"Gil! Listen, you definitely should make a ton of the elemental arrows and I will store them in my inventory. Then you can use whatever ones you want in a set. But I want you to use the horned rabbits paralyzing poison to make some paralyzing arrows too. I would prefer to have some arrows that won't kill an opponent. Some situations don't need us to kill things." Walker was dead set in this and Gil did not look like he would argue.
"Fine, but we need to get more crystals so i can use the my new arrow crafting skill." Gil practically bounced in place. He had lost a lot of his normal coolness after figuring this out. However the more walker looked at him the more he realized something. Gil's eyes were sunken in and he had dark circles under them. His body had plenty of scratches from traveling through the brush in the woods in search of prey.
ha-HA! Thought I forgot about that quest hmmm???