Onyx was excited to see the new skill he had received from the quest. His feelings were jumbled since it said he needed to grow more to level up but this was acceptable since he knew that he could perish if he was able to level up above his body's means.
"I also received the skill, should I read it or would you like the lead since you are your partys' leader." Scylla was willing to let Walker read the skill allowed after he looked at Onyx's information. This was a respectful nod to him since the party was jumping right in to a meeting about what had just occurred along with the fact that she was sitting in on it for the moment.
"We will step back and allow you the privacy you deserve," Wade spoke after grasping the situation and pulled Alma with him. The two ordered the enforcers to return to those trainees that had overexerted themselves and make sure they had not been affected by the dense natural mana that had come from the world shake.
Things are getting busy