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22.72% One Piece: Luffy Elder Brother / Chapter 5: The Island In The Sky

Chapter 5: The Island In The Sky

"That sucks, what I'm I going to do now?" Within the clouds, I stood on the sun I had created lost in thought. I will admit, I didn't think things through when I wanted to join the Marines, but upon realizing I would just be working against those I disdain... well, I realized it was best I just leave.

Now I had two paths ahead of me. Form something like a pirate, which sounds annoying. or go ahead and train to better master my Haki.

Haki is a mysterious power that allows individuals to harness their spiritual energy for various superhuman feats. As this energy manifests from willpower, it is theoretically open to all of the world's living creatures; the vast majority, however, are either ignorant or unable to achieve mastery. Haki users are common in the New World, rare in Paradise, and non-existent in the Four Blues.

The first type of Haki is known as Observation Haki, which gives the user a sixth sense of the world around them, allowing them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of other people, even if they are out of sight or far away. It also grants limited precognitive abilities, allowing the user to sense their opponents' intentions and predict their actions and attacks before they happen. An advanced level of use of this Haki allows the user to actually foresee a short period into the future.

Armament Haki is the second type of haki, which allows the user to use their own aura as armor to defend against attacks, as well as make their attacks more potent. It can also be used to bypass Devil Fruit defenses, such as the intangibility of a Logia. A person can apply the armament to a section of their body, over their entire body, and even imbue it onto their weapons. A coating of Armament will cause the coated area to turn a shiny black, and a particularly thick and powerful coating will have a flame-like pattern along its edge.

An advanced level of Armament allows the user to emit the armament a short distance without a medium. A higher grade of advanced Armament allows the user to make the emitted armament flow into a target's body and destroy it from the inside out, thereby bypassing pretty much all defenses.

Lastly, Conqueror's Haki grants the user the ability to unleash their willpower to overpower the will of others. This results in victims being mentally overwhelmed by the user, with particularly weak-willed foes instantly losing consciousness. It can also apply pressure onto objects and damage them, a clash between two particularly strong Conqueror's users is capable of "splitting the heavens". Unlike the other types of Haki which anyone can learn, Haoshoku is a rare ability that only one in several million people are born with the ability to use.

An advanced level of Conqueror's Haki allows the user to infuse their conquering spirit into their weapons and physical attacks, greatly augmenting their power. Only a small handful of the most powerful Conqueror's Haki users can achieve this. It also increases the reach of one attack, allowing you to damage something without coming into contact with it.

Other than this were the devil's fruits. Each and every Devil Fruit is categorized into one of three types, based on the type of power they grant. The three types are Logia, Zoan, and Paramecia.

The most common of the three Devil Fruit types, Paramecia-type Devil Fruits grant their users any one of a wide variety of superhuman powers; these powers include things like shock wave generation and locking onto targets. Paramecia Fruits can alter features of the user's body, granting them a slippery physique, a body of blades, or the ability to split their own body into pieces harmlessly. Some Paramecia Fruits allow the user to modify the people, objects, and environment around them by making things levitate or turning people into toys. Finally, some fruits exist that allow users to generate and manipulate substances, like wax or poison.

The users of Zoan-type Devil Fruits gain the ability to transform into a specific animal, as well as transform into a hybrid form that combines attributes of their own species and the species the fruit allows them to transform into. Unlike other Devil Fruits, Zoan-type fruits are said to have a will of their own. A recently discovered science allows Zoan Fruits to be integrated into inanimate objects, bringing the object to life and granting it the standard Zoan transformations. Zoan fruits greatly enhance the user's physical abilities and are the best kind of power for augmenting melee combat. Carnivorous animal Zoans are better suited for combat due to their predatory attributes. Some Zoan even grant special abilities based on the animal,

Aside from most Zoans that transform their users into animals that currently exist, there are two known sub-classifications:

Ancient - Zoan Fruits that allow the user to transform into an extinct species, such as dinosaurs. Ancient Zoans are rare, and they appear to be stronger than regular Zoans. Some have even displayed atypical physical abilities that their users claim real animals naturally possess.

