Walker was trying to get ahead to ask Wade but this but his balance and speed were lacking. This was too unfamiliar to him. Gil was fairing better since he was used to walking through the uneven terrains of the forest while hunting.
Su was the slowest but she had a much better grip on the situation because of her sight. She was able to see the best places to jump to that would hold her weight and give her the most efficient footing.
Remey was more or less just running around having a blast. She was enjoying the rush from jumping above the larger gaps and not stopping at all. It was a rare opportunity for her to run free so high above the world. Of all the people to be enjoying it so much Walker was surprised that it was Remey. He would have bet that she was unhappy to be off the solid ground where she could burst in to punches or kicks.
another species unique skill!!!!! Tarzan mode activate!