with glee as they near the alley, but soon as if dominoes tumble, each of the eight boys expressions started to mirror each other in frustration as they found the alleyway to be empty.

"Fuck... How does that bastard disappear every single time?"

"Shit... I wasted an entire afternoon just to catch him, only for him to disappear like a Houdini...

This is too frustrating.."

-BANG- (kicks a dustbin.)

Two of the members started to search the bins near the wall before they went away, most of them expressing their emotions inform of constipated looks on their faces.



I love how those idiots think that they can or have the slightest chance to catch me, like seriously their parents need to teach them the some important lessons on life; What was it now??....

OHHH YEAH!!! Not every hole is for your D.... ohhh sorry got the wrong one, hehehe!!!

Now where was I in my cool introduction? Oh I remembered!

*cue spotlights*

Anyway, my name is Aren, and I am a .....* wait for it* ...*little bit more*... a Super being, super as in capital S.

(A/N: what happen to the lesson those parents need to teach those idio....I mean kids?)

You, ordinary readers cough *mongrels* cough... May think Aren do you have powers? What is it?

Oh by oh by, I may suffer from little bit case of condition called ADHD, Not that you need to over focus on that issue it is a condition that causes my attention to be all over the place but you guys, who are as handsome as a Choji Amakichi don't need to worry, cause I am fine.

(A/N: seriously, dude answer my question. Don't leave me hanging... it's starting to get awkward.)

My power or as I call it the 'all-spark', not as in firework sparks but the 'Fatboy' that got dump Japan kinda spark...

I'm just kidding, my ability or as in abilities seems bit of teleportation and a barrier that reflects attacks that may come up my ass.

Now, my older brother says that the later ability of mine seems like 'wombat'... No, that's not it... Wobbocat'... Ohh, I remembered he called it 'Wobbuffet', not that I have single penny sized clue what that means.

(A/N: I think, I sense one of the multiverse creators, maybe in form of a white goat that may or may not have ship steering wheel stuck in his gut is sad that someone is talking shit about one of his subject, No he isn't!!)

Now, that those idiots left, I think I should go back to my family's island or my older brother is seriously gonna peel my skin and create a clothes as a gift to one of those 'DUSCLOPS' wanna be called Egyptian mummy to keep it warm in night this time.

Oh, I completely forgot to tell you guys that I may have currently hidden on roof top of the Chinese restaurant and may or may not have ordered a 'chicken kungpow' or something, not that I cared for the name but still it's seriously delicious...

And I think I paid for the dish from the collections of money, I got from those customers who left some more notes on table before leaving.

(A/N: god, what have you done? *dial*

911... I want to report a crime.)

As I finished the dish, I borrowed three more of the same 'chicken shaolin kung-fu' from the small window where they seems to passes the dishes. Don't judge me, ok? I am a poor kid, an orphan kid with no money on his pocket. And you should seriously ignore roll of papers in my jacket, alright... It's my exam paper, ok?

(A/N: MAD RESPECT!! *_*)

So I visualised the entrance spot of section 'Johto' , before I knew it I was greet by that foul salted water smell.

Have I told you guys, that I hate sea water ... I mean I love water and I love salted food but I seriously hate ocean water, and I think the feeling seemed to be mutual.

The round hieroglyph on the ground is the symbols on which I have to concentrate to teleport transcontinental or as an mexican immegrant, But if I tried to teleport on other non-marked area on Island then I am good as the thing between the two loaf of bread in burger. Grounded meat!

For you to understand the security of the island, you could say a that 'Themyscira' and 'Wat-kanda land' can suck major D---(censored), Don't even ask about shitty Pentagon or MI series Agency would know our location cause they would think you are an idiot.

Anyhow not everything was this way, when we first came to this island my older brother being a carbon copy of something called 'bat-wayne' started to, how does he describe that as bending the light and scrambling radio waves or something...

And on a serious note, how does radio have waves?

Does it wave it's hand or does it have like ocean-water-kinda-waves?

Now you see our island is made up of four section and a main central quarter, with north, west, east and south named as 'Johto', 'kanto', 'sinnoh' and lastly 'Hoenn' in their respective orders.

And the main central quarter is the one where we, brothers as in three brothers sleep and eat, Also that's where I am headed to deliver the restaurant dish, hope they give much tips... 45% percent tip and I am in heaven.

Oh, Well I can already see the building outline of our temporary/semi-permanent home in this world. And I think I can see a small bipadel feline floating... wait, that's my older brother.

Man, I hate walking toward such distance... why does old bro gotta be a dick about it and made the island 'non-teleportable zone'. I think I hate him, that egoistic bastard.

[A/N: well, give critics if you want, and those who see some grammatical errors or some shit, please leave a para-comment or chapter comments...

And wish you all a 'stool-day'!!!]

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