Mythical - Zoan Fruits that allow the user to transform into mythological creatures, such as a dragon or a phoenix. Mythical Zoan animals tend to have additional special powers, like a phoenix Zoan being able to generate flames that have healing powers. Mythical Zoans are the rarest type of Devil Fruit, even more so than Logias.

The rarest and most powerful of the three Devil Fruit types, Logia-type Devil Fruits allow their users to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element, such as sand, mud, smoke, lightning, plant life, and even darkness. 

The elemental transformation effectively makes the user intangible, as well as allowing the user to remain in control of their body, even when it is broken into pieces. They also gain every ability related to that element, such as sand being able to absorb moisture or light being able to travel at light speed. The darkness element and its power of all-consuming absorption have the unique ability to nullify any other Devil Fruit power upon contact with the user. Some Logia Devil Fruits even grant the user an infinite amount of space inside their elemental body.

The most prominent consequence of eating a Devil Fruit is the weakness of seawater: the sea hates and rejects Devil Fruit users due to perceiving them as inhuman, causing them to become weak and helpless while submerged in water, also referred to as "becoming a hammer". Though this weakness is usually referred to as the inability to swim, a more accurate definition is that the seawater itself is the weakness. The inability to move their body in the sea is simply a byproduct of that weakness. Devil Fruit users are susceptible to all types of water, not just seawater. This includes the white sea surrounding Skypiea. However, it should be noted that just being wet is not enough to induce weakness and nullify the user's powers; the same is true for water inside the Devil Fruit user's body, such as water that the user drinks,

In a world made up almost entirely of the ocean, being weak against the sea can prove deadly to many Devil Fruit users, such as pirates and Marines sailing on the Grand Line.

Coming into contact with Seastone has the same effect on a Devil Fruit user as falling into the sea, it will drain the Devil Fruit user of their stamina and nullify their powers, the only difference is that lack of the risk of drowning. This weakening effect only works upon direct and constant physical contact with the Devil Fruit user in question, as the effect stops immediately once the Devil Fruit user is no longer in contact with the substance.

The effects of Devil Fruit's powers can also be reversed or nullified by an opponent Haki. However, the user must possess a very powerful level of Haki to accomplish this. This means, that just because you have a devil fruit that allows you to turn someone into a toy as soon as you touch them, doesn't mean it would work on those with strong enough Haki.

Also, although Logia-type devil fruit users are untouchable by most stuff, those with Haki can touch them. Pretty much, Haki was a key element in this world. People like Garp and the Pirate King reached the peak of this world without the need for a devil fruit, I had the talent to do the same as well, it was just that I spent most of my time training my Observation Haki and body, but even then I could only improve its quality.

To truly master Haki, it's through battle. The Basics can be taught to you without the need for a battle, but the rest such as seeing into the future, destruction from the inside out, or using your conqueror haki to boost your attack power, that comes to you in the heat of battle.

So, I should best focus on training, meaning traveling all over the seas searching for worthy fighters. I will of course go to the grand line to search for worthy fighters, so I headed off. Due to the fact I was like 10 years before One Piece truly started, many things have yet to take place, such as the world lord system, meaning Doflamingo had yet to take over Dressrose, he would have been someone I would have wanted to fight, but he should be weak right now.

I could go to the Beast Pirate, I'm sure they have taken over Wano by now. Kaidou was one of the 4 emperors of the sea, I knew I wasn't his match just yet. maybe at Noon, I could fight him, but I'm not sure if I could defeat him.

The Four Emperors, which constitute one of the Three Great Powers, are a group of four pirates considered to be the most notorious and powerful captains in the world. Currently, the Emperors are Red-Haired Shanks, Whitebeard, Big Mom, and Kaidou of the Beasts.

If I had to say where my strength fell, at Noon I should be around Admiral level. I said around, as I believe I was somewhat weaker. but at night, I should be around base gear Luffy after the 2-year time skip level of power. That was low, but it was mainly thanks to the fact for the past 18 years I spent training my body to withstand the solar energy I absorbed, not to be strong or anything.

If anything, it's impressive I was this strong without the sun. But since I could now travel the world, and bathe in the sun while being careful, I should see a huge growth in my strength...

