The three wandered down the street admiring the nobles' mansions and high end shops. This was not the area where the main festivities would happen but it was grand nine the less. There were many orange, yellow, and green fabrics and ribbons blowing in a slight breeze. They hung from doorways and windows giving off the bright and cheery feelings.
This was a tradition that had come to be to signify the winds bringing the changing leaves. Even though the colors had yet to change in their area, the harvested produce would mimic the colors. The days would go on with these brilliant colors until the night would fall. The colors would then brighten up the darkness and scare away the chill in the air, or at least this was what the tradition said would happen.
"I think it's weird seeing that the noble do the same things we do. But their fabrics are so much brighter than the ones in the lower tier homes." Lisa had expected a lot more than the refined and bright decorations.