By the time the wandering blacksmith had leaned back and let out a massive sigh, the stack of blue prints were the same height as him sitting at the table. There were so many ideas that would need to be forged when the wandering blacksmith made all of his tools again and again. The different elemental affinity materials alone would force him to go and travel more. Or, the people that came to Genesis city might bring them. There were too many potentials.
"Will you rest now? You have been drawing for over three straight hours after investigating the forge." Onyx had a slight tone of worry in him since he thought the wandering blacksmith could be exhausted from the journey and the emotional rush when Midnight was taken. It was even harder to believe that the day had already come to darkness and that they were still able to function.
Things should be properly fixed now. Again, thank you for the heads up! I appreciate my loyal readers for pointing out flaws or the ideas you share with me. It is always exciting to see your thoughts!