So, time passed with me traveling the sea. I made sure to travel while within the sun, ensuring the sun above never disappeared, this pretty much gave me an endless amount of energy. This also allowed me to come to a few understandings about myself,

the first being I didn't need to eat or drink water so long as my cells had solar energy. pretty much, solar energy was taking the role of food and water, allowing me to act as if I were on a full stomach. I also found out that I didn't need sleep, as my mind and body were both being charged up by the sun.

This was the longest I stayed in the sun, and I felt the improvement. The improvement was far more noticeable than in those years were I stepped out for a quick second, before returning inside, right now, I felt the improvement spilling into all parts of my body.

I was like a battery... no, a battery wasn't the best word for this as a battery had a limit. My limit keeps improving. The closest thing that came to mind was cultivation, at first my cells could only take in a said amount of solar energy before the risk of being fat, sun cancer, and other stuff popped up. but that said limit to how much solar energy I take in is increased after I absorb a said amount of solar energy and give my cells time to break down that energy. this leads to my cells breaking through their limits, becoming stronger, 

Maybe I would have found this out sooner if I had stayed in the sun more, and hadn't panicked to release the solar energy out of my system before my cells began to start breaking down. That would be the start of me getting sun cancer after all.

As my cells went through this evolution, I could feel the overall quality of my being transforming. My mind and body. Right now, I was only immune to swords and stuff because of how hard my muscles were, as well as the fact I might have evolved my cells in the past without knowing, leading to my flesh being stronger than most men.

But with how I saw things were going, then in the future, I would be like Superman, bullets, swords, and other such things would not be able to break through my skin. I wonder what were the limits to my cell's evolution, would one day I need the whole sun to refine in order to break through my limits? would one day each one of my cells need a whole sun to refine?

"... a floating island," I said in a low voice looking the the island above me which was floating. this wasn't the city in the sky, I was sure this was something else. From my memory of this world, the only being this could be was Golden Lion Shiki... but he was a non-cannon character.

'No, he is cannon. I remember hearing in the anime that someone escaped impel down, which should only be him. plus, there was that one manga page that showed him a part of Rocks Pirates. I wonder why he never showed up in the anime and just hinted at him... plus, he escaped 10 years ago, I wonder how strong he could be.' I thought, wanting to test the improvement I just went through after my cells seemingly broke my limits. With a flash, the sun under my feet shot towards the island, before I went on to land.

'Who knows... I might take this place for myself. I don't mind defeating an already powerful pirate crew and having them work under me. it would save me time and effort.' I thought while my conqueror haki spread out, and after a moment, a golden-haired man who had a boat steering wheel in his head floated towards me, at where his legs once were, one could see swords that had taken the leg's place.

"Who are you?" Golden Lion Shiki asked with a frown, he looked down below before looking back at me. he was sure no one should be able to sense him this high up, in fact, most log posts couldn't even pick up his island,

"I'm Monkey D Sora," I said with a faint smile, while Shiki looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Monkey? Are you Dragon's Boy?" Shiki asked to which I nodded lightly, Shiki's eyes narrowed lightly, followed by his powerful Conqueror Haki shooting towards me, robbing the world of its color. I didn't disappoint him as my Haki shot out, clashing with his.

"I came to challenge you, the winner is the boss of this pirate crew... deal?" I asked with a grin seeing Shiki's shocked look. how couldn't he be shocked when a brat conqueror haki was no less than his? but that shocked look slowly disappeared, replaced with a grin... for too long the sea was boring. ever since the Pirate King was gone, the sea was just too boring, it had been a long time since he got a good fight

"What is your dream boy?" Shiki asked with a smile, he could see a person with a bright future, and he knew what he was looking at

"Dream? I don't dream, for that would mean something is out of my reach. If I want it, I take it, simple as that. As for what I want? I simply want an adventure thats worth it, old man, you may be past your prime, but I'm not one to look down upon the old... be my right-hand man." I said with a smile, to think I would change my mind about being a pirate so quickly... but the idea of beating up the strong and having them follow me was... well, it made my blood boil. 

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