"This is a little too crazy." Walker gave up on trying to fuse the earth and the water to make a frozen earth whip. The idea had been good for a heavier attack but bad for speed. Not only this, but it was not an easy to use skill in the heat of battle. The only reason he had wanted to use it was because he would be able to surprise Alice.
Knowing that the water was the most prominent elemental mana around due to the previous rain the other night, Walker started to think about the water related skills he could use. However, that brought him to an idea. A brilliant idea.
Light elemental mana was strong. It could break through a lot but it needed to be able to come from the surroundings. Mostly, the sun. during dark ways when the sun was trapped behind clouds or even at night, the light elemental mana was weaker. It would struggle to gather anywhere let alone when someone manipulated it.
oooooo, they have a date!!!